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Twitter/X - clickable links to images and show uncropped thumbnails

All image posts in Twitter/X Home, other blog streams and single post views link to the high-res "orig" version. Thumbnail images in the stream are modified to display uncropped.

< Valutazione su Twitter/X - clickable links to images and show uncropped thumbnails


Pubblicato: 09/08/2019

I only want the "uncropped thumbnails" feature

Is it possible to create a script just to show uncropped thumbnails? Because this script did not work well with TwitterImg Downloader.

Pubblicato: 10/08/2019

I'm already thinking about offing an "aggressive" variant of the script - does more (e.g.: unwrapping multi-image posts) - but has more negative side-effects (e.g.: rougher endless scrolling)...

...this request would lead to a third version...

...I'm not really planning to maintain x different variants if it can be avoided...

-> What exactly does TwitterImg more/differently? Button vs right-click Save? button vs CTRL-S? -> Is it the display or download of (orig) image in the modal overlay (instead of having to open the image in a new tab)?

Pubblicato: 10/08/2019

The problem is: Typically, the filenames saved by TwitterImg are like "NASA 1160214093615312896p0.jpg" (Source: But with your script enabled, the filename becomes: "https pbs.twimg.com_pNaN.jpg" The only solution is to maximize the image.

Pubblicato: 10/08/2019

so if you zoom the image (trigger the modal overlay) by left-clicking on the thumbnail - then the TwitterImg script still works?

Pubblicato: 11/08/2019

@marp said: so if you zoom the image (trigger the modal overlay) by left-clicking on the thumbnail - then the TwitterImg script still works?

Yes, still works. But this is kinda uncovenient sometimes.

Pubblicato: 11/08/2019

At the same time, I do like to be able to save full images from the stream as well as to be able to open them in new tabs... 3 clicks (+open overlay and + close overlay) instead of one click to save images via TwitterImg... good enough...

That said, you can disable the image link capability yourself, if you want: -> comment out the following line in my script: -> " singlenode.href = imgurl.href;" This should allow the TwitterImg script to function as before, again. => However, be aware that this will stop this script from auto-updating... (same as with TwitterImg if you should change its naming schema)

Please let me know if this should NOT make TwitterImg work as before...

Pubblicato: 14/08/2019

Sorry, but in what position should I add this line?

Pubblicato: 15/08/2019

Not add - but disable it by making it into a comment (add // at beginning of line) For current v2.2.0 it is line 91.

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