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Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 01/11/2024

It works. Just wish there was some indicator showing that worked! Something like "Filtered: 8 Sources, 17 Titles, 2 Members"

Pubblicato: 21/12/2024

Hi! That's a good suggestion, thank you. I'll see what can be done.

Pubblicato: 22/12/2024

Alright, a new version is up: - results will display at the bottom of the page.

Pubblicato: 22/12/2024

Bravo, excellent work - IT WORKS! Thanks so much for the update.

Pubblicato: 22/12/2024
Modificato: 22/12/2024

I do got a filter that I think can't work (and it doesn't) but perhaps the script was/isn't designed for it...

I want to filter ALL Substack instances. Thing is, all substack entries are in format of Right now a generic filter of will never flag those.

I'm not really asking for that broad functionality; just want to confirm with you that, yeah that's indeed a limitation. (I can work with blocking specific, most-egregious substack posters.)

Pubblicato: 22/12/2024

Ah yep, that is a limitation, but let me see what I can do about it.

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