Youtube Cleaner

Removes the recommendations from the main page of YouTube.

< Valutazione su Youtube Cleaner

Recensione: OK - lo script funziona, ma ha degli errori.

Pubblicato: 28/11/2014
Modificato: 30/11/2014

It works! Thanks a lot :)

Please keep it updated as YouTube code changes!
Thank you!

Pubblicato: 30/11/2014

Happy to hear that you like it! I use YouTube a lot myself, so I'll keep it updated. Thanks for your nice comment! :)

Pubblicato: 30/11/2014

It's not working for me anymore!
The script won't show up in Greasemonkey's running scripts via Firefox Tools while it does in Installed Scripts!
I tried to Uninstall/Reinstall it but no luck!

Pubblicato: 05/01/2015

Well, it works occasionally! I don't know what's conflicting with it.

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