// ==UserScript==
// @name 24k UNOBFUSCATED (zombs.io)
// @namespace discord.gg/GGQmaspr9N
// @version ALPHA-Pro
// @description better than u
// @author ehScripts
// @match zombs.io/*
// @icon https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873589347314700359/985564558594826280/24k.png
// @license MIT
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
window.FontAwesomeKitConfig = {
"asyncLoading": {
"enabled": false
"autoA11y": {
"enabled": true
"baseUrl": "https://ka-f.fontawesome.com",
"baseUrlKit": "https://kit.fontawesome.com",
"detectConflictsUntil": null,
"iconUploads": {},
"id": 134114787,
"license": "free",
"method": "css",
"minify": {
"enabled": true
"token": "ca28382911",
"v4FontFaceShim": {
"enabled": true
"v4shim": {
"enabled": true
"v5FontFaceShim": {
"enabled": true
"version": "6.4.0"
! function(t) {
"function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("kit-loader", t) : t()
}((function() {
"use strict";
function t(t, e) {
var n = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
e && (r = r.filter((function(e) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e).enumerable
}))), n.push.apply(n, r)
return n
function e(e) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var o = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? t(Object(o), !0).forEach((function(t) {
r(e, t, o[t])
})) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : t(Object(o)).forEach((function(t) {
Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, t))
return e
function n(t) {
return (n = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) {
return typeof t
} : function(t) {
return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t
function r(t, e, n) {
return (e = function(t) {
var e = function(t, e) {
if ("object" != typeof t || null === t) return t;
var n = t[Symbol.toPrimitive];
if (void 0 !== n) {
var r = n.call(t, e || "default");
if ("object" != typeof r) return r;
throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
return ("string" === e ? String : Number)(t)
}(t, "string");
return "symbol" == typeof e ? e : String(e)
}(e)) in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
value: n,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}) : t[e] = n, t
function o(t, e) {
return function(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) return t
}(t) || function(t, e) {
var n = null == t ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"];
if (null != n) {
var r, o, i, c, a = [],
u = !0,
f = !1;
try {
if (i = (n = n.call(t)).next, 0 === e) {
if (Object(n) !== n) return;
u = !1
} else
for (; !(u = (r = i.call(n)).done) && (a.push(r.value), a.length !== e); u = !0);
} catch (t) {
f = !0, o = t
} finally {
try {
if (!u && null != n.return && (c = n.return(), Object(c) !== c)) return
} finally {
if (f) throw o
return a
}(t, e) || function(t, e) {
if (!t) return;
if ("string" == typeof t) return i(t, e);
var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1);
"Object" === n && t.constructor && (n = t.constructor.name);
if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t);
if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return i(t, e)
}(t, e) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
function i(t, e) {
(null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length);
for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++) r[n] = t[n];
return r
function c(t, e) {
var n = e && e.addOn || "",
r = e && e.baseFilename || t.license + n,
o = e && e.minify ? ".min" : "",
i = e && e.fileSuffix || t.method,
c = e && e.subdir || t.method;
return t.baseUrl + "/releases/" + ("latest" === t.version ? "latest" : "v".concat(t.version)) + "/" + c + "/" + r + o + "." + i
function a(t) {
return t.baseUrlKit + "/" + t.token + "/" + t.id + "/kit-upload.css"
function u(t, e) {
var n = e || ["fa"],
r = "." + Array.prototype.join.call(n, ",."),
o = t.querySelectorAll(r);
Array.prototype.forEach.call(o, (function(e) {
