Anime Website (Custom) Buttons Plus

A script that adds buttons on Anime Planet, MAL, Kitsu, Anilist and aniDB for searching various sites.

< Valutazione su Anime Website (Custom) Buttons Plus

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 29/06/2021
Modificato: 29/06/2021

A new AniList update that adds an "Adult" tag next to the title breaks this script for me (or at least it means I just have to delete the word adult off the end of every query now).

Pubblicato: 12/07/2021

Sorry for the late reply but I can't find an anime with that tag, is this still an issue?

Pubblicato: 13/07/2021

Sorry, I should have supplied more information.

The test title I used is this one:
You will also need to check the "18+" checkbox in the settings to be able to see these titles:

Pubblicato: 19/07/2021

Should be fixed now, and again, sorry for not replaying sooner, Greasy Fork emails were going to my spam folder.

Pubblicato: 24/07/2021

Yes, it works now. Thanks!

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