B站直播间防休眠 JS - 防止B站直播间自动停止播放
Github anchor enhance JS - Enhance github repository link with badges
小説家になろう book downloader JS - Add `download all chapter` button to (you need login to download chapters )
Auto meta viewport JS - Use <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> as default.
SF轻小说章节自动下载 JS - 打开SF轻小说章节页面时自动保存文章到本地, 支持付费章节。
NicoNico manga download JS - save loaded manga as html.
Disable P2P feature (WebRTC) JS - disable p2p connection on all page
Remove Global Filter 移除全局滤镜 JS - remove global filter (e.g. grayscale) 移除全局滤镜(例如黑白效果)
B站用户屏蔽 JS - 隐藏不感兴趣的内容,支持用户、首页频道推广和广告。