var n = e.getAttribute("title");
e.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
var r = !e.nextElementSibling || !e.nextElementSibling.classList.contains("sr-only");
if (n && r) {
var o = t.createElement("span");
o.innerHTML = n, o.classList.add("sr-only"), e.parentNode.insertBefore(o, e.nextSibling)
var f, s = function() {},
d = "undefined" != typeof global && void 0 !== global.process && "function" == typeof global.process.emit,
l = "undefined" == typeof setImmediate ? setTimeout : setImmediate,
h = [];
function m() {
for (var t = 0; t < h.length; t++) h[t][0](h[t][1]);
h = [], f = !1
function p(t, e) {
h.push([t, e]), f || (f = !0, l(m, 0))
function v(t) {
var e = t.owner,
n = e._state,
r = e._data,
o = t[n],
i = t.then;
if ("function" == typeof o) {
n = "fulfilled";
try {
r = o(r)
} catch (t) {
w(i, t)
y(i, r) || ("fulfilled" === n && b(i, r), "rejected" === n && w(i, r))
function y(t, e) {
var r;
try {
if (t === e) throw new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.");
if (e && ("function" == typeof e || "object" === n(e))) {
var o = e.then;
if ("function" == typeof o) return o.call(e, (function(n) {
r || (r = !0, e === n ? g(t, n) : b(t, n))
}), (function(e) {
r || (r = !0, w(t, e))
})), !0
} catch (e) {
return r || w(t, e), !0
return !1
function b(t, e) {
t !== e && y(t, e) || g(t, e)
function g(t, e) {
"pending" === t._state && (t._state = "settled", t._data = e, p(S, t))
function w(t, e) {
"pending" === t._state && (t._state = "settled", t._data = e, p(j, t))
function A(t) {
t._then = t._then.forEach(v)
function S(t) {
t._state = "fulfilled", A(t)
function j(t) {
t._state = "rejected", A(t), !t._handled && d && global.process.emit("unhandledRejection", t._data, t)
function O(t) {
global.process.emit("rejectionHandled", t)
function E(t) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Promise resolver " + t + " is not a function");
if (this instanceof E == !1) throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");
this._then = [],
function(t, e) {
function n(t) {
w(e, t)
try {
t((function(t) {
b(e, t)
}), n)
} catch (t) {
}(t, this)
E.prototype = {
constructor: E,
_state: "pending",
_then: null,
_data: void 0,
_handled: !1,
then: function(t, e) {
var n = {
owner: this,
then: new this.constructor(s),
fulfilled: t,
rejected: e
return !e && !t || this._handled || (this._handled = !0, "rejected" === this._state && d && p(O, this)), "fulfilled" === this._state || "rejected" === this._state ? p(v, n) : this._then.push(n), n.then
catch: function(t) {
return this.then(null, t)
}, E.all = function(t) {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to Promise.all().");
return new E((function(e, n) {
var r = [],
o = 0;
function i(t) {
return o++,
function(n) {
r[t] = n, --o || e(r)
for (var c, a = 0; a < t.length; a++)(c = t[a]) && "function" == typeof c.then ? c.then(i(a), n) : r[a] = c;
o || e(r)
}, E.race = function(t) {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to Promise.race().");
return new E((function(e, n) {
for (var r, o = 0; o < t.length; o++)(r = t[o]) && "function" == typeof r.then ? r.then(e, n) : e(r)
}, E.resolve = function(t) {
return t && "object" === n(t) && t.constructor === E ? t : new E((function(e) {
}, E.reject = function(t) {
return new E((function(e, n) {
var _ = "function" == typeof Promise ? Promise : E;
function F(t, e) {
var n = e.fetch,
r = e.XMLHttpRequest,
o = e.token,
i = t;
return "URLSearchParams" in window ? (i = new URL(t)).searchParams.set("token", o) : i = i + "?token=" + encodeURIComponent(o), i = i.toString(), new _((function(t, e) {
if ("function" == typeof n) n(i, {
mode: "cors",
cache: "default"
}).then((function(t) {
if (t.ok) return t.text();
throw new Error("")
})).then((function(e) {
else if ("function" == typeof r) {
var o = new r;
o.addEventListener("loadend", (function() {
this.responseText ? t(this.responseText) : e(new Error(""))
["abort", "error", "timeout"].map((function(t) {
o.addEventListener(t, (function() {
