Reddit Comment Expander

Expands reddit comments by default to mitigate the Crowd Control feature

< Valutazione su Reddit Comment Expander

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 01/10/2021

To get this working, I had to change Line #17. It looks like reddit changed the css class name.

let comments = document.querySelectorAll(".thing.collapsed:not(.collapsed-for-reason)");

let comments = document.querySelectorAll(".thing.collapsed:not(.collapsed-reason)");

Pubblicato: 01/10/2021

many thanks for contributing.
do you have an example thread with crowd control on I can compare the change on?

Pubblicato: 01/10/2021

if I go to
and do
let comments = document.querySelectorAll(".thing.collapsed-for-reason");
alert(comments.length); I get 2 results the not is successfully negating ".collapsed-for-reason"
If i do:
let comments = document.querySelectorAll(".thing.collapsed-reason");
alert(comments.length); I get 4 results as the not is not successfully negating ".collapsed-reason"

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