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Hover Preview

Pops up a floating div when you hover over a link, containing the target page!

< Feedback on Hover Preview

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 14 Mei 2015
Edited: 14 Mei 2015

doesn't preview tweets

i found this looking for a script that would preview a tweet hovering over a link to it in a subsequent tweet, suddenly becoming common in twitter client hootsuite. I think twitter now allows a comment to be added to a retweet, which hootsuite shows as a link to the original tweet:

good luck!

unfortunately, twitter also shortens all links with their shortener. i found another script that replaces links with the full twitter link:

good luck!

but hovering over that still doesn't preview the tweet for some reason. So to read the original tweet, i still have to click on it.

still, i found several links while surfing that Hover Preview worked fine on, and i'm sure this script will come in handy. Thanx!

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