

// ==UserScript==
// @name        汉化OpenAI页面并聊天窗口加宽(持续更新版)
// @icon        https://cdn.oaistatic.com/_next/static/media/apple-touch-icon.59f2e898.png
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       https://*.openai.com/*
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @version     0.0.3

// @author      -
// @description 24年01月24日更新,汉化界面的部分菜单及内容
// @author      持续更新优化:PEIT98,原作者:bingqilin
// @namespace
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==

GM_addStyle(`.text-base {max-width: 100% !important;padding: 24px;}.btn.relative.btn-neutral { display: none !important; }`);
(function() {
    const i18n = new Map([
        ['You have no archived conversations.', '您没有存档的对话.'],
        ['Help & FAQ', '帮助与问题.'],
        ['Copied your User ID to clipboard', '已将您的用户 ID 复制到剪贴板'],
        ['Your account details and chats will be included in the export.', '您的帐户详细信息和聊天记录将包含在导出中。'],
        ['Higher message caps on GPT-4 and tools like DALL·E, Browsing, Advanced Data Analysis, and more', 'GPT-4 和 DALL·E、浏览、高级数据分析等工具的消息上限更高'],
        ['Everything in Plus, and:', 'Plus 中的所有内容,以及:'],
        ['Archive all chats', '存档所有聊天记录'],
        ['Archive all', '归档所有'],
        ['Create and share GPTs with your workspace', '创建 GPT 并与您的工作区共享'],
        ['Admin console for workspace management', '用于工作区管理的管理控制台'],
        ['Team data excluded from training by default. ', '默认情况下,团队数据不包含在训练中。'],
        ['* Price billed annually, minimum 2 users', '* 按年计费,最少 2 位用户'],

        ['This will delete ', '删除对话 '],
        ['Click to send', '点击发送'],
        ['Copy', '复制'],
        ['Copied!', '复制成功!'],
        ['Share chat', '分享聊天'],
        ['Upgrade plan', '升级计划'],
        ['Get GPT-4, DALL·E, and more', '获取 GPT-4、DALL·E 等'],
        ['For people just getting started with ChatGPT', '对于刚刚开始使用 ChatGPT 的人'],
        ['Unlimited messages, interactions, and history', '免费无限的消息、交互和历史记录'],
        ['Access to our GPT-3.5 model', '我们的 GPT-3.5 模型免费访问'],
        ['Access on Web, iOS, and Android', '在 Web、iOS 和 Android 上免费访问'],
        ['Unlimited messages, interactions, and history', '无限的消息、交互和历史记录'],
        ['Have an existing plan? See ', '有现有订阅吗? 看'],
        ['billing help', '订阅帮助'],
        ['Need more capabilities? See ', '需要更多功能? 看 '],
        [' ChatGPT Enterprise ', ' ChatGPT 企业版 '],
        ['* Price billed annually', '* 价格按年计费'],
        ['Our smartest and most capable model. Includes DALL·E, browsing and more.', '我们最聪明、最有能力的模型。 包括 DALL·E、浏览等。'],

        ['ChatGPT can now browse the web, analyze data, and generate images.', 'ChatGPT现在可以浏览网页、分析数据和生成图像。'],
        ['These capabilities are now built into GPT-4, no need to select them. Available for Plus users.', '这些功能现在已经内置在GPT-4中,无需选择。Plus用户可以使用。'],
        ['How can I help you today?', '今天我如何帮助您?'],
        ['With DALL·E, browsing and analysis', '使用DALL·E进行浏览和分析'],
        ['Great for everyday tasks', '非常适用于日常任务'],
        ['Checking your browser before accessing "chat.openai.com".', '在访问"chat.openai.com"之前检查您的浏览器。'],
        ['You do not currently have access to this feature', '您当前无法访问此功能'],

        ['Error saving draft', '保存草稿时出错'],
        ['Name your GPT', '为您的GPT命名'],

        ['Add a short description about what this GPT does', '添加一个简短的描述,说明这个GPT做什么'],

        ['What does this GPT do? How does it behave? What should it avoid doing?', '这个GPT做什么?它的行为如何?它应该避免做什么?'],

        ['Upgrade your plan', '升级您的计划'],
        ['Browse, create, and use GPTs', '浏览、创建和使用GPTs'],
        ['Access to additional tools like DALL·E, Browsing, Advanced Data Analysis and more', '访问额外工具,如DALL-E、浏览、高级数据分析等'],
        ['Need more capabilities?', '需要更多功能?'],
        ['ChatGPT Enterprise', 'ChatGPT企业版'],

        ['Invalid action', '无效的操作'],
        ['Additional Settings', '附加设置'],
        ['Use conversation data in your GPT to improve our models', '使用对话数据来改进我们的模型'],

        ['Close sidebar', '关闭侧边栏'],
        ['Open sidebar', '打开侧边栏'],
        ['ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.', 'ChatGPT可能会犯错。请考虑检查重要信息。'],

        ['Builder profile', '构建者资料'],
        ['Personalize your builder profile to connect with users of your GPTs.', '个性化您的构建者资料,以与您的GPT用户建立联系。'],
        ['These settings apply to publicly shared GPTs.', '这些设置适用于公开共享的GPTs。'],
        ['Select a domain', '选择一个域'],

        ['Name is populated from your billing details', '名称是根据您的账单详情填充的'],
        ['Verify new domain', '验证新域'],
        ['You must have a verified domain to enable displaying a link', '您必须拥有验证的域名才能启用显示链接功能'],

