Letterboxd ratings on IMDb

Shows a film's Letterboxd rating on its IMDb page.

< Valutazione su Letterboxd ratings on IMDb

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 13/10/2024
Modificato: 13/10/2024

Is it posible to have the Letterboxd rating in Base 10, something like in the image below?
Thanks in advace.

Pubblicato: 14/10/2024

I vote for this.

Pubblicato: 25/11/2024

Hi and thanks for the suggestion. I like this too but I'm not sure everyone will want it like that. I am looking into the best way of implementing this.

Pubblicato: 25/11/2024

Anyway, I edit the code myself for me, I use something like "letterboxd.ratings + letterboxd.ratings / 10", and it works like a charm. :D

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