Amazon Video - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video

< Valutazione su Amazon Video - subtitle downloader


Pubblicato: 02/02/2022

It looks like the script stopped working after the Tampermonkey update to v4.14 (Chrome 98.0.4758.82).
The console displays the error message: "window.hasOwnProperty is not a function at xhrHijacker"
It seems that the problem lies with xhrHijacker, because all scripts based on it stopped working.
Can somebody confirm?

Pubblicato: 02/02/2022

No, the problem lies with Tampermonkey.

Pubblicato: 02/02/2022

So, how to solve this problem?

Pubblicato: 02/02/2022

Report a bug to Tampermonkey? Use a different extension for UserScripts?

Pubblicato: 02/02/2022

OK, thx.

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