YouTube Links

Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.

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Posted: 11.09.2019.

20190911 not working again

GMT+8 10:30 the script not working

Posted: 11.09.2019.

Me too, temporary problem or protection of Youtube?

Posted: 20.09.2019.

It still works for me. Do you have a video link that I can check? Thanks.

Posted: 20.09.2019.

YouTube had changed the structure of ytplayer on September 11th. urlencodedfmtstreammap, adaptivefmts, etc. have been removed, Moved to ytplayer.config.args.playerresponse But the next day the changes were rollback and now the script works without a problem.

Posted: 22.09.2019.

It probably broke too many tools. :D

(It might break again once the tools are updated.)

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