        ['To-Do', '待办事项'],
        ['Welcome to ChatGPT', '欢迎来到ChatGPT'],
        ['about Custom instructions and how they’re used to help ChatGPT provide better responses.', '关于自定义指令以及如何使用它们来帮助ChatGPT提供更好的响应。'],
        ['Set your Custom instructions', '设置自定义指令'],
        ['Custom instructions are on and can only be changed at the beginning of the chat.', '自定义说明已打开,并且只能在聊天开始时更改。'],
        ["Custom instructions let you share anything you'd like ChatGPT to consider in its response.", "自定义指令允许您共享您希望ChatGPT在其响应中考虑的任何内容。"],
        ['Introducing Custom instructions', '介绍自定义说明'],
        ['ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts.', 'ChatGPT可能会产生关于人员、地点或事实的不准确信息。'],

        ['Introducing Custom instructions', '介绍自定义指令'],
        ["Custom instructions let you share anything you'd like ChatGPT to consider in its response.", "自定义指令允许您共享您希望ChatGPT在其响应中考虑的任何内容。"],
        ['Your instructions will be added to new conversations going forward, and you can edit or delete them at any time.', '您的指示将添加到新的对话中,您可以随时编辑或删除它们。'],
        ['This information will be used to improve model performance unless you’ve opted out and may also be shared with the plugins you’ve enabled – visit our', '除非您选择退出,否则这些信息将用于提高模型性能,也可能与您启用的插件共享–请访问我们的'],
        ['to learn more.', '了解更多信息。'],
        ['What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?', '您希望ChatGPT了解您的哪些信息以提供更好的响应?'],
        ['How would you like ChatGPT to respond?', '您希望ChatGPT如何响应?'],
        ['Customize a version of ChatGPT for a specific purpose', '定制一个用于特定目的的ChatGPT版本'],
        ['Made by OpenAI', '由OpenAI制作'],
        ['Thought starters', '思维起点'],
        ['Where are you based?', '你在哪里?'],
        ['What do you do for work?', '你做什么工作?'],
        ['What are your hobbies and interests?', '你的爱好和兴趣是什么?'],
        ['What subjects can you talk about for hours?', '你能谈几个小时的什么话题?'],
        ['What are some goals you have?', '你的目标是什么?'],
        ['How formal or casual should ChatGPT be?', 'ChatGPT应该有多正式或随意?'],
        ['How long or short should responses generally be?', '回答一般应该多长或短?'],
        ['How do you want to be addressed?', '你希望如何被称呼?'],
        ['Should ChatGPT have opinions on topics or remain neutral?', 'ChatGPT应该对主题发表意见还是保持中立?'],
        ['Hide tips', '隐藏提示'],
        ['about Custom instructions and how they’re used to help ChatGPT provide better responses.', '关于自定义指令以及如何使用它们来帮助ChatGPT提供更好的响应。'],
        ['GPT-4 currently has a cap of', 'GPT-4当前的上限为'],
        ["Try a new feature that lets you share anything you'd like ChatGPT to consider across its responses.", "尝试一个新功能,让您可以在ChatGPT的响应中分享您希望ChatGPT考虑的任何内容。"],

        ['Try a version of ChatGPT that knows how to write and execute python code, and can work with file uploads. Try asking for help with data analysis, image conversions, or editing a code file. Note: files will not persist beyond a single session.', '试试ChatGPT的一个版本,它知道如何编写和执行python代码,并且可以处理文件上传。请尝试寻求有关数据分析、图像转换或编辑代码文件的帮助。注意:文件不会在单个会话之后继续存在。'],
        ["Messages you send after creating your link won't be shared. Anyone with the URL will be able to view the shared chat.", "创建链接后发送的消息将不会被共享。任何拥有该URL的人都可以查看共享聊天。"],
        ['Share anonymously', '匿名分享'],
        ['More Info', '更多信息'],
        ['Copy Link', '复制链接'],
        ['Share your name', '分享你的名字'],

        ['Our most capable model, great for tasks that require creativity and advanced reasoning.', '我们最有能力的模型,伟大的任务需要创造力和先进的推理。'],
        ['Available to Free and Plus users', '免费和Plus用户可用'],
        ['Available exclusively to Plus users', '仅限Plus用户使用'],
        ['Our fastest model, great for most everyday tasks.', '我们最快的型号,非常适合大多数日常任务。'],
        ['Today', '今天'],
        ['Manage my subscription', '管理我的订阅'],
        ['Previous 7 Days', '7天内'],
        ['Previous 30 Days', '30天内'],
        ['My plan', '我的计划'],
        ['Your plan', '你的计划'],
        ['Your current plan', '您当前的计划'],
        ['I need help with a billing issue', '我需要帮助解决账单问题'],
        ['Enter code', '输入代码'],
        ['Light', '亮色'],
        ['General', '概述'],
        ['Beta features', '测试版功能'],
        ['Clear all chats', '清除所有聊天'],
        ['As a Plus user, enjoy early access to experimental new features, which may change during development.', '作为Plus用户,可以尽早使用实验性的新功能,这些功能可能会在开发过程中发生变化。'],
        ['Browse with Bing', '使用Bing浏览'],
        ['Try a version of ChatGPT that knows when and how to browse the internet to answer questions about recent topics and events.', '试试ChatGPT的一个版本,它知道何时以及如何浏览互联网来回答有关最近主题和事件的问题。'],

