Bypassa FileCrypt

Bypassa Filecrypt e ottieni il collegamento originale! Prova prima questa versione. Se Bypass Filecrypt mostra un "2" nella pagina e non reindirizza alla destinazione finale, allora rimuovi questo script e prova Bypass Filecrypt (XHR) al suo posto.

< Valutazione su Bypassa FileCrypt

Recensione: Male - lo script non funziona

Pubblicato: 09/03/2022

It's not working for me. I have used Brave and Yandex browsers with TamperMonkey/Violent Monkey.
The URL is this:

Pubblicato: 09/03/2022

Hi, can you please post an url to a specific file that is not working?

Pubblicato: 17/03/2022

I've checked the problem, and the reason it doesn't work for these links is that for those files there isn't a DLC file with the full list of final links. I've updated the script to show a message if this is not possible to get the list of links. In any case, you can click on the download buttons to get the final links one by one, and the script should still work in this way.

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