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Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 26/09/2021

Hey @Taddiboy - I've been using this script for a while now, and I love it, but it seemed to stop working recently, with no indication why. I'm on Vivaldi and it was working up until a week or two ago (though it may well have stopped working before then and I just didn't notice). Any idea why and can it be fixed? Thanks! Once it's fixed, I'll change the rating to Good, of course... :)

Tad WohlrappAutore
Pubblicato: 21/10/2021

Hey Chris, thank you for your feedback!

That's weird, it works for me still with Violentmonkey on Chrome. Which extension and browser are you using?

Pubblicato: 21/10/2021

I'm using v1.3.0 on the current version of Vivaldi via the current version of Tampermonkey. It worked perfectly when I installed it several months ago, but then it stopped working sometime in the last 6-8 weeks or so. Of course, I'm sure the browser was updated during that time, though... :) Thanks!


Tad WohlrappAutore
Pubblicato: 22/10/2021

Alright, thank you for the detailed report and screenshot. I narrowed it down to Tampermonkey breaking it. Tried both Violentmonkey and Tampermonkey on Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi and Firefox.

Using Violentmonkey the script works in all of them, but using Tampermonkey it only works in Firefox. So there's an issue with Tampermonkey on Chromium-based browsers. I'll investigate and try to fix it.

Thanks again for letting me know! :)

Tad WohlrappAutore
Pubblicato: 24/10/2021

I just published a minor bugfix (1.3.1), which should take care of the issue and restore functionality.

Pubblicato: 24/10/2021

Yay - back to the way it was! :)

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