        ['Try a version of ChatGPT that knows when and how to use third-party plugins that you enable.', '试试ChatGPT的这个版本,它知道何时以及如何使用您启用的第三方插件。'],
        ['Data controls', '数据控制'],
        ['Chat history & training', '聊天记录和训练'],
        ['Save new chats on this browser to your history and allow them to be used to improve our models. Unsaved chats will be deleted from our systems within 30 days. This setting does not sync across browsers or devices. ', '将此浏览器上的新聊天记录保存到您的历史记录中,并允许它们用于改进我们的模型。未保存的聊天将在30天内从我们的系统中删除。此设置不在浏览器或设备之间同步。'],
        ['Shared links', '共享链接'],
        ['Manage', '管理'],
        ['Export data', '导出数据'],
        ['Export', '导出'],
        ['Delete account', '删除帐户'],
        ['Delete chat?', '删除对话?'],
        ['This will delete', '这将删除'],
        ['Log in with your OpenAI account to continue', '用您的OpenAI账户登录以继续'],
        ['Log in', '登录'],
        ['Sign up', '注册'],
        ['You need an OpenAI account', '您需要一个OpenAI账户'],
        ['You must have an OpenAI account to use ChatGPT. If you don\'t have one, sign up now and return to chat.openai.com to log in and continue.', '您必须有一个OpenAI账户才能使用ChatGPT。如果您还没有,现在就注册,然后返回chat.openai.com登录并继续。'],
        ['Create an OpenAI account', '创建一个OpenAI账户'],
        ['Cancel', '取消'],
        ['Create your account', '创建您的账户'],
        ['Email address', '电子邮件地址'],
        ['Enter the code shown above', '输入上面显示的代码'],
        ['Continue', '继续'],
        ['Already have an account? Log in', '已经有了一个账户?请登录'],
        ['Continue with Google', '继续使用谷歌'],
        ['Continue with Microsoft Account', '继续使用微软账户'],
        ['with Google', '用谷歌'],
        ['with Microsoft Account', '使用微软账户'],
        ['Already have an account?', '已经有了一个账户?'],
        ['Not available', '不可用'],
        ['OpenAI\'s services are not available in your country.', 'OpenAI的服务在您的国家无法使用。'],
        ['Create Your Account', '创建您的账户'],
        ['PasswordShow passwordShow password', '密码显示密码显示密码'],
        ['Your password must contain:', '您的密码必须包含。'],
        ['At least 8 characters', '至少有8个字符'],
        ['Verify your email', '验证您的电子邮件'],
        ['We sent an email to ', '我们发送了一封电子邮件给 '],
        ['Click the link inside to get started.', '点击里面的链接即可开始。'],
        ['Open Gmail‍', '打开Gmail'],
        ['Resend email‍', '重新发送电子邮件'],
        ['Tell us about you', '告诉我们你的情况'],
        ['First name', '名'],
        ['Last name', '姓氏'],
        ['Organization name', '组织名称'],
        ['By clicking \"Continue\", you agree to our Terms and confirm you\'re 18 years or older.', '通过点击继续,你同意我们的条款,并确认你是18岁或以上。'],
        ['Enter code', '输入代码'],
        ['Please enter the code we just sent you.', '请输入我们刚刚发给你的代码。'],
        ['How will you primarily use OpenAI?', '您将主要如何使用OpenAI?'],
        ['I\'m building a product or feature', '我正在构建一个产品或功能'],
        ['I\'m exploring personal use', '我在探索个人使用'],
        ['I\'m conducting AI research', '我正在进行人工智能研究'],
        ['I\'m a journalist or content creator', '我是一名记者或内容创作者'],
        ['Overview', '概况'],
        ['Documentation', '文档'],
        ['Examples', '实例'],
        ['Playground', '游戏场'],
        ['Introducing ChatGPT research release', '介绍ChatGPT研究版本'],
        ['Welcome to OpenAI', '欢迎来到OpenAI'],
        ['Start with the basics', '从基础知识开始'],
        ['Quickstart tutorial', '快速入门教程'],
        ['Learn by building a quick sample app', '通过建立一个快速样本应用程序来学习'],
        ['Explore some example tasks', '探索一些示例任务'],
        ['Build an application', '构建一个应用程序'],
        ['We no longer require you to register your applications with OpenAI.', '我们不再要求您向OpenAI注册您的应用程序。'],
        ['Text completion', '文本完成'],
        ['Generate and edit text', '生成和编辑文本'],
        ['Code completionLimited beta', '代码补全有限的测试版'],
        ['Generate, edit, and explain code', '生成、编辑和解释代码'],
        ['Image generationBeta', '图像生成Beta版'],
        ['Generate and edit images', '生成和编辑图像'],
        ['Fine-tuning', '微调'],
        ['Train a model for your use case', '为你的用例训练一个模型'],
        ['Embeddings', '嵌入系统'],
        ['Search, classify, and compare text', '搜索、分类和比较文本'],
        ['Help center', '帮助中心'],
        ['Answers to frequently asked questions.', '对常见问题的回答。'],
        ['Visit help center', '访问帮助中心'],
        ['Community', '社区'],
        ['Ask questions and discuss topics with other developers.', '提出问题并与其他开发者讨论主题。'],
        ['Visit community', '访问社区'],
        ['Meet ambassadors', '认识大使'],
        ['Support', '支持服务'],
        ['Get in touch with an OpenAI support specialist.', '与OpenAI的支持专家取得联系。'],
        ['Clear conversations', '清除对话'],
        ['Confirm clear conversations', '确认清除所有对话'],
        ['New Chat', '新对话'],
        ['New chat', '新对话'],
        ['Chat with us', '与我们聊天'],
        ['Default', '默认'],
        ['Upgrade to Plus', '升级至Plus'],
        ['Available even when demand is high', '即使需求量大也可用'],
        ['Available when demand is low', '需求低时可用'],
        ['Faster response speed', '更快的响应速度'],
        ['Standard response speed', '标准响应速度'],
        ['Priority access to new features', '优先使用新功能'],
        ['Regular model updates', '定期更新模型'],
        ['Free Research Preview. Our goal is to make AI systems more natural and safe to interact with. Your feedback will help us improve.', '免费研究预览。 我们的目标是使AI系统更自然和安全地与之互动。 您的反馈将帮助我们改善。'],
        ['Personal', '个人'],
        ['Regenerate response', '重新生成响应'],
        ['Send a message', '发送消息'],
        ['Save & Submit', '保存并提交'],
        ['Yesterday', '昨天'],
        ['Try it‍', '试试吧'],
        ['Read more‍', '阅读更多'],
