The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Lists all of your reviews with vote and comment tallies, with updates highlighted

< Feedback on The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 11 November 2016

Small feature request

I really like all the enhancements you added. Thank you. I wonder if you might be able to add one more small thing. Would it be possible to generate a date when the report is created. Maybe on "Amazon Review Details" line (so it does not take up an extra line)?

Posted: 11 November 2016

Sure, I can do that. Maybe tomorrow.

Posted: 12 November 2016

OK, all set. And... it looks like maybe the system here will only register the first rating, per person. Maybe you could go to your original thread, and change its blue dot to green, for a positive rating. Thanks

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