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Image definition : Why their is a difference Between Chrome and Firefox

Pubblicato: 22/04/2022

I write a little script for IndeXX (adulte):
IndeXXX - Search - HI-RES Pics
It load hi-res version of thumbnails.

But it work Better with Firefox than Chrome.

With Chrome, pics stay more blurry than with Firefox, i don't know why.

Test link:
Search results

And a screenshot to see the difference:
Difference between Firefox and Chrome - Screenshot

What i need to do against that ?

Pubblicato: 26/04/2022

Literally first link from google. Both methods are working


Pubblicato: 27/04/2022

Ha, thanks !
I don't find that, maybe because i use DuckDukGo
don't fully understand why, but the solution work!
image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast !important;
transform: translateZ(0) scale(0.999999) !important;

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