[Pokeclicker] Oak Items Unlimited

Removes the limit for the amount of Oak Items that you're able to equip so that you're able to equip all of them.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          [Pokeclicker] Oak Items Unlimited
// @namespace     Pokeclicker Scripts
// @author        Ephenia
// @description   Removes the limit for the amount of Oak Items that you're able to equip so that you're able to equip all of them.
// @copyright     https://github.com/Ephenia
// @license       GPL-3.0 License
// @version       1.0.2

// @homepageURL   https://github.com/Ephenia/Pokeclicker-Scripts/
// @supportURL    https://github.com/Ephenia/Pokeclicker-Scripts/issues

// @match         https://www.pokeclicker.com/
// @icon          https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=pokeclicker.com
// @grant         unsafeWindow
// @run-at        document-idle
// ==/UserScript==

function initOakItems() {
    var oakItems = App.game.oakItems
    var oakMax = oakItems.itemList.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < oakMax; i++) {
        oakItems.unlockRequirements[i] = 0;
    document.getElementById('oakItemsModal').querySelector('h5').innerHTML = "Oak Items Equipped: " + oakItems.activeCount() + '/' + oakMax;

function loadEpheniaScript(scriptName, initFunction) {
    const windowObject = !App.isUsingClient ? unsafeWindow : window;
    // Inject handlers if they don't exist yet
    if (windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers === undefined) {
        windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers = {};
        const oldInit = Preload.hideSplashScreen;
        var hasInitialized = false;

        // Initializes scripts once enough of the game has loaded
        Preload.hideSplashScreen = function (...args) {
            var result = oldInit.apply(this, args);
            if (App.game && !hasInitialized) {
                // Initialize all attached userscripts
                Object.entries(windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers).forEach(([scriptName, initFunction]) => {
                    try {
                    } catch (e) {
                        console.error(`Error while initializing '${scriptName}' userscript:\n${e}`);
                            type: NotificationConstants.NotificationOption.warning,
                            title: scriptName,
                            message: `The '${scriptName}' userscript crashed while loading. Check for updates or disable the script, then restart the game.\n\nReport script issues to the script developer, not to the Pokéclicker team.`,
                            timeout: GameConstants.DAY,
                hasInitialized = true;
            return result;

    // Prevent issues with duplicate script names
    if (windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[scriptName] !== undefined) {
        console.warn(`Duplicate '${scriptName}' userscripts found!`);
            type: NotificationConstants.NotificationOption.warning,
            title: scriptName,
            message: `Duplicate '${scriptName}' userscripts detected. This could cause unpredictable behavior and is not recommended.`,
            timeout: GameConstants.DAY,
        let number = 2;
        while (windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[`${scriptName} ${number}`] !== undefined) {
        scriptName = `${scriptName} ${number}`;
    // Add initializer for this particular script
    windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[scriptName] = initFunction;

if (!App.isUsingClient || localStorage.getItem('oakitemsunlimited') === 'true') {
    loadEpheniaScript('oakitemsunlimited', initOakItems);