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Inject stylus in Shadow DOM

inject stylus to shadowRoot

< Feedback on Inject stylus in Shadow DOM


Posted: 08.11.2024.

The MutationObserver doesn't seem to be properly affecting elements created after initial page load.

Posted: 08.11.2024.
Edited: 08.11.2024.

Hmm. It's probably not this script's fault, though. The other two shadow DOM injection scripts I found on GreaseFork also aren't affecting these elements, even the one that doesn't require you to specify :host first.

It might have something to do with the fact that these shadow DOMs are being inserted by other userscripts. This script comes after them in execution order, but that doesn't seem to be enough.

Oh well.

Posted: 10.11.2024.

Hey, sorry for the delay, can you share the script that inserts shadowDOM, I can take a look

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