e(new Error(""))
})), o.open("GET", i), o.send()
} else {
e(new Error(""))
function P(t, e, n) {
var r = t;
return [
[/(url\("?)\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\./g, function(t, n) {
return "".concat(n).concat(e)
[/(url\("?)\.\.\/webfonts/g, function(t, r) {
return "".concat(r).concat(e, "/releases/v").concat(n, "/webfonts")
[/(url\("?)https:\/\/kit-free([^.])*\.fontawesome\.com/g, function(t, n) {
return "".concat(n).concat(e)
].forEach((function(t) {
var e = o(t, 2),
n = e[0],
i = e[1];
r = r.replace(n, i)
})), r
function C(t, n) {
var r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : function() {},
o = n.document || o,
i = u.bind(u, o, ["fa", "fab", "fas", "far", "fal", "fad", "fak"]),
f = Object.keys(t.iconUploads || {}).length > 0;
t.autoA11y.enabled && r(i);
var s = [{
id: "fa-main",
addOn: void 0
t.v4shim && t.v4shim.enabled && s.push({
id: "fa-v4-shims",
addOn: "-v4-shims"
}), t.v5FontFaceShim && t.v5FontFaceShim.enabled && s.push({
id: "fa-v5-font-face",
addOn: "-v5-font-face"
}), t.v4FontFaceShim && t.v4FontFaceShim.enabled && s.push({
id: "fa-v4-font-face",
addOn: "-v4-font-face"
}), f && s.push({
id: "fa-kit-upload",
customCss: !0
var d = s.map((function(r) {
return new _((function(o, i) {
F(r.customCss ? a(t) : c(t, {
addOn: r.addOn,
minify: t.minify.enabled
}), n).then((function(i) {
o(T(i, e(e({}, n), {}, {
baseUrl: t.baseUrl,
version: t.version,
id: r.id,
contentFilter: function(t, e) {
return P(t, e.baseUrl, e.version)
return _.all(d)
function T(t, e) {
var n = e.contentFilter || function(t, e) {
return t
r = document.createElement("style"),
o = document.createTextNode(n(t, e));
return r.appendChild(o), r.media = "all", e.id && r.setAttribute("id", e.id), e && e.detectingConflicts && e.detectionIgnoreAttr && r.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute(e.detectionIgnoreAttr)), r
function U(t, n) {
n.autoA11y = t.autoA11y.enabled, "pro" === t.license && (n.autoFetchSvg = !0, n.fetchSvgFrom = t.baseUrl + "/releases/" + ("latest" === t.version ? "latest" : "v".concat(t.version)) + "/svgs", n.fetchUploadedSvgFrom = t.uploadsUrl);
var r = [];
return t.v4shim.enabled && r.push(new _((function(r, o) {
F(c(t, {
addOn: "-v4-shims",
minify: t.minify.enabled
}), n).then((function(t) {
r(k(t, e(e({}, n), {}, {
id: "fa-v4-shims"
}))), r.push(new _((function(r, o) {
F(c(t, {
minify: t.minify.enabled
}), n).then((function(t) {
var o = k(t, e(e({}, n), {}, {
id: "fa-main"
r(function(t, e) {
var n = e && void 0 !== e.autoFetchSvg ? e.autoFetchSvg : void 0,
r = e && void 0 !== e.autoA11y ? e.autoA11y : void 0;
void 0 !== r && t.setAttribute("data-auto-a11y", r ? "true" : "false");
n && (t.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute("data-auto-fetch-svg")), t.setAttribute("data-fetch-svg-from", e.fetchSvgFrom), t.setAttribute("data-fetch-uploaded-svg-from", e.fetchUploadedSvgFrom));
return t
}(o, n))
}))), _.all(r)
function k(t, e) {
var n = document.createElement("SCRIPT"),
r = document.createTextNode(t);
return n.appendChild(r), n.referrerPolicy = "strict-origin", e.id && n.setAttribute("id", e.id), e && e.detectingConflicts && e.detectionIgnoreAttr && n.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute(e.detectionIgnoreAttr)), n
function I(t) {
var e, n = [],
r = document,
o = r.documentElement.doScroll,
i = (o ? /^loaded|^c/ : /^loaded|^i|^c/).test(r.readyState);
i || r.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e = function() {
for (r.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e), i = 1; e = n.shift();) e()
}), i ? setTimeout(t, 0) : n.push(t)
function L(t) {
"undefined" != typeof MutationObserver && new MutationObserver(t).observe(document, {
childList: !0,
subtree: !0
try {
if (window.FontAwesomeKitConfig) {
var x = window.FontAwesomeKitConfig,
M = {
detectingConflicts: x.detectConflictsUntil && new Date <= new Date(x.detectConflictsUntil),
detectionIgnoreAttr: "data-fa-detection-ignore",
