Greasy Fork is available in English.


Calculate and display the point difference between you and your Munzee friends

queste sono le versioni di questo script in cui il codice è stato aggiornato Visualizza tutte le versioni.

  • v1.1.2 14/08/2023

    Updated to handle "." as a thousands separator for users in locals that use that.

  • v1.1.1 14/08/2023

    Updated to include a 5 second delay between detecting that the friends list has started to be displayed and iterating through the list to calculate the point differences. This is because some users reported getting "NaN" for the point differences and I suspect we're trying to access the list before it's fully displayed.

  • v1.1.0 12/08/2023

    Updated to handle the way the friend list is now dynamically loaded after the The Great Munzee Backend Update of August 2023.

  • v1.0.2 06/01/2023

    Added an icon, required jQuery and declared it.

  • v1.0.1 14/02/2021 Explicitly declare a few previously undeclared variables.
  • v1.0.0 31/10/2015