Greasy Fork is available in English.

Keybindings for Inkarnate

Adds keybindings to all mapping function in

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Keybinds can be viewed inside the script and I'll post them below. They can also be changed inside the script.

Generally, "1-8" are for changing the different tools.

"qwe" are for pushing buttons (like place/select)

The arrow keys are for the main scale. Up/down scales by a larger amount. If there is a secondary number, it's "uiop". If there is a third, it's "kl".

For selecting from a dropdown, generally it's the first letter of the word.

Globally, the numpad +- zooms in and out, numpad 4862 moves the screen, 5 resets.

All keybinds:

sculpt: {
    mode: {
        add: 'a',
        subtract: 's'
    shape: {
        circle: 'c',
        block: 'b',
        hex: 'h'
    size: {
        more: 'ArrowRight',
        less: 'ArrowLeft',
        moreMore: 'ArrowUp',
        lessLess: 'ArrowDown'
brush: {
    chooseTexture: {
        open: 'q'
    layer: {
        fg: 'f',
        bg: 'g'
    shape: {
        circle: 'c',
        block: 'b',
        hex: 'h'
    size: {
        more: 'ArrowRight',
        less: 'ArrowLeft',
        moreMore: 'ArrowUp',
        lessLess: 'ArrowDown'
    softness: {
        more: 'o',
        less: 'i',
        moreMore: 'p',
        lessLess: 'u'
    opacity: {
        moreMore: 'l',
        lessLess: 'k'
object: {
    mode: {
        place: 'q',
        select: 'w'
    layer: {
        fg: 'f',
        bg: 'g'
    chooseObject: {
        open: 'e'
    scale: {
        value: {
            more: 'o',
            less: 'i',
            moreMore: 'p',
            lessLess: 'u'
pattern: {
    mode: {
        place: 'q',
        select: 'w'
    choosePattern: {
        open: 'e'
    scale: {
        more: 'o',
        less: 'i',
        moreMore: 'p',
        lessLess: 'u'
    cycleSelection: {
        cycle: 'c'
text: {
    mode: {
        place: 'q',
        select: 'w'
    size: {
        more: 'o',
        less: 'i',
        moreMore: 'p',
        lessLess: 'u'
    bold: {
        toggle: 'b'
note: {
    mode: {
        place: 'q',
        select: 'w'
grid: {
    type: {
        hex: 'h',
        square: 's'
    opacity: {
        more: 'o',
        less: 'i',
        moreMore: 'p',
        lessLess: 'u'
    size: {
        more: 'ArrowRight',
        less: 'ArrowLeft',
        moreMore: 'ArrowUp',
        lessLess: 'ArrowDown'
    width: {
        more: 'l',
        less: 'k'
global: {
    tools: {
        sculpt: '1',
        brush: '2',
        object: '3',
        pattern: '4',
        text: '5',
        note: '6',
        grid: '7',
        zoom: '8'
    zoom: {
        upleft: 103, // these are key codes for the numpad
        up: 104,
        upright: 105,
        right: 102,
        downright: 99,
        down: 98,
        downleft: 97,
        left: 100,
        zoomIn: 107,
        zoomOut: 109,
        reset: 101
    delete: 'Delete'