        ['Manage account', '管理账户'],
        ['View API keys', '查看API密钥'],
        ['Invite team', '邀请团队'],
        ['Help', '帮助'],
        ['Pricing', '价格'],
        ['Terms & policies', '条款和政策'],
        ['Log out', '登出'],
        ['Could not fetch usage for this organization, if this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.', '无法获取该组织的使用情况,如果这个问题持续存在,请通过我们的帮助中心help.openai.com联系我们。'],
        ['Usage', '使用情况'],
        ['Below you\'ll find a summary of API usage for your organization. All dates and times are UTC-based, and data may be delayed up to 5 minutes.', '下面你会发现你的组织的API使用情况的摘要。所有的日期和时间都是基于UTC的,数据可能会延迟5分钟。'],
        ['December', '十二月'],
        ['DAILY', '每日'],
        ['CUMULATIVE', '累计'],
        ['Daily usage', '每日使用量'],
        ['Aggregate daily usage is not available before March 1st, 2022', '在2022年3月1日之前,每日累计使用量不可用。'],
        ['Free trial usage', '免费试用用量'],
        ['GRANT #', '补助金 # 授予的信用过期'],
        ['Daily usage breakdown ', '每日使用量分类 '],
        ['All org members', '所有组织成员'],
        ['Model usage', '模型使用量'],
        ['requests', '请求'],
        ['API keys', 'API密钥'],
        ['Your secret API keys are listed below. Please note that we do not display your secret API keys again after you generate them.', '你的秘密API密钥列在下面。请注意,在你生成API密匙后,我们不会再显示你的密匙。'],
        ['Do not share your API key with others, or expose it in the browser or other client-side code. In order to protect the security of your account, OpenAI may also automatically rotate any API key that we\'ve found has leaked publicly.', '请不要与他人分享您的API密钥,也不要在浏览器或其他客户端代码中曝光。为了保护您的账户安全,OpenAI也可能会自动旋转任何我们发现已经公开泄露的API密钥。'],
        ['You currently do not have any API keys. Please create one below.', '您目前没有任何API密钥。请在下面创建一个。'],
        ['Default organization', '默认组织'],
        ['If you belong to multiple organizations, this setting controls which organization is used by default when making', '如果您属于多个组织,此设置可以控制在使用上述API密钥时默认使用哪个组织。'],
        ['with the API keys above.', '使用上述API密钥时,默认使用哪个组织。'],
        ['Note: You can also specify which organization to use for each API request. ', '注意:你也可以为每个API请求指定使用哪个组织。'],
        ['Payment methods', '支付方式'],
        ['Billing history', '账单历史'],
        ['Preferences', '偏好'],
        ['Billing overview', '账单概览'],
        ['Free trial', '免费试用'],
        ['You are currently on the free trial. Head over to your', '您目前正处于免费试用阶段。请到您的'],
        ['page to view how many free trial credits are remaining on your account.', '页面,查看您的账户中还有多少免费试用点数。'],
        ['Payment methods', '付款方式'],
        ['Add or change payment method', '添加或更改付款方式'],
        ['Billing history', '账单历史'],
        ['View past and current invoices', '查看过去和当前的发票'],
        ['Set monthly spend limits', '设置每月支出限额'],
        ['Preferences', '首选项'],
        ['Manage company information', '管理公司信息'],
        ['View pricing and FAQs', '查看价格和常见问题'],
        ['GET STARTED', '开始吧'],
        ['Introduction', '介紹'],
        ['Key concepts', '关键概念'],
        ['Next steps', '接下来的步骤'],
        ['Libraries', '图书馆'],
        ['Models', '模型'],
        ['GUIDES', '指南'],
        ['Code completion', '代码完成'],
        ['Image generation', '图像生成'],
        ['Moderation', '微调'],
        ['Safety best practices', '安全的最佳实践'],
        ['Production best practices', '生产最佳实践'],
        ['API REFERENCE', 'API参考'],
        ['Introduction', '简介'],
        ['Authentication', '认证'],
        ['Models', '模型'],
        ['Completions', '完成'],
        ['Edits', '编辑'],
        ['Images', '图片'],
        ['Files', '档案'],
        ['Fine-tunes', '微调'],
        ['Moderations', '审校'],
        ['Engines', '引擎'],
        ['Parameter details', '参数详情'],
        ['Answer questions based on existing knowledge.', '在现有知识的基础上回答问题。'],
        ['Grammar correction', '语法纠正'],
        ['Corrects sentences into standard English.', '将句子纠正为标准英语。'],
        ['Summarize for a 2nd grader', '为二年级学生总结'],
        ['Translates difficult text into simpler concepts.', '将困难的文本翻译成更简单的概念。'],
        ['Natural language to OpenAI API', '自然语言到OpenAI API'],
        ['Create code to call to the OpenAI API using a natural language instruction.', '创建代码,使用自然语言指令调用OpenAI API。'],
        ['Text to command', '文本到命令'],
        ['Translate text into programmatic commands.', '将文本翻译成程序性指令。'],
        ['English to other languages', '英语到其他语言'],
        ['Translates English text into French, Spanish and Japanese.', '将英语文本翻译成法语、西班牙语和日语。'],
        ['Natural language to Stripe API', '自然语言到Stripe API'],
        ['Create code to call the Stripe API using natural language.', '创建代码以使用自然语言调用Stripe API。'],
        ['SQL translate', 'SQL翻译'],
        ['Translate natural language to SQL queries.', '将自然语言翻译成SQL查询。'],
        ['Parse unstructured data', '解析非结构化数据'],
        ['Create tables from long form text', '从长格式文本中创建表格'],
        ['Classification', '分类'],
        ['Classify items into categories via example.', '通过实例将项目分类。'],
        ['Python to natural language', '从Python到自然语言'],
        ['Explain a piece of Python code in human understandable language.', '用人类可理解的语言解释一段Python代码。'],
        ['Movie to Emoji', '电影到表情符号'],
        ['Convert movie titles into emoji.', '将电影标题转换为表情符号。'],
        ['Calculate Time Complexity', '计算时间复杂度'],
        ['Find the time complexity of a function.', '找到一个函数的时间复杂性。'],
        ['Translate programming languages', '翻译编程语言'],
        ['Translate from one programming language to another', '从一种编程语言翻译成另一种编程语言'],
        ['Advanced tweet classifier', '高级推文分类器'],
