
(Urban Dead) Groups items together in your inventory and squashes mall search

// ==UserScript==
// @author       haliphax
// @include      http://*urbandead.com/map.cgi*
// @exclude      http://*urbandead.com/map.cgi?log*
// @name         UDInventory
// @namespace    https://roadha.us
// @description  (Urban Dead) Groups items together in your inventory and squashes mall search
// @version      1.1
// ==/UserScript==

    var a = 0;
    var matches = 0;
    var newform = 0;

    // pistols
    matches = document.body.innerHTML.match(/"pistol" class="m".*?>\([0-9]+\)/g);
    if(matches !== null && matches.length > 1)
        newform = '<form class="a" action="map.cgi?use-b" method="post">';
        newform += '<input type="submit" value="';
        newform += (matches.length > 1 ? matches.length + ' ' : '') + 'pistol';
        newform += (matches.length > 1 ? 's' : '') + '" class="m">&nbsp;<b>';
        for(a = 0; a < matches.length; a++) {
            newform += matches[a].match(/\([0-9]+\)/);
        newform += '</b></form>';
        document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-b".*?<\/form>/, newform).replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-b".*?<\/form>/g, '');

    // shotguns
    matches = document.body.innerHTML.match(/"shotgun" class="m".*?>\([0-9]+\)/g);
    if(matches !== null && matches.length > 1)
        newform = '<form class="a" action="map.cgi?use-s" method="post">';
        newform += '<input type="submit" value="';
        newform += (matches.length > 1 ? matches.length + ' ' : '') + 'shotgun';
        newform += (matches.length > 1 ? 's' : '') + '" class="m">&nbsp;<b>';
        for(a = 0; a < matches.length; a++) {
            newform += matches[a].match(/\([0-9]+\)/);
        newform += '</b></form>';
        document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-s".*?<\/form>/, newform).replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-s".*?<\/form>/g, '');

    // first-aid kits
    matches = document.body.innerHTML.match(/"first-aid kit" class="m".*?>/g);
    if(matches !== null && matches.length > 1)
        newform = '<form class="a" action="map.cgi?use-h" method="post">';
        newform += '<input type="submit" value="first-aid kit" class="m">&nbsp;<b>(';
        newform += matches.length + ')</b>&nbsp;on&nbsp;';
        var fakHtml = document.body.innerHTML.match(
            /<select name="target"><option value="">self.*?<\/form>/);
        if(fakHtml == null) fakHtml = 'self</form>';
        newform += fakHtml;
        document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-h" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/,
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-h" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/g,

    // revivification syringes
    matches = document.body.innerHTML.match(/"revivification syringe" class="m".*?>/g);
    if(matches !== null && matches.length > 1)
        newform = '<form class="a" action="map.cgi?use-z" method="post">';
        newform += '<input type="submit" value="revivification syringe" class="m">&nbsp;';
        newform += '<b>(' + matches.length + ')</b>';
        newform += document.body.innerHTML.match(
            /"revivification syringe" class="m".*?>(.*?)&nbsp;\(10AP\)<\/form>/)[1];

        if(document.body.innerHTML.match(/<span class="apw">/) !== null) {
            newform += '&nbsp;<span style="color:DarkRed;font-weight:bold;">(10AP)</span>';
        } else {
            newform += '&nbsp;(10AP)';

        newform += '</form>';
        document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-z" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/,
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-z" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/g,

    // pistol clips
    matches = document.body.innerHTML.match(/"pistol clip" class="m".*?>/g);
    if(matches !== null && matches.length > 1)
        newform = '<form class="a" action="map.cgi?use-k" method="post">';
        newform += '<input type="submit" value="pistol clip" class="m">&nbsp;';
        newform += '<b>(' + matches.length + ')</b></form>';
        document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-k" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/,
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-k" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/g,

    // shotgun shells
    matches = document.body.innerHTML.match(/"shotgun shell" class="m".*?>/g);
    if(matches !== null && matches.length > 1)
        newform = '<form class="a" action="map.cgi?use-r" method="post">';
        newform += '<input type="submit" value="shotgun shell" class="m">&nbsp;';
        newform += '<b>(' + matches.length + ')</b></form>';
        document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-r" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/,
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-r" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/g,

    // spray cans
    matches = document.body.innerHTML.match(/"spray can" class="m".*?>/g);
    if(matches !== null && matches.length > 1)
        newform = '<form class="a" action="map.cgi?use-x" method="post">';
        newform += '<input type="submit" value="spray can" class="m">&nbsp;';
        newform += '<b>(' + matches.length + ')</b></form>';
        document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-x" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/,
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-x" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/g,

    // fuel cans
    matches = document.body.innerHTML.match(/"fuel can" class="m".*?>/g);
    if(matches !== null && matches.length > 1)
        newform = '<form class="a" action="map.cgi?use-i" method="post">';
        newform += '<input type="submit" value="fuel can" class="m">&nbsp;';
        newform += '<b>(' + matches.length + ')</b></form>';
        document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-i" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/,
            /<form action="map\.cgi\?use-i" method="post" class="a">.*?<\/form>/g,

    // mall search compactor
    newform = '<form name="srch" id="srch" class="a" action="map.cgi?search'
        + (/search.$/.exec(window.location.href)
           ? window.location.href[window.location.href.length - 1]
           : 'a')
        + '" method="post">';
    newform += '<input type="submit" value="Search" class="m"><select id="storelist"> ';
    newform += '<option value="a" onclick="document.srch.action=\'map.cgi?searcha\'"'
        + (/searcha$/.exec(window.location.href) ? ' selected="selected"' : '')
        + '>the Gun store</option>';
    newform += '<option value="b" onclick="document.srch.action=\'map.cgi?searchb\'"'
        + (/searchb$/.exec(window.location.href) ? ' selected="selected"' : '')
        + '>the Tech store</option>';
    newform += '<option value="c" onclick="document.srch.action=\'map.cgi?searchc\'"'
        + (/searchc$/.exec(window.location.href) ? ' selected="selected"' : '')
        + '>the Hardware store</option>';
    newform += '<option value="d" onclick="document.srch.action=\'map.cgi?searchd\'"'
        + (/searchd$/.exec(window.location.href) ? ' selected="selected"' : '')
        + '>the Sports store</option>';
    newform += '<option value="e" onclick="document.srch.action=\'map.cgi?searche\'"'
        + (/searche$/.exec(window.location.href) ? ' selected="selected"' : '')
        + '>the Liquor store</option>';
    newform += '<option value="f" onclick="document.srch.action=\'map.cgi?searchf\'"'
        + (/searchf$/.exec(window.location.href) ? ' selected="selected"' : '')
        + '>the Bookstore</option>';
    newform += '<option value="g" onclick="document.srch.action=\'map.cgi?searchg\'"'
        + (/searchg$/.exec(window.location.href) ? ' selected="selected"' : '')
        + '>the Drugstore</option>';
    newform += '</select></form>';
    document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
        /<form action="map\.cgi\?searcha".*?<\/form>/i, newform);
    document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(
        /<form action="map\.cgi\?search[b-g]".*?<\/form>/ig, '');