MTurk Great HIT Export

Export HIT description as vBulletin formatted text with turkopticon link, turkopticon info, and all relevant data

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.28 25.04.2016.
  • v1.27 12.01.2016.
  • v1.26 05.10.2015.
  • v1.25 21.07.2015.
  • v1.24 03.06.2015.
  • v1.23 08.05.2015.
  • v1.22 17.04.2015.
  • v1.21 26.03.2015.
  • v1.20 25.03.2015.
  • v1.19 23.02.2015.
  • v1.18 15.01.2015.
  • v1.17 15.01.2015.
  • v1.16 15.01.2015.
  • v1.15 26.11.2014.
  • v1.14 26.11.2014.
  • v1.13 26.11.2014. Important template update
  • v1.12 27.10.2014. Updated TO api
  • v1.11 02.10.2014.
  • v1.10 02.10.2014.
  • v1.9 21.08.2014. Updated to fix issues with no TO hits.
  • v1.78 15.05.2014. Imported from
  • v1.77 15.05.2014. Imported from
  • v1.76 13.05.2014. Imported from