Google Search Display URL

Display page URLs under the page names (legacy feature).

< Valutazione su Google Search Display URL

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 19/03/2022

not working

It works fine in my environment. Please let me know your web browser, the extension you are using, their version and the URL that does not work.

Pubblicato: 20/03/2022
Modificato: 20/03/2022

Chrome: Version 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Extension tampermonkey / violentmonkey tested and also did not work; any search

EDIT: It seems like google has added this by themselves now? :O

Thanks for the information.

I have investigated and found that there is a problem in Greasy Fork’s user CSS conversion function (cannot convert @-moz-document regexp() correctly), so I have disabled the conversion of this user CSS to user script. Please use it as user CSS until the problem is resolved on Greasy Fork.

EDIT: It seems like google has added this by themselves now? :O

It used to be, but it is no longer there, so I created this user CSS.

Pubblicato: 20/03/2022
Modificato: 20/03/2022

I have reported a problem with this matter.

@-moz-document regexp("\\.") is new RegExp("\\\\.") would be converted to · Issue #1055 · JasonBarnabe/greasyfork

Pubblicato: 20/03/2022

ty works now

The problem seems to have been fixed on the Greasy Fork side, so I enabled the conversion.

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