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Youtube - hide "Download" and other buttons under video

Hide "Share", "Download", "Clip", "Thanks" and "Save" buttons under video.

< Valutazione su Youtube - hide "Download" and other buttons under video

Recensione: Male - lo script non funziona

Pubblicato: 28/06/2022

Hi Team,
currently it only hide the "Download" button, while other buttons are still there, maybe yt changed something there, so that the script need kind of update?

i randomly choose 2 videos to know the issue, so you can test it randomly also in your end.


Pubblicato: 29/06/2022

Hello, I just checked it and the script is working for me.
However "Download" button is gone even without script, so I think it was removed by YouTube.
Buttons get hidden only if interface language is English by the way, so check language settings please and send screenshots.

Pubblicato: 01/07/2022
However "Download" button is gone even without script, so I think it was removed by YouTube.

sometimes what you said is correct, while some other times, it's not, detailed as beneath:

oh, well, i just randomly pick up this one for testing:

left is normal window with account loginned, right is incognito window WITHOUT account loginned(the scenario as you replied):

as <1st_original_20220701225140.png> showed, it's the original status, yup, i also just noticed they're(can be) different for the same video-id in the same device;

as <2nd_hidden_20220701225157.png> showed,
1stly: your script works in both windows;
2nd: the left is with the issue that i described in this ticket, while the right is totally fine as previously;
2.1 i know current solution can uncover view count and upload date ALREADY by hidding "Download" button, so the main point here for this ticket is: why it can't hide the other buttons as previously?
2.2 anyway, it cause space-occupation, not kind of empty, compared with previously, which is not well as previously.

Thanks for the consideration & possible fulfilment.

Pubblicato: 01/07/2022

as attached the 2nd one.

Pubblicato: 01/07/2022

Hello, I don't quite understand what is the problem. I tested script in incognito window, while logged on and off. It works in all cases. I can't fix the problem if I can't reproduce it.

Pubblicato: 02/07/2022

oh...well...i know it kind of confusing, since i described it.

anyway, i'd described it clearly the issue, if you iterate my description for more time(s), since i'd described the context quite apparently.

my tip:
you can refer to the 2 screenshots for better understanding the context.


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