        ['Advanced sentiment detection for a piece of text.', '对一段文字进行高级情感检测。'],
        ['Explain code', '解释代码'],
        ['Explain a complicated piece of code.', '解释一段复杂的代码。'],
        ['Keywords', '关键词'],
        ['Extract keywords from a block of text.', '从一个文本块中提取关键词。'],
        ['Factual answering', '事实性回答'],
        ['Ad from product description', '从产品描述到广告'],
        ['Turn a product description into ad copy.', '将产品描述变成广告文案。'],
        ['Product name generator', '产品名称生成器'],
        ['Create product names from examples words. Influenced by a community prompt.', '从实例词中创建产品名称。受社区提示的影响。'],
        ['TL;DR summarization', 'TL;DR总结'],
        ['Summarize text by adding a \'tl;dr:\' to the end of a text passage. It shows that the API understands how to perform a number of tasks with no instructions.', '通过在文本段落的末尾添加tl;dr来总结文本。它表明API理解如何执行一些没有说明的任务。'],
        ['Python bug fixer', 'Python错误修复器'],
        ['Find and fix bugs in source code.', '查找并修复源代码中的错误。'],
        ['Spreadsheet creator', '电子表格创建器'],
        ['Create spreadsheets of various kinds of data. It\'s a long prompt but very versatile. Output can be copy+pasted into a text file and saved as a .csv with pipe separators.', '创建各种数据的电子表格。这是一个很长的提示,但用途非常广泛。输出可以复制+粘贴到文本文件中,并保存为带有管道分隔符的.csv。'],
        ['JavaScript helper chatbot', 'JavaScript助手聊天机器人'],
        ['Message-style bot that answers JavaScript questions', '回答JavaScript问题的消息式机器人'],
        ['ML/AI language model tutor', 'ML/AI语言模型辅导员'],
        ['Bot that answers questions about language models', '回答关于语言模型问题的机器人'],
        ['Science fiction book list maker', '科幻书单制作者'],
        ['Create a list of items for a given topic.', '为一个给定的主题创建一个项目列表。'],
        ['Tweet classifier', '推特分类器'],
        ['Basic sentiment detection for a piece of text.', '对一段文字进行基本的情感检测。'],
        ['Airport code extractor', '机场代码提取器'],
        ['Extract airport codes from text.', '从文本中提取机场代码。'],
        ['SQL request', 'SQL请求'],
        ['Create simple SQL queries.', '创建简单的SQL查询。'],
        ['Extract contact information', '提取联系信息'],
        ['Extract contact information from a block of text.', '从一个文本块中提取联系信息。'],
        ['JavaScript to Python', '将JavaScript转换为Python'],
        ['Convert simple JavaScript expressions into Python.', '将简单的JavaScript表达式转换成Python。'],
        ['Friend chat', '朋友聊天'],
        ['Emulate a text message conversation.', '模仿文本信息对话。'],
        ['Mood to color', '心情到颜色'],
        ['Turn a text description into a color.', '把文本描述变成一种颜色。'],
        ['Write a Python docstring', '写一个Python文档串'],
        ['An example of how to create a docstring for a given Python function. We specify the Python version, paste in the code, and then ask within a comment for a docstring, and give a characteristic beginning of a docstring', '一个如何为给定的Python函数创建一个文档串的例子。我们指定Python版本,粘贴代码,然后在注释中询问一个文档串,并给出一个文档串的特征开头'],
        ['Analogy maker', '类比生成器'],
        ['Create analogies. Modified from a community prompt to require fewer examples.', '创建类比。从社区提示中修改,要求减少例子。'],
        ['JavaScript one line function', 'JavaScript单行函数'],
        ['Turn a JavaScript function into a one liner.', '把一个JavaScript函数变成一个单行字。'],
        ['Micro horror story creator', '微型恐怖故事创建者'],
        ['Creates two to three sentence short horror stories from a topic input.', '从一个主题输入创建两到三句话的短篇恐怖故事。'],
        ['Third-person converter', '第三人称转换器'],
        ['Converts first-person POV to the third-person. This is modified from a community prompt to use fewer examples.', '将第一人称POV转换为第三人称。这是从社区提示中修改的,使用较少的例子。'],
        ['Notes to summary', '笔记到摘要'],
        ['Turn meeting notes into a summary.', '将会议记录变成摘要。'],
        ['VR fitness idea generator', 'VR健身创意生成器'],
        ['Create ideas for fitness and virtual reality games.', '创建健身和虚拟现实游戏的创意。'],
        ['ESRB rating', 'ESRB评级'],
        ['Categorize text based upon ESRB ratings.', '根据ESRB评级对文本进行分类。'],
        ['Essay outline', '作文提纲'],
        ['Generate an outline for a research topic.', '为一个研究课题生成一个大纲。'],
        ['Recipe creator ', '菜谱创建者 '],
        ['eat at your own risk', '自食其果'],
        ['Create a recipe from a list of ingredients.', '根据成分清单创建一个食谱。'],
        ['Open ended conversation with an AI assistant.', '与人工智能助手进行开放式对话。'],
        ['Marv the sarcastic chat bot', '讽刺性聊天机器人Marv'],
        ['Marv is a factual chatbot that is also sarcastic.', 'Marv是一个实事求是的聊天机器人,也会讽刺人。'],
        ['Turn by turn directions', '转弯指示'],
        ['Convert natural language to turn-by-turn directions.', '将自然语言转换为转弯指示。'],
        ['Restaurant review creator', '餐厅评论创建者'],
        ['Turn a few words into a restaurant review.', '将几句话变成餐厅评论。'],
        ['Create study notes', '创建学习笔记'],
        ['Provide a topic and get study notes.', '提供一个主题并获得学习笔记。'],
        ['Interview questions', '面试问题'],
        ['Guide the model towards factual answering by showing it how to respond to questions that fall outside its knowledge base. Using a', '通过向模型展示如何回答超出其知识库的问题,引导模型进行事实性回答。使用一个'],
        ['to indicate a response to words and phrases that it doesn\'t know provides a natural response that seems to work better than more abstract replies', '来表示对它不知道的单词和短语的回答,提供了一种自然的回答,似乎比更抽象的回答效果更好。'],
        ['Explore what\'s possible with some example applications', '通过一些应用实例探索可能的结果'],
        ['Get started', '开始吧'],
        ['Enter an instruction or select a preset, and watch the API respond with a ', '输入一个指令或选择一个预设,然后看着API响应一个 '],
        ['completion', '完成'],
        ['that attempts to match the context or pattern you provided.', '试图匹配你提供的上下文或模式。'],
