Twitter last read

Keep track of your read tweets.

Ez a szkript összes változata. Csak azon verziók mutatása, ahol a kód változott.

  • v2.8 2017.10.05. Fixed includeUrl, adding domain slash Reported that the includeUrl could match Added slash to prevent that. Thank you PegasusEpsilon!
  • v2.7 2017.05.30. Update twitter_last_read.user.js Liked tweets are skipped and only marked when there's preceding normal marked read tweets. Promoted tweets are skipped differently now and still hidden.
  • v2.6.2 2016.06.14. Synced from GitHub - Prevent double wrapping youtube videos with an anchor Would happen on load of the tweet and also on marking the tweet as read.
  • v2.6.1 2016.05.20. Synced from GitHub - Update twitter_last_read.user.js YouTube clickable functionality should now also work for non-marked tweets.
  • v2.6 2016.04.30. Synced from GitHub - Update twitter_last_read.user.js Adds overlay to embedded YouTube videos so you can simply open them in a new tab/window. Can be disabled with the 'addYoutubeOverlay' setting.
  • v2.5.5 2016.02.07. Synced from GitHub - Update twitter_last_read.user.js Removed and updated some comments. Now also hiding "Who to follow section"
  • v2.5.4 2015.12.25. Synced from GitHub - Update twitter_last_read.user.js When scrolling to the last read tweet, also ignore the "while you were away" block (which the script hides).
  • v2.5.3 2015.12.16. Synced from GitHub - Update twitter_last_read.user.js added @downloadURL
  • v2.5.2 2015.12.15. Synced from GitHub - Improvement in marking the last read Tweet. When some items are loaded at the top ("View n more tweets"), marking all tweets read could not work as expected. This should be fixed now. Note: Though I also noticed Tweet IDs are not strictly incremental anymore. So far I've only seen one 'lower' Tweet interrupting the sequence. Will have to keep an eye on this.
  • v2.5.1 2015.12.02. Synced from GitHub - Update twitter_last_read.user.js make recap hiding actually work now?
  • v2.5 2015.11.30. Synced from GitHub - Update twitter_last_read.user.js forgot to update version number
  • v2.4 2015.11.29. Synced from GitHub - Update twitter_last_read.user.js Now the "While you were away..." block is hidden. Since this script makes it actually easy for you to go back and see ALL the things you had missed.
  • v2.4 2015.09.13. Synced from GitHub - Styling for marked/read tweet changed to blue left border ... instead of grey background, which was sometimes hard to read in bad lighting conditions.
  • v2.3.6 2015.08.16. Synced from GitHub - v 2.3.6 Removed script insertion because Firefox 40 increased security Removed script insertion because Firefox 40(?) increased security not liking injection of scripts. That was once added as a generic way to make (user)scripts work in multiple browsers. Now removing it, only tested in Firefox.
  • v2.3.5 2015.07.21. Synced from GitHub - 2.3.4; Fix for Twitter dropping solid background Twitter dropped the solid background color on stream items. Setting a solid color and less opacity now.
  • v2.3.3 2014.08.31. Synced from GitHub - Update twitter_last_read.user.js Disabling they hotkeys stopped working after a few days. Removing it again.
  • v2.3.3 2014.08.20. Synced from GitHub - Twitter introduced (more) hotkeys that now break normal interaction (Ctrl+r), fixing that!
  • v2.3.2 2014.07.05. Imported from URL