Aliexpress Plus

Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, enhances item pages

< Feedback on Aliexpress Plus


Posted: 08.03.2020.

Am I doing it right?

Hi, I tried the script but it's not working for me. Is it supposed to work in a normal Aliexpress search? Why is there "// @match*" in the code? Can't find anything on links formatted like that. Should it work for this example?

Posted: 09.03.2020.

Hi, not sure if wish list features work? I don't see anything? Can U post a screenshot how it works for U? :)

Posted: 10.03.2020.

should be // @match

Posted: 15.03.2020.

Added the new search list format to @match, update to the version posted today and it should work.

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