fetch: window.fetch,
token: x.token,
XMLHttpRequest: window.XMLHttpRequest,
document: document
N = document.currentScript,
D = N ? N.parentElement : document.head;
(function() {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
return "js" === t.method ? U(t, e) : "css" === t.method ? C(t, e, (function(t) {
I(t), L(t)
})) : void 0
})(x, M).then((function(t) {
t.map((function(t) {
try {
D.insertBefore(t, N ? N.nextSibling : null)
} catch (e) {
})), M.detectingConflicts && N && I((function() {
var t = function(t, e) {
var n = document.createElement("script");
return e && e.detectionIgnoreAttr && n.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute(e.detectionIgnoreAttr)), n.src = c(t, {
baseFilename: "conflict-detection",
fileSuffix: "js",
subdir: "js",
minify: t.minify.enabled
}), n
}(x, M);
})).catch((function(t) {
console.error("".concat("Font Awesome Kit:", " ").concat(t))
} catch (t) {
console.error("".concat("Font Awesome Kit:", " ").concat(t))
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-intro-name")[0].maxLength = 29;
let savedTabs = [];
let gameServers = game.options.servers;
document.getElementsByClassName('hud-intro-guide')[0].innerHTML = `
<h1>Tab Saver</h1>
<br />
Tabs saved:<br />
<div id="savedTabs">
<hr />
<p style="width: 300px;">
To exit a saved tab and go back to the main menu, click the blank spell icon on the left side of the screen.
document.getElementsByClassName('hud-chat')[0].style.width = "auto";
document.getElementsByClassName('hud-chat')[0].style.minWidth = "520px";
document.getElementsByClassName('hud-intro-form')[0].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<button class="btn btn-red hud-intro-play" id="hstb">Host Saved Tab</button>');
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let newPlayButton = document.getElementsByClassName("hud-intro-play")[0].cloneNode();
newPlayButton.classList.replace('hud-intro-play', 'longbtn')
newPlayButton.style.display = "none";
newPlayButton.style.marginTop = "10px";
newPlayButton.style.marginLeft = "-.5px";
newPlayButton.innerText = "Enter Saved Tab";
newPlayButton.style.width = "100%";
newPlayButton.style.height = "50px";
newPlayButton.classList.replace('btn-green', 'btn-facebook');
newPlayButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
game.ui.components.Intro.componentElem.style.display = "none";
addEventListener('load', function() {
document.querySelector(".hud-intro-guide").style.width = "auto";
document.getElementsByClassName('hud-intro-play')[0].insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", newPlayButton);
let spell = document.createElement("div");
spell.setAttribute("data-type", "Zippity3");
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-zipp3-icon")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showConfirmation('Are you sure you want to go back to the main menu? (This will not close your saved tabs.)', 5000, () => {
if(window.parent !== window) {
for(let tb of savedTabs) {
tb.iframe.style.display = "none"
game.ui.components.Intro.componentElem.style.display = "block";
let realPlayButton = true
const switchPlayButtons = () => {
realPlayButton = !realPlayButton;
if(realPlayButton) {
newPlayButton.style.display = "none";
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-intro-play")[0].style.display = "block";
} else {
document.getElementsByClassName("hud-intro-play")[0].style.display = "none";
newPlayButton.style.display = "block";
const updateSavedTabs = () => {
stElem.innerHTML = ``;
let oneEnabled = false;
for(let tabi in savedTabs) {
let tab = savedTabs[tabi]
let tabBtn = document.createElement('button');
if(tab.enabled) { oneEnabled = true; }
tabBtn.classList.add('btn', tab.enabled ? "btn-green" : "btn-red");
tabBtn.innerText = savedTabs[tabi].id;
let xBtn = document.createElement('button')
xBtn.innerText = "X"
xBtn.style.marginTop = "2.5px";
xBtn.style.display = "inline-block";
let writeBtn = document.createElement('button')
