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Why is publishing script update unaccessible?

Posted: 18 Februari 2022

I can browse greasyfork pages, install scripts, post discussions, login/logout... But I just cannot post script update. Everytime I click the 'Post new version' button I found this page keep loading for a really long time, and finally got this:

Posted: 18 Februari 2022

Just now I succesfully posted a new version using firefox, but chrome is unable to do that.
I don't know how does this happen.

Posted: 18 Februari 2022

May depend on the content of the script you're trying to post. If there are errors in it (or even something unexpected) it could cause this.

Posted: 19 Februari 2022
Edited: 19 Februari 2022

I don't think that's the reason, though the the content of the script I'm trying to post via chrome is exactly the same as the content I posted via firefox .... However, thank you for answering:)

Posted: 19 Februari 2022

Firefox and Chrome may post things in different ways. Also possible there are some cookies set in one or the other that are affecting things. If you upload here what you're trying to use I can try it myself.

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