Anime Songs - AniList Player

This Script allows You to play Openings and Endings directly on AniList

Ezek a szkript azon változatai, ahol a kód módosítva lett. Minden verzió mutatása

  • v2.2.1 2023.01.03.

    Removed useless Alert Box

  • v2.2 2022.12.25.

    For some reason URLs got changed again...
    So I've added slider, that lets You choose between them - to avoid making Updates, just to change them

  • v2.1 2022.12.18.

    + "Safety Indicator" - shows when a Video is NSFW or contains Spoilers
    - Useless piece of Code

    Updated URLs (Fix for Audio Player and possibly Video Player in the Future)
    Updated "Additional OPs and EDs" to work as intended

  • v2.0 2022.11.06.

    * Made the Script independent of the Extension
    + Audio Mode
    + Link to the Videos Source

    ! Please, report any Bugs You encounter

  • v1.2.8 2022.05.13.

    So... Today I realized that AnimeThemes slightly changed their API - after a few months(?), the Script is finally working again!!

  • v1.2.7.1 2022.02.01.

    Manually Added Arifureta S2 Songs (Hard-Coded - missing in the DataBase)

  • v1.2.7 2021.11.30.

    1) Issue causing some Songs to trigger Alert Box

    + Additional Openings and Endings

  • v1.2.6.1 2021.11.25.

    Fixed issue with Zoku Owarimonogatari Opening triggering Alert Box

  • v1.2.6 2021.10.03.

    Bug Fix + Instruction how to check whether Song is missing, or is it a Script Bug

  • v1.2.5 2021.09.19.

    Bug Fix - when there was only an Endings Section, Video Player didn't appear

  • v1.2 2021.09.12.

    Changed DataBase, so now there are more Entries - the Process might take a while longer, so avoid instant clicking

  • v1.1 2021.09.11.

    Small Change to avoid confusion when Song is Missing

  • v1.0 2021.09.11.