TagPro Highlight Own Ball

Highlights your own ball (optionally only after spawning)

// ==UserScript==
// @name         TagPro Highlight Own Ball
// @version      1.1
// @description  Highlights your own ball (optionally only after spawning)
// @author       Ko
// @include      http://tagpro-*.koalabeast.com:*
// @include      http://tagpro-*.koalabeast.com:*
// @include      http://tangent.jukejuice.com:*
// @include      http://tagpro-*.koalabeast.com/game
// @include      http://tagpro-*.koalabeast.com/game
// @include      http://tangent.jukejuice.com/game
// @include      http://*.newcompte.fr:*
// @license      MIT
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/152992
// ==/UserScript==

//     ### --- OPTIONS --- ###                                                            //
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  //
                                                                                      //  //
// This is the time (seconds) that the highlight should                               //  //
// be shown on the ball *after* respawning. Setting this                              //  //
// at 0 will make your ball highlighted forever.                                      //  //
const time = 0 ;                                                                      //  //
                                                                                      //  //
// Color of the highlight (seperate for red and blue balls)                           //  //
// All colors on this website are supported:                                          //  //
//     https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_hex.asp                                //  //
// Don't forget the "quotes"                                                          //  //
// If you do this wrong, the highlight will be black. Ugh.                            //  //
const red_color = "lightpink" ;                                                       //  //
const blue_color = "lightblue" ;                                                      //  //
                                                                                      //  //
// You can also use hexadecimal values for colors. Example:                           //  //
//     const red_color = 0xff0000;                                                    //  //
                                                                                      //  //
// The opacity of the highlight, between 0 and 1.                                     //  //
// If you choose 1, the real ball will be invisble,                                   //  //
// and only the color of the highlight will be visible.                               //  //
const alpha = 0.6 ;                                                                   //  //
                                                                                      //  //
// Want to highlight the ball you are spectating too?                                 //  //
// Change the next option to false ;                                                  //  //
const hide_while_spectating = true ;                                                  //  //
                                                                                      //  //
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  //
//                                                     ### --- END OF OPTIONS --- ###     //



    var highlight = new PIXI.Graphics();

    function updateHighlight(attempt=0){
        // This function resets the color and ball to place the highlight on.
        // Usefull when switching teams, or looking at another ball while spectating.

        // 'you' could be your ball, OR the ball you are currently spectating.
        var you = tagpro.players[ tagpro.playerId ];

        if (!you || !you.sprites) return setTimeout(()=>updateHighlight(attempt+1),50);
        if (attempt > 60) return console.warn('TagPro Highlight Own Ball: Something went wrong. I can\'t show a highlight at the moment!');

        let color;
        if (you.team == 1) color = colors[red_color.toLowerCase()] || red_color;
        if (you.team == 2) color = colors[blue_color.toLowerCase()] || blue_color;

        highlight.beginFill( color , alpha ).drawCircle(20,20,19);

        // Adding the highlight to a ball,
        // will remove it from the previous one (if any)


    if (tagpro.playerId) updateHighlight();

    var timeout;

    if (time) {

            p = p.u || p;

            for ( var player of p ) if (player.id == tagpro.playerId) {

                if (player.dead == false) {
                    highlight.visible = true;
                    timeout = setTimeout(()=> highlight.visible = false, time*1000 );

                if (player.team) updateHighlight();


    if (hide_while_spectating) {

        highlight.alpha = !tagpro.spectator && alpha;

        tagpro.socket.on('spectator', function(spectator) {
            highlight.alpha = !spectator && alpha;



// List of color names

var colors = {"aliceblue":0xf0f8ff,