Watch Order & Adaptations Finder

See the franchise's correct watch order and all entries. Easily check if an entry has Live-Action/Dorama adaptations, and copy the entry or all franchise entries' title(s).

Ini adalah versi dari skrip ini yang kodenya telah diperbarui. Tampilkan semua versi.

  • v54 10 September 2024

    Add adm tools for the [[ Live Action Adaptations ]] club.

  • v53 20 Agustus 2024

    Franchises found on the AEGC Club that have missing links will have opened on a new tab

  • v52 03 Juli 2024

    Now the script can open all 3 live-action search pages IMBD, MyDramaList, and AsianWiki at once bypassing the browser popup blocker.

  • v51 02 Juni 2024

    Fixed description.

  • v50 04 Mei 2024

    Now the script opens and in the same tab.

  • v49 17 Maret 2024

    Now if the recommended watch order is the broadcast order the script won't open the AEGC club, instead it will open

  • v48 10 Desember 2023

    Added Jikan API.

    Multiple code improvements.

    Fixed a bug that was making the checking not work properly.

    Added better and flawless detection to check if a manga has anime adaptations or not.

    Now you can middle-click on the copy button to copy ALL anime-only entry Titles on The Broadcast Order on manga pages if it has any related anime.

    Improved experience on manga pages! Overall the experience will be the exact same as anime pages on all manga pages that have at least one anime adaptation.

    Now manga pages will only replace the Chiaki icon with the icon, and it will remove the alt click and mid-click text if it has no related anime.

  • v47 30 November 2023

    Removed cross-origin permission message.

  • v46 29 November 2023

    Code improvements.
    Code rewritten from scratch.
    Fixed a bug that was making the right click on the copy button not copy all franchise entry titles.

  • v45 13 Mei 2023

    Fixed bug that was making the script not show the missing AEGC club links when the pink button is middle clicked.

  • v44 02 Maret 2023

    Fixed bug that was making the script not work when the script myanimelist-external-link-adder was installed

  • v43 28 April 2022

    Version number updated

  • v2.0.0.33 09 Januari 2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script run on pages where it has no need to run.

  • v2.0.0.32 08 Januari 2022

    Removed needless line of code.

  • v2.0.0.31 08 Januari 2022

    Fixed bug that was making the script not work when an entry link was opened from the history page.

  • v2.0.0.30 25 Desember 2021

    Fixed bug that was making the script not run on entry pages.

  • v2.0.0.29 25 Desember 2021

    Now the script won't run on producer and genre pages.

  • v2.0.0.28 22 Desember 2021

    Fixed script icon.

  • v2.0.0.27 19 November 2021

    Improved match rules. Now the script also works when the anime/manga link is opened from the history page.

  • v2.0.0.26 24 Oktober 2021
  • v2.0.0.25 06 September 2021

    Removed support to auto search on AsianWiki, since they made the auto search feature unusable and this was making the script always return positive found results for AsianWiki even when it wasn't correct.

    Fixed bug that sometimes was making IMB show no results.

  • v2.0.0.24 18 Juni 2021

    Added the ability to choose between searching for live-actions/doramas using the Franchise Title or the Entry Title.

    Removed needless variables

    Removed codes that checked If the h2 element on didn't have the franchise title.

  • v2.0.0.23 09 Mei 2021

    Fixed script description

  • v2.0.0.22 06 Mei 2021

    Now the script won't break the links of .

  • v2.0.0.21 19 Maret 2021

    Fixed bug that was making the script not correctly search for duplicated anime ids when the chiaki button was middle clicked.

  • v2.0.0.20 05 Maret 2021 Now on manga pages the script tries to identify if the opened manga entry page has any anime adaptations, and if it does the script will try to get 1 random anime entry id of the franchise to be able to open the correct franchise page on chiaki. (If the script can't find any random anime id for the franchise only relatedanimes will be opened). Fixed bug that was making the script not correctly search for duplicated anime ids when the chiaki button was middle clicked.
  • v2.0.0.19 23 Februari 2021 Fixed bug that was copying both the romaji and the english entry titles.
  • v2.0.0.18 14 Februari 2021 Changed text "AEGC Club Order" to "AEGC Guide Order"
  • v2.0.0.17 14 Februari 2021 Now the script can check if the correct watch order is the chronological order or the broadcast order. Script integrated with the Anime Entry Guide Club on MAL.
  • v2.0.0.16 20 Januari 2021 Now the script will also automatically search for doramas/live-actions adaptations on AsianWiki.
  • v2.0.0.15 20 Januari 2021 Now when the find button is clicked the script will search for adaptations by getting the first tv type anime title for the anime Franchise on, this fixes the bug that sometimes the script was searching for adaptations using the wrong Franchise title that were not "TV" . When the Franchise doesn't have any TV type entry, the script won't search for adaptations and will display a message explaining why.
  • v2.0.0.14 16 Januari 2021 Updated to make less network requests to
  • v2.0.0.13 15 Januari 2021 When the chiaki icon was clicked on manga pages the script was opening the wrong page thus showing nothing, now the script will open the correct page
  • v2.0.0.12 14 Januari 2021 Fixed bug that was making the script not show the copy button on manga pages. Added chiaki button to manga pages, the script will open when clicked on manga pages. On anime pages right click the chiaki button open to show all the related anime entries on MAL on the correct watch order for the anime franchise, (including mangas,one shot's, Light Novels and these things...).
  • v2.0.0.11 14 Januari 2021 Added Script Icon. Now you can Left click on the copy button to Copy ALL Entry Titles In The Correct Watch Order With EP Numbers, Duration Times and Entry Types.
  • v2.0.0.10 27 November 2020 Codes better commented. Fixed bug that was making the script not always search for the anime title, this bug happened most on non-popular animes.
  • v2.0.0.9 24 November 2020 Fixed bug that wasn't displaying the buttons on the correct position if the entry had the english and japanese titles.Now the search button will also correctly search for adaptations, even if the user clicked on this button on the anime next seasons,ovas,specials or onas entry pages.
  • v2.0.0.8 24 November 2020 Now the script will also auto search for adaptations on MyDramaList. MyDramaList can only be opened in a new tab if the anime has an adaptation found in MyDramaList. Now it's easier and faster to see if the anime had any live actions/doramas or not.
  • v2.0.0.7 23 November 2020 Added symbols to make easier and faster to see if the anime had any live actions,doramas or theatrical adaptations or not.
  • v2.0.0.6 15 November 2020
  • v2.0.0.5 15 November 2020 Now the search button won't copy the entry title and won't open the mal club. The script will automatically search for the anime on the MAL Club and display the result to give the user the option to open or not IMDB,AsianWiki and MyDramaList
  • v2.0.0.4 09 November 2020
  • v2.0.0.3 09 November 2020 Match rule updated to be more strict and run only on the correct page
  • v2.0.0.2 17 September 2020 Changed match rules
  • v2.0.0.1 09 September 2020 Now the script won't run on manga mazine search pages
  • v2.0.0.0 05 September 2020 Now the script won't run on producer search pages
  • v1.9 25 Agustus 2020 Now the script won't run on the pages and
  • v1.8 25 Agustus 2020 Bug fixes. Copy button is now supported on manga entries.
  • v1.7 23 Agustus 2020 Fixed bug when the user clicked on the search icon.The script was looking for both the japanese and english titles at the same time, and that's why the websites didn't return any live-actions/doramas results.
  • v1.6 21 Agustus 2020 Fixed bug that was copying both the title in japanese and also in english.Now only the japanese title will be copied, like before.

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