Youtube Auto-translate Canceler

Remove auto-translated youtube titles

< Feedback on Youtube Auto-translate Canceler

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2018.12.11.

Any chance of Safari compatibility?


I have never used any custom scripts and whatnot before. It is mentioned in the description that it is for Firefox and Chrome; is there any chance that this script will work with Safari? If there is, then I am willing to give it a go and play around with it to see if I can get it working, but if someone already knows that it is definitely not possible, then obviously that would be a waste of time.


Posted: 2018.12.12.

The Tampermonkey extension seems to be available for Safari, so you can install it first, then install the script. Please tell me if it works as expected

Posted: 2018.12.14.

Wonderful! The script worked and it only took around 20 minutes to set up the whole API key thing. The video titles are no longer translated! The one thing I would add, is that if I go to a channel, The autoplay video under the "Home" tab for the channel, has two titles: one on the video and one to the right. The title to the right of the video is still translated. Apart from this very minor bug, your script works wonderfully, thank you for sharing it with us!

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