Greasy Fork is available in English.

Get Real Download URL

Get the real download URL by right-clicking on a download link while holding the left Alt key.

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25 Juni 2024
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Get Real Download URL


This Tampermonkey script allows users to get the real download URL of a link by right-clicking on it while holding down the left Alt key. When triggered, the script fetches the final URL that the link redirects to and copies it to the clipboard. A brief confirmation message will appear indicating whether the URL was successfully copied.


  • Fetches the real download URL of a link.
  • Copies the real download URL to the clipboard.
  • Displays a brief confirmation message.
  • Only activates when the left Alt key is held down during the right-click.

How to Use

  1. Install Tampermonkey: Ensure you have the Tampermonkey extension installed in your browser.

  2. Add the Script:

    • Open Tampermonkey in your browser.
    • Click on the Tampermonkey icon and select "Dashboard".
    • Click on the "Add a new script" button.
    • Replace the default script with the provided script code.
  3. Use the Script:

    • Navigate to any webpage with a download link.
    • Hold down the left Alt key and right-click on the download link.
    • A small floating button "Get Real Download URL" will appear near your cursor.
    • Click on "Get Real Download URL" to fetch the real URL and copy it to the clipboard.
    • A brief confirmation message will appear at the bottom right corner of the page and disappear after 1 second, indicating whether the copying to the clipboard was successful.