Greasy Fork is available in English.
click on "view replies (500)" and it will click on the same button until all replies open.
< Feedback on "view replies" auto expander
Thanks for the comment,
I posted a short video on how to use it after installation: .
If it doesn't work as shown in the video - pls give details about your browser and version, I'll check it.
Thank you for the video!
I can confirm that the script works as you intended it, but not as I intended it. 😄
I will attach a picture where you can see two kinds of reply-expanders. One is the "View replies (n)", that normally expands 3 replies at a time without your script. The other is a circle with a plus-sign that expands an undefined number of replies to the original post but not replies to those replies.
I was hoping for the script to work for the circle with the plus-sign.
If you wonder about language in the post it's Swedish.
Thanks again!
Huh :)
For the "+" button I would name the script "more-comments-auto-expander".
BTW, the code for "view-replies-auto-expander" is quite short and easy to understand. If you want to create functionality for the "+" button - you may copy-paste and play with the code, it's free and has no copyright.
I don't understand how this script is supposed to work. I can't see any "view replies (500)" button or text. The only thing I have in my feed is text the circle with a plus sign that have always been there and nothing different happens when clicking it.
Need some hand holding.