Next and Previous key shortcuts for Spotify JS - Allows the left and right keyboard arrows to be used to go to the previous and next songs on Spotify.
Custom element hider JS - To show how one can hide elements like an ad blocker using userscripts
Google calendar event hider JS - Hide calendar events specified
Facebook scroll hider JS - Hide elements on Facebook when the page is scrolled
YouTube mix next/previous buttons JS - Adds next/previous buttons to seek between tracks in a YouTube mix without having to scroll down.
[user] to OP's name on StackExchange sites JS - Changes [user] to the OP's username when commenting on StackExchange sites
Next and Previous key shortcuts for SoundCloud JS - Allows the left and right keyboard arrows to be used to go to the previous and next songs on SoundCloud (without having to click on the next or previous buttons at all).
Next, Previous, and play/pause key shortcuts for bandcamp JS - Allows the left and right keyboard arrows to be used to go to the previous and next songs on bandcamp.
Next and Previous key shortcuts for YouTube Music JS - Allows the left and right keyboard arrows to be used to go to the previous and next songs on YouTube Music (without having to click on the next or previous buttons at all).