writeBtn.innerHTML = "<i class='fa fa-pencil'></i>"
writeBtn.style.marginTop = "2.5px";
writeBtn.style.display = "inline-block"
let enterBtn = document.createElement('button')
enterBtn.innerHTML = "<i class='fa fa-check'></i>"
enterBtn.style.marginTop = "2.5px";
enterBtn.style.display = "none";
let resetBtn = document.createElement('button')
resetBtn.innerHTML = "<i class='fa fa-rotate-left'></i>"
resetBtn.style.marginTop = "2.5px";
resetBtn.style.display = "none";
let oldId;
writeBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
if(this.dataset.editing) {
} else {
resetBtn.style.display = "inline-block";
resetBtn.classList.replace('btn', 'disabledBtn');
enterBtn.style.display = "inline-block";
enterBtn.classList.replace('btn', 'disabledBtn');
oldId = savedTabs[tabi].id;
tabBtn.innerHTML = `<input style="width:100px;" type="text" />`
tabBtn.children[0].addEventListener('input', function() {
this.value = this.value.replaceAll(' ', '_');
if(this.value == oldId || this.value == "") {
if(this.value !== "") {
resetBtn.classList.replace('btn', 'disabledBtn');
if(this.value == "") {
enterBtn.classList.replace('btn', 'disabledBtn');
} else {
resetBtn.classList.replace('disabledBtn', 'btn');
enterBtn.classList.replace('disabledBtn', 'btn');
if(savedTabs.find(i => i.id == this.value)) {
enterBtn.classList.replace('btn', 'disabledBtn');
tabBtn.children[0].value = savedTabs[tabi].id;
tabBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true);
this.innerHTML = "<i class='fa fa-square'>"
xBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true)
this.dataset.editing = true;
xBtn.classList.replace('btn', 'disabledBtn');
resetBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
tabBtn.children[0].value = oldId;
enterBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
savedTabs[tabi].id = tabBtn.children[0].value;
xBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
let c = confirm('Are you sure you want to close this tab?');
if(c) {
savedTabs.splice(tabi, tabi + 1);
savedTabs[tabi].btn = tabBtn;
tabBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
savedTabs[tabi].enabled = !savedTabs[tabi].enabled;
tab.iframe.style.display = "block";
document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0].style.display = "none";
for(let component in game.ui.components) {
if(component !== "Intro") {
game.ui.components[component].componentElem.style.display = "none";
for(let tbi in savedTabs) {
let tb = savedTabs[tbi];
if((tb.serverId !== tab.serverId) || (tb.serverId == tab.serverId && tb.no !== tab.no)) {
tb.iframe.style.display = "none";
savedTabs[tbi].enabled = false;
stElem.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<br />')
if(oneEnabled) {
document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0].style.display = "none";
for(let component in game.ui.components) {
if(component !== "Intro") {
game.ui.components[component].componentElem.style.display = "none";
if(realPlayButton) {
} else {
document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0].style.display = "block";
if(!realPlayButton) {
for(let tb of savedTabs) {
tb.iframe.style.display = "none"
for(let component in game.ui.components) {
if(component !== "Intro") {
game.ui.components[component].componentElem.style.display = "block";
for(let component in game.ui.components) {
if(component !== "Intro") {
game.ui.components[component].componentElem.style.display = "block";
const hostSavedTab = serverId => {
let iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = `https://zombs.io/#/${serverId}/tabsession`;
iframe.style.diplay = "none";
iframe.style.width = "100%"
iframe.style.height = "100%"
iframe.style.position = 'absolute';
iframe.style.display = "none";
iframe.onload = () => {
if(iframe.dataset.loaded) { return; }
iframe.dataset.loaded = true;
if(gameServers[serverId].hostno) {
} else {
gameServers[serverId].hostno = 1;
let tabi = savedTabs.length;
