Nexus Clash Interface Tweaks JS - Various Tweaks to the Nexus Clash Browser Game Interface
Light Rising AutoFuel JS - Adds an 'Add Fuel 10x' button to Light Rising Browser Game
Light Rising Craft Lock JS - Remember a craft or build option. Handy when getting components.
Nexus Clash Stat Bars JS - Adds bars to AP HP and MP
Nexus Clash Recall Last Charge Attack JS - For Gunwizards. Rememebers last attack power up for arcane marksman
Nexus Clash Add Drop Item Safety Check Box JS - Make it a tad harder to drop things
Nexus Clash Colour Messages JS - Message colour coding for Nexus Clash Browser Game
Nexus Clash Forums Newspaper Wiki Text JS - Trys to find and convert forum posts containing newspaper leaderboards to wiki ready text
Shintolin Tweaks JS - Tweaks for Shintolin Browser Game
Nexus Clash Newspaper Wiki Text JS - Adds button to newspaper view thats adds wiki ready version
Light Rising Crafting Checker JS - Shows if any crafting tools or ingredients are missing
Nexus Clash Default Prayer is for Magic JS - Makes default prayer be for magic
Light Rising Remember Number of Items JS - AutoSelects value used for number of items for Give/Drop/Take actions
Light Rising AutoQuarry JS - Adds a Quarry 10X button.
Light Rising Remember Last Weapon JS - Remembers last weapon used and autoselects it.
Shintolin Remember Last Weapon JS - Remembers last weapon used and autoselects it.
Shintolin Building Checker JS - Shows if any building tools or components are missing
Shintolin Crafting Checker JS - Shows if any crafting tools or ingredients are missing
NexusClashReadableInfusion JS - Makes infusion numbers readable
Nexus Clash Remove Spell Gem Color JS - In the faction safe removes the color from spell gems and resorts them alphabetically
Shintolin AutoSearch JS - Adds Search 10x button
Light Rising Anti Wall Climbing JS - Stops accidental wall climbing.
Light Rising Building Checker JS - Shows if any building tools or components are missing
Light Rising AutoSearch JS - Adds 'Search 10x' button
Shartak Rearrange Inventory Lite JS - rearranges a few less inventory items
Shartak Rearrange Inventory JS - rearranges a few inventory items
Nexus Clash Reload on Top JS - Reload goes to the top of inventory.
NexusClashPetListonMouseover JS - Character Name title text shows a count of a characters pets that are present
Nexus Clash Bullhorn Safety JS - Disables bullhorn button until something is typed in bullhorn speech box.
Shartak Treasure Map Safety JS - Default action for Non-active Treasure Maps set to identify
Nexus Clash Stat Bars Alternative Version JS - Adds bars to AP HP and MP
Nexus Clash Stat Bars Vertical JS - Adds bars to AP HP and MP
Nexus Clash Remove Spellgem Colour from Inventory JS - Remove Spellgem Colour from Inventory
Nexus Clash Enchanting Aid JS - Helps track an items enchantment history.
Nexus Clash Display Known Classes JS - Stores some known character classes and adds then to Game interface.