Add Keyboard Shortcut for Generic Next/Previous Page

Add CTRL+ArrowLeft and CTRL+ArrowRight for generic next/previous page. It will click the last found link/button whose text starts/ends with e.g. "Next", "Prev", "Back", or "Previous".

Ini adalah versi dari skrip ini yang kodenya telah diperbarui. Tampilkan semua versi.

  • v1.0.18 22 September 2023

    Add partial Shadow DOM support. Fixes problem in Bing Chat.

  • v1.0.17 11 April 2023

    Make elements' ID and class names to also be checked for matches.

  • v1.0.16 07 Januari 2022

    Bug fix for previous update

  • v1.0.15 03 Januari 2022

    Includes button/link whose text contains « and »

  • v1.0.14 23 Desember 2021

    Make link search to be more accurate

  • v1.0.13 14 Desember 2021

    Search elements in backward order instead of forward.

  • v1.0.12 14 Desember 2021

    Fixed: text content of some element types were not checked.

  • v1.0.11 23 April 2021
  • v1.0.10 17 Desember 2020 Changed search algorithm to avoid getting the wrong Next/Previous link such as slides at end of page
  • v1.0.8 01 Februari 2020 Minor fix for previous update
  • v1.0.7 01 Februari 2020 Prioritize next/previous link HTML metadata if specified
  • v1.0.6 20 Desember 2019 Added workaround to avoid choosing carousel link. Fix for Amazon search result page.
  • v1.0.5 12 Desember 2019 Made keyboard shortcut work on buttons too (e.g. on non JavaScript version of DuckDuckGo search result page)
  • v1.0.4 15 Januari 2019 Made to match links if they contain "Next" at the end of the text (just like when matching the "Prev" or "Previous" links). Also match text in the links' REL attribute, if any.
  • v1.0.3 27 Februari 2017 Removed debugging code.
  • v1.0.2 26 Februari 2017 Fixed keyboard shortcut fired when the active element is an INPUT/TEXTAREA element, or any element whose content is currently editable. i.e. restore navigation keyboard shortcuts for text editing.
  • v1.0 25 Februari 2017