savedTabs.push({ serverId: serverId, serverName: game.options.servers[serverId].name, no: gameServers[serverId].hostno, iframe: iframe, id: `${game.options.servers[serverId].name.replaceAll(' ', '-')}_#${gameServers[serverId].hostno}` })
let hasJoined = false
game.network.addEnterWorldHandler(() => {
if(hasJoined) { return; }
hasJoined = true;
setTimeout(() => {
if(!iframe.contentWindow.game.world.inWorld) {
savedTabs.splice(tabi, tabi + 1);
game.ui.components.Intro.componentElem.style.display = "block";
}, 10000);
document.getElementById('hstb').addEventListener('click', function() {
window.stOpt = {
ust: updateSavedTabs,
gst: () => savedTabs,
spb: switchPlayButtons
window.ostb = () => {
game.ui.components.Intro.componentElem.style.display = "block";
window.joinST = id => {
let tab = savedTabs.find(i => i.id == id);
if(tab) {
for(let tb of savedTabs) {
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tab.iframe.style.display = "block";
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let mousePos = {};
let dragBoxElem;
let dragBoxMenuElem;
let dragBoxMenuOpen;
let dragBoxMenuOpenWhenStarted;
let placingSelection;
let placingSelectionWhenStarted;
let placingSelectionId;
const dayNightOverlay = document.getElementById("hud-day-night-overlay");
const buildingModels = ["Wall", "Door", "SlowTrap", "GoldMine", "Harvester", "MagicTower", "CannonTower", "ArrowTower", "BombTower", "MeleeTower"];
const savedSelections = {};
Number.prototype.nearest = function(n) { return Math.round(this / n) * n; };
const options = {
dayBright: {
onUpdate: enabled => {
if(enabled) {
dayNightOverlay.style.display = "none";
} else {
dayNightOverlay.style.display = "block";
enabled: false,
name: "DayBright",
id: "dayBright"
dragBox: {
onUpdate: e => {
if(!e) {
if(dragBoxElem) { dragBoxElem.remove(); };
if(dragBoxMenuElem) { dragBoxMenuElem.remove(); };
enabled: false,
name: "DragBox",
id: "dragBox"
grapplingHook: {
onUpdate: () => {},
enabled: false,
name: "Grappling Hook",
id: "grapplingHook"
frss: {
onUpdate: () => {},
enabled: false,
name: "Full RSS",
id: "frss"
window.optUpdate = (feature, enabled) => {
options[feature].enabled = enabled;
const menuOpen = () => game.ui.components.MenuSettings.isVisible() || game.ui.components.MenuParty.isVisible() || game.ui.components.MenuShop.isVisible() || window.scannerMenu.style.display == "block";
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for(const ws of Object.values(webSockets)) {
ws.network.sendInput({ space: 1 });
ws.network.sendInput({ space: 0 });
if(e.button == 2 && window.scatterAlts && !menuOpen()) {
const wsList = Object.values(webSockets);
if(wsList.length < 1) { return; };
window.scaOG = moveType;
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window.scaOGs = {}
for(const wsId in webSockets) {
const ws = webSockets[wsId];
window.scaOGs[wsId] = ws.moveType;
webSockets[wsId].moveType = "idle";
const NWalt = wsList.sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(a.playerTick.position.x, a.playerTick.position.y) - Math.hypot(b.playerTick.position.x, b.playerTick.position.y))[0];
const SEalt = wsList.sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(b.playerTick.position.x, b.playerTick.position.y) - Math.hypot(a.playerTick.position.x, a.playerTick.position.y))[0];
const Nalt = wsList.sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(a.playerTick.position.x - 12000, a.playerTick.position.y) - Math.hypot(b.playerTick.position.x - 12000, b.playerTick.position.y))[0];
const Salt = wsList.sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(b.playerTick.position.x - 12000, b.playerTick.position.y) - Math.hypot(a.playerTick.position.x - 12000, a.playerTick.position.y))[0];
const NEalt = wsList.sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(a.playerTick.position.x - 24000, a.playerTick.position.y) - Math.hypot(b.playerTick.position.x - 24000, b.playerTick.position.y))[0];
const SWalt = wsList.sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(b.playerTick.position.x - 24000, b.playerTick.position.y) - Math.hypot(a.playerTick.position.x - 24000, a.playerTick.position.y))[0];