        ['You can control which ', '你可以通过改变模型来控制哪个 '],
        ['completes your request by changing the model.', '来完成你的请求。'],
        ['KEEP IN MIND', '牢记'],
        ['Use good judgment when sharing outputs, and attribute them to your name or company. ', '在分享产出时要有良好的判断力,并将它们归于你的名字或公司。'],
        ['Learn more', '了解更多'],
        ['Requests submitted to our models may be used to train and improve future models. ', '提交给我们的模型的请求可能被用来训练和改进未来的模型。'],
        ['Our default models\' training data cuts off in 2021, so they may not have knowledge of current events.', '我们默认模型的训练数据在2021年截止,因此它们可能不了解当前的事件。'],
        ['Write a tagline for an ice cream shop', '为一家冰淇淋店写标语'],
        ['Load a preset', '加载一个预设'],
        ['Mode', '模式'],
        ['Temperature', '溫度'],
        ['Maximum length', '最大长度'],
        ['Stop sequences', '停止序列'],
        ['You have no archived conversations.', '您没有归档的对话。'],
        ['Date shared', '共享日期'],
        ['View source chat', '查看源聊天'],
        ['Delete shared link', '删除共享链接'],
        ['Delete all shared links', '删除所有共享链接'],
        ['Enter sequence and press Tab', '输入序列并按Tab键'],
        ['Top P', '顶部P'],
        ['Frequency penalty', '频率惩罚'],
        ['Presence penalty', '存在的惩罚'],
        ["Any personalized data not present in the conversation won’t be shared with viewers (ex: custom instructions).", "不在对话中出现的任何个性化数据都不会与观众共享(例如:自定义指示)。"],
        ['Share link to Chat', '分享到聊天的链接'],
        ['Best of', '最佳'],
        ['Inject start text', '注入开始文本'],
        ['Inject restart text', '注入重新开始的文本'],
        ['Show probabilities', '显示概率'],
        ['Controls diversity via nucleus sampling:', '通过细胞核取样控制多样性。'],
        ['0.5 means half of all likelihood-weighted options are considered.', '0.5意味着所有可能性加权选项的一半被考虑。'],
        ['How much to penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far. Increases the model\'s likelihood to talk about new topics', '根据到目前为止是否在文本中出现,对新标记的惩罚程度。增加模型谈论新话题的可能性'],
        ['Generates multiple ', '生成多个 '],
        ['server-side, and displays only the best. Streaming only works when set to 1. Since it acts as a multiplier on the number of', '在服务器端生成多个新标记,并只显示最好的。流动只在设置为1时才起作用。'],
        ['this parameters can eat into your token quota very quickly – use caution!', '这个参数会很快吞噬你的代币配额--请谨慎使用!'],
        ['Text to append after the user\'s input to format the model for a response', '在用户输入后附加的文本,以格式化响应的模型'],
        ['Toggle token highlighting which indicates how likely a token was to be generated. ', '切换令牌的高亮显示,显示令牌生成的可能性。'],
        ['to debug a given generation, or see alternative options for a token', '调试一个给定的生成,或查看一个令牌的替代选项'],
        ['Up to four sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. The returned text will not contain the stop sequence', '最多四个序列,API将停止生成更多的标记。返回的文本将不包含停止序列'],
        ['The maximum number of tokens to ', '要生成的标记的最大数量。'],
        ['network error', '网络错误'],
        ['There was an error generating a response', '生成回复时出现错误'],
        ['Keyboard shortcuts', '键盘快捷键'],
        ['Open new chat', '打开新聊天'],
        ['Focus chat input', '聚焦聊天输入'],
        ['Copy last code block', '复制上一个代码块'],
        ['Copy last response', '复制上一个回复'],
        ['Set custom instructions', '设置自定义指令'],
        ['Toggle sidebar', '切换侧边栏'],
        ['Conversation not found', '未找到对话'],
        ['You can view archived chats in Settings', '您可以在设置中查看已归档的聊天记录'],
        ['Archived chats', '已归档的聊天记录'],
        ['Archived Chats', '已归档的聊天记录'],
        ['Archive chat', '归档聊天'],
        ['Date created', '创建日期'],
        ['Unarchive conversation', '取消归档对话'],
        ['Delete conversation', '删除对话'],
        ['Delete all chats', '删除所有聊天记录'],
        ['Delete all', '删除所有'],
        ['You have no archived conversations.', '您没有已归档的对话。'],
        ['If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.', '如果问题仍然存在,请通过我们的帮助中心联系我们,网址为help.openai.com。'],
        ['Delete chat', '删除聊天'],
        ['Show shortcuts', '显示快捷键'],
        ['Requests can use up to 2,048 or 4,000 tokens shared between prompt and', '请求可以使用最多2,048个或4,000个令牌,在提示和提示之间共享。'],
        ['The exact limit varies by model', '具体限制因型号而异'],
        ['One token is roughly 4 characters for normal English text', '对于正常的英文文本,一个标记大约是4个字符。'],
        ['Controls randomness: Lowering results in less random', '控制随机性。降低的结果是减少随机性'],
        ['As the temperature approaches zero, the model will become deterministic and repetitive.', '当温度接近零时,模型将变得确定性和重复性。'],
        ['The model which will generate the ', '将产生的模型 '],
        ['Some models are suitable for natural language tasks, others specialize in code', '有些模型适用于自然语言任务,有些则专门用于代码'],
        ['Content filter preferences', '内容过滤偏好'],
        ['View code', '查看代码'],
        ['You can use the following code to start integrating your current prompt and settings into your application', '您可以使用以下代码开始将您当前的提示和设置整合到您的应用程序中'],
        ['Your API Key can be found', '可以找到你的API密钥'],
        ['You should use environment variables or a secret management tool to expose your key to your applications', '你应该使用环境变量或秘密管理工具,将你的密钥暴露给你的应用程序'],
        ['Most capable model in the GPT-3series.Can perform any task the other ', 'GPT-3系列中能力最强的型号,可以执行其他型号的任何任务。'],
        ['models can,oftenwith higher quality,longer outputand better instruction-following.Itcan process up to 4,000 tokensper request.', '它可以处理多达4,000个标记的请求。'],
        ['USD $20/month', '每月 20 美元'],
        ['USD $0/month', '每月 0 美元'],
        ['Upgrade to Team', '升级为团队'],
        ['Team', '团队'],

