Wanikani Procrastination Annihilation JS - Hides the forums until you've completed some reviews
Wanikani Dashboard Active Topics Panel JS - Active Topics Panel for your dashboard
Wanikani Review SRS/Level Indicator JS - Show current SRS level of the item you are reviewing
WaniKani Super Burn Happy Script JS - Every burn is a reason to celebrate! Congratulate yourself with confetti!
Wanikani Anki Mode JS - Anki mode for Wanikani
WaniKani Item Annotator JS - Annotates radical, kanji and vocab pages with SRS colours. Original script by jeshuamorrissey.
Wanikani Random Font JS - Randomize between Japanese fonts on Wanikani.
Wanikani Lesson Tab Transmutation JS - Change the order of lesson tabs
KW Anki Mode JS - Anki mode on KaniWani
Wanikani Lesson Spoiler Removal JS - Hides the meaning below kanji and vocab on lesson pages
WaniKani Review Asc/Desc SRS Order (Radical -> Kanji -> Vocab) JS - Sorts WaniKani reviews by type and ascending or descending SRS level
Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2 Embe Mod JS - Learn in the order you want to.
Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2 Embe Mod JS - Learn in the order you want to.
Wanikani Override JS - Adds an "Ignore Answer" button during reviews that makes WaniKani ignore the current answer (useful if, for example, you made a stupid typo)
Wanikani Little Pinky Protector JS - Add another shortcut to enter an answer, so your pinky doesn't get too tired!
Wanikani Combo Streak JS - Shows your review combo
Wanikani Kana Review JS - Changes kanji->kana on 'meaning' reviews
Wanikani Review Info Page Link JS - Add a link to the info page of an item
Wanikani Wrap-up Button Enhancement JS - Beefed-up Wrap-up button
Wanikani Multiple Answer Input JS - Input multiple readings/meanings
Wanikani You Should Already Know This Reading JS - Inject mnemonics from other items into your lessons
Wanikani Note Attention Grabber JS - Give extra attention to notes
WaniKani Item Info Expander JS - Expands item info automatically without scrolling. Based on script by Takuya Kobayashi, with help from Mempo and rfindley.