YouTube Clickbait-Buster

Check whether it's worth watching a video before actually clicking on it by peeking it's visual or verbal content, description, comments, viewing the thumbnail in full-size and displaying the full title. Works on both YouTube's desktop and mobile layouts, and is also compatible with dark theme.

< Valutazione su YouTube Clickbait-Buster

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 30/04/2024

View Hi-Res Thumbnail is not working and hasn't for a long time now.
Any help with a fix would be great thanks.

Pubblicato: 30/04/2024
Modificato: 30/04/2024

It's working fine here, as it always did. Most likely it's another userscript or extension you have installed that is causing a conflict, or something is wrong on your end.

Pubblicato: 01/05/2024

It's working fine here, as it always did. Most likely it's another userscript or extension you have installed that is causing a conflict, or something is wrong on your end.

My apologies, it turns out one of the userscript I created is interfering with it.
The script I made was a blocking script for the stupid youtube doodles/yoodles or whatever they are called.
I'm not sure how I can fix it because I'm not a coder and I made it using ChatGPT and the little bit of knowledge I have of css and html, which is very limited.

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