Google Image Search Direct Links Old Style

Replace links and click actions of the Google Image Search results with direct links to the picture, and the page link. Now opens in the same tab by default

Ini adalah semua versi dari skrip ini. Hanya tampilkan versi yang kodenya telah diubah.

  • v1.2 18 Maret 2022
  • v1.2 21 Februari 2021 Outdated notice
  • v1.2 04 Maret 2018 revert version number
  • v1.2.1 04 Maret 2018 Added info
  • v1.2.1 04 Maret 2018
  • v1.2.1 04 Maret 2018
  • v1.2 04 Maret 2018 More user friendly indication of loaded status; re-inserted lost update link (oops)
  • v1.2 04 Maret 2018
  • v1.1 04 Maret 2018 Changed default behavior to open links in the same tab
  • v1.0 02 Maret 2018