        ['USD $25 per person/month*', '每人/月 25 美元*'],
        ['Your current plan', '您当前的计划'],
        ['Everything in Free, and:', '一切都是免费的,并且:'],
        ['Access to GPT-4, our most capable model', '访问 GPT-4,我们最强大的模型'],
        ['Faster response speed', '更快的响应速度'],
        ['Exclusive access to beta features like Browsing, Plugins, and Code Interpreter', '独家访问浏览、插件和代码解释器等测试功能'],
        ['Manage my subscription', '管理我的订阅'],
        ['I need help with a billing issue', '我需要帮助解决计费问题'],
        ['STRENGTHS', '优势'],
        ['Clear your conversation history - are you sure?', '清除你的对话历史记录-你确定吗?'],
        ['You have unsaved changes.', '您有未保存的更改。'],
        ['Are you sure you want to exit?', '您确定要退出吗?'],
        ['Any changes you made will be permanently lost.', '您所做的任何更改都将永久丢失。'],
        ['Shared Links', '共享链接'],
        ['Preview', '预览'],
        ['By', '由'],
        ['Share', '分享'],
        ['Rename', '重命名'],
        ['Description', '描述'],
        ['Create', '创建'],
        ['Configure', '配置'],
        ['Name', '名称'],
        ['Draft', '草稿'],
        ['Actions', '操作'],
        ['Conversation starters', '对话启动器'],
        ['Knowledge', '知识'],
        ['Upload files', '上传文件'],
        ['Capabilities', '功能'],
        ['PlaceholderGPT', '占位符GPT'],
        ['My GPTs', '我的GPTs'],
        ['Web Browsing', '网页浏览'],
        ['DALL·E Image Generation', 'DALL·E图像生成'],
        ['Instructions', '指导'],
        ['Exit', '退出'],
        ['Back', '返回'],
        ['Confirm deletion', '确认删除'],
        ['Clear', '清除'],
        ['Custom instructions', '自定义指令'],
        ['Delete', '删除'],
        ['Note', '注释'],
        ['Save', '保存'],
        ['Updated', '更新于'],
        ['Forks', '复刻'],
        ['You have no shared links', '您没有共享链接'],
        ['Request data export - are you sure?', '请求数据导出-你确定吗?'],
        ['Your account details and conversations will be included in the export.', '您的帐户详细信息和对话将包含在导出中。'],
        ['The data will be sent to your registered email in a downloadable file.', '数据将以可下载文件的形式发送到您注册的电子邮件中。'],
        ['The download link will expire 24 hours after you receive it.', '下载链接将在您收到后24小时内过期。'],
        ["Processing may take some time. You'll be notified when it's ready.", "处理可能需要一些时间。准备好后会通知您。"],
        ['To proceed, click "Confirm export" below.', '要继续,请单击下面的“确认导出”。'],
        ['Settings & Beta', '设置和测试'],
        ['Settings', '设置'],
        ['Allow', '允许'],
        ['Always allow', '始终允许'],
        ['Decline', '拒绝'],
        ['Better', '更好'],
        ['Worse', '更差'],
        ['Same', '相同'],
        ['Confirm export', '确认导出'],
        ['Verify a new domain', '验证一个新域名'],
        ['Add a new domain', '添加一个新域名'],
        ['Submit', '提交'],
        ['Something went wrong...', '出现了问题...'],
        ['Retry', '重试'],
        ['You have no shared links.', '您没有共享链接。'],
        ['Shared Links', '共享链接'],
        ['Failed to copy link to clipboard - could not create link', '复制链接到剪贴板失败 - 无法创建链接'],
        ["Any personalized data not present in the conversation won’t be shared with viewers (ex: custom instructions).", "对话中不存在的个性化数据将不会与观众分享(例如:自定义指令)。"],
        ['Web server is returning an unknown error', 'Web服务器返回未知错误'],
        ['There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed.', 'Cloudflare和原始web服务器之间存在未知连接问题。结果,网页不能被显示。'],
        ['Your IP address', '您的IP地址'],
        ['An error occurred. Either the engine you requested does not exist or there was another issue processing your request.', '发生了错误。要么您请求的引擎不存在,要么处理您的请求时出现了其他问题。'],
        ['Keep in sidebar', '保留在侧边栏'],
        ['Hide from sidebar', '从侧边栏隐藏'],
        ['Some info will be sent to gpts.webpilot.ai, only do this for sites you trust', '一些信息将被发送到gpts.webpilot.ai,只在您信任的网站上执行此操作'],
        ['Talking to gpts.webpilot.ai', '与gpts.webpilot.ai交谈'],
        ['Talked to gpts.webpilot.ai', '已与gpts.webpilot.ai交谈'],
        ['Is this conversation helpful so far?', '到目前为止,这次对话有帮助吗?'],
        ['Remove from Recent', '从最近移除'],
        ['Was this response better or worse?', '这个回答是更好还是更差?'],
        ['Original answer is better', '原始答案更好'],
        ['New answer is better', '新答案更好'],
        ['Neither answer is better', '两个答案都不更好'],
        ['Skip this step', '跳过此步骤'],
        ['Error reference number', '错误参考号'],
        ['Cloudflare Location', 'Cloudflare位置'],
        ['network error', '网络错误'],
        ['There was an error generating a response', '生成响应时出错'],
        ['messages every', '消息间隔'],
        ['Plugin store', '插件商店'],
        ['Plugins', '插件'],
        ['Regenerate', '重新生成'],
        ['Send message', '发送消息'],
        ['generate', '生成'],
        ['hours.', '小时'],
        ['Explore', '探索'],
        ['Website', '网站'],
        ['No plugins installed', '未安装插件'],
        ['Create a GPT', '创建一个GPT'],
        ['Beta', '测试版'],
        ['Continue generating', '继续生成'],
        ['Stop generating', '停止生成'],
        ['Capabilities', '功能'],
        ['Limitations', '限制'],
        ['Theme', '主题'],
        ['System', '系统'],
        ['Dark', '黑暗'],
        ['Share Link to Chat', '共享聊天链接'],
        ['Plugins', '插件'],
        ['Code interpreter', '代码解释器'],
        ['Copy code', '复制代码'],
        ['Enable for new chats', '启用新聊天'],
        ['Disable for new chats', '禁用新聊天'],
        ['Code Interpreter', '代码解释器'],
        ['Provide additional feedback', '提供额外的反馈'],
        ['What was the issue with the response? How could it be improved?', '响应存在什么问题?如何改进?'],
        ['This is harmful / unsafe', '这是有害的/不安全的'],
        ["This isn't true", "这不是真的"],
        ["This isn't helpful", "这不是有帮助的"],
        ['Submit feedback', '提交反馈'],
        ['Advanced data analysis', '高级数据分析'],
        ['Load more', '加载更多'],
        ['Release notes', '发布说明'],
        ['Enabled', '已启用'],
        ['Browse with', '浏览自'],
        ['Advanced Data Analysis', '高级数据分析'],
        ['Limit', '限制'],
        ['hours', '小时'],
        ['messages', '条消息'],
        ['New', '新建'],
        ['You', '您'],
        ['Jan', '一月'],
        ['Feb', '二月'],
        ['Mar', '三月'],
        ['Apr', '四月'],
        ['May', '五月'],
        ['June', '六月'],
        ['Jul', '七月'],
        ['Aug', '八月'],
        ['Sep', '九月'],
        ['Oct', '十月'],
        ['Nov', '十一月'],
        ['Dec', '十二月'],


