Quizlet Show Hidden Flashcards

Show the hidden flashcards and the first explanation in Quizlet without logging in.

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  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Quizlet Show Hidden Flashcards
  3. // @namespace QuizletHack
  4. // @version 26
  5. // @description Show the hidden flashcards and the first explanation in Quizlet without logging in.
  6. // @author hacker09
  7. // @match *://quizlet.com/*
  8. // @icon https://assets.quizlet.com/a/j/dist/i/favicon.6e263725c926227.ico
  9. // @run-at document-end
  10. // @grant none
  11. // ==/UserScript==
  13. (async function() {
  14. 'use strict';
  15. var TimesExecuted = 0; //Creates a new variable
  16. const DisableReading = true; //If true the Reading function will be disabled
  17. const RemoveNeedlessThings = true; //If true the Needless Things will be removed
  19. setTimeout(function() { //Starts the setimeout function
  21. document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style>.b1sa2ccx {filter: none !important;}</style>'); //Show cards
  22. document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style>.hnqbbas {max-height: unset;}</style>'); //Show cards
  23. if (DisableReading === true) //If the DisableReading const is true
  24. { //Starts the if condition
  25. document.querySelectorAll(".SetPageTerms-termsList").forEach((el) => { //Starts the forEach loop
  26. el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML; //Remove the audio of the FlashCard element
  27. }); //Finishes the forEach loop
  28. } //Finishes the if condition
  30. if (RemoveNeedlessThings === true) //If the RemoveNeedlessThings const is true
  31. { //Starts the if condition
  32. document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style>.SetPageStickyHeader.hgmlhdt, .SetPageTermsStickyBanner.SetPageTermsStickyBanner--hasAdz, .SetPageWall.SetPageWall--normal, .TopNavigationWrapper, .SetPage-setDetailsInfoWrapper, footer, .SetPage-setIntro, .wugyavo, .SetPage-setLinksWrapper, .SetPage-setIntroWrapper, .SetPageEmbeddedAd-wrapper, .SetPageTerms-embeddedDesktopAdz, .SetPageStudyModesBanner-body, .ReactModalPortal, .bb8jmnf, #UniversalUpsellTarget > div, .hideBelow--m, .h1nkdy1n, .d1d5k0iq, .s1lf1hve, .r1vwlny8, .r1sd9oxv, .pfdaoy0 {display: none !important;}</style>'); //Hide the top menu, the stick footer banner, the Sign Up Box and the white overlay above this box, the top navigation menu, the user name that created the quiz, the needlessly big footer, the big flashcards box, the 2 stick footer banner, the related questions below all the cards, title of the cards set, big flash cards box and study/play columns below the big flash cars box, ads in between card rows, more ads, want to learn this set quickly? question box below all card rows, "save time with an expert" message, "turn messy notes into" " message, "Automatically turn messy notes into Magic Notes" message, "Students also viewed" message, Created by and share btns, Flashcards/Learn/Test/Match/Q-Chat btns, Created by and share btns, Flashcards/Learn/Test/Match/Q-Chat btns, hide the "Upgrade for complete access to the Q&A library" overlay
  33. } //Finishes the if condition
  34. }, 1500); //Finishes the setimeout function
  35. })();