    // 创建一个MutationObserver实例,用于监测DOM的变化
    const bodyObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
        // 遍历每个变化
        mutations.forEach(mutation => {
            // 遍历每个添加的节点
            mutation.addedNodes.forEach(addedNode => replaceText(addedNode));
            document.getElementById("prompt-textarea").placeholder = "给ChatGPT发送消息…";

    // 开始观察整个文档的变化,包括子节点的变化
    bodyObserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });

    // 替换文本内容的函数
    function replaceText(node) {
        // 遍历节点
        nodeForEach(node).forEach(htmlnode => {
            // 遍历i18n映射
            i18n.forEach((value, index) => {
                // 如果是文本节点并且节点的值与映射的索引相等,则替换文本内容
                if (htmlnode instanceof Text && htmlnode.nodeValue === index) {
                    htmlnode.nodeValue = value;
                } else if (htmlnode instanceof HTMLInputElement && htmlnode.value === index) {
                    // 如果是输入框并且值与映射的索引相等,则替换输入框的值
                    htmlnode.value = value;
    // 递归遍历节点的函数
    function nodeForEach(node) {
        const list = [];
        // 如果节点没有子节点,将节点加入列表
        if (node.childNodes.length === 0) list.push(node);
        else {
            // 遍历每个子节点
            node.childNodes.forEach(child => {
                // 如果子节点没有子节点,将子节点加入列表
                if (child.childNodes.length === 0) list.push(child);
                else list.push(...nodeForEach(child)); // 递归遍历子节点
        return list;