const Ealt = wsList.sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(a.playerTick.position.x - 24000, a.playerTick.position.y - 12000) - Math.hypot(b.playerTick.position.x - 24000, b.playerTick.position.y - 12000))[0];
const Walt = wsList.sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(b.playerTick.position.x - 24000, b.playerTick.position.y - 12000) - Math.hypot(a.playerTick.position.x - 24000, a.playerTick.position.y - 12000))[0];
NWalt.network.sendInput({ up: 0, left: 0, down: 1, right: 1 });
Nalt.network.sendInput({ up: 1, left: 0, down: 0, right: 0 });
NEalt.network.sendInput({ up: 1, left: 0, down: 0, right: 1 });
Ealt.network.sendInput({ up: 0, left: 0, down: 0, right: 1 });
SEalt.network.sendInput({ up: 0, left: 0, down: 1, right: 1 });
Salt.network.sendInput({ up: 0, left: 0, down: 1, right: 0 });
SWalt.network.sendInput({ up: 0, left: 1, down: 1, right: 0 });
Walt.network.sendInput({ up: 0, left: 1, down: 0, right: 0 });
lastMousePos = { x: mousePos.x, y: mousePos.y };
dragBoxMenuOpenWhenStarted = dragBoxMenuOpen;
placingSelectionWhenStarted = placingSelection;
if(placingSelection) {
for(let index in game.ui.components.PlacementOverlay.overlayEntities) {
const entity = game.ui.components.PlacementOverlay.overlayEntities[index];
delete game.ui.components.PlacementOverlay.overlayEntities[index];
game.ui.components.PlacementOverlay.overlayEntities = game.ui.components.PlacementOverlay.overlayEntities.filter(i => !!i);
const mousePos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(game.ui.mousePosition.x, game.ui.mousePosition.y);
let buildingSchema = game.ui.getBuildingSchema();
let mousePosition = game.ui.getMousePosition();
let world = game.world;
for(let building of savedSelections[placingSelectionId]) {
let schemaData = buildingSchema[building.tower];
let worldPos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y);
worldPos.x += building.x;
worldPos.y += building.y;
let cellIndexes = world.entityGrid.getCellIndexes(worldPos.x, worldPos.y, {
width: schemaData.gridWidth,
height: schemaData.gridHeight
let cellSize = world.entityGrid.getCellSize();
let cellAverages = {
x: 0,
y: 0
for (let i in cellIndexes) {
if (!cellIndexes[i]) {
return false;
let cellPos = world.entityGrid.getCellCoords(cellIndexes[i]);
cellAverages.x += cellPos.x;
cellAverages.y += cellPos.y;
cellAverages.x = cellAverages.x / cellIndexes.length;
cellAverages.y = cellAverages.y / cellIndexes.length;
let gridPos = {
x: cellAverages.x * cellSize + cellSize / 2,
y: cellAverages.y * cellSize + cellSize / 2
const rpc = {
name: "MakeBuilding",
x: gridPos.x,
y: gridPos.y,
type: building.tower,
yaw: building.yaw
placingSelection = false;
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dragBoxElem = document.createElement('div');
dragBoxElem.style.top = `${mousePos.y}px`;
dragBoxElem.style.left = `${mousePos.x}px`;
mouseDown = true;
const rebuilders = {
const untilRpc = rpcName => {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
let resolved = false;
game.network.addRpcHandler(rpcName, data => {
if(!resolved) {
resolved = true;
game.network.addEntityUpdateHandler(() => {
let buildingSchema = game.ui.getBuildingSchema();
let mousePosition = game.ui.getMousePosition();
let world = game.world;
const schema = game.ui.getBuildingSchema();
for(let entity of placementOverlay.overlayEntities) {
let worldPos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y);
worldPos.x += entity.towerOffset.x;
worldPos.y += entity.towerOffset.y;
let cellIndexes = world.entityGrid.getCellIndexes(worldPos.x, worldPos.y, {
width: schema[entity.tower].gridWidth,
height: schema[entity.tower].gridHeight
let cellSize = world.entityGrid.getCellSize();
let cellAverages = {
x: 0,
y: 0
let gridPos_1 = {};
for (let i in cellIndexes) {
if (!cellIndexes[i]) {
let cellPos = world.entityGrid.getCellCoords(cellIndexes[i]);
gridPos_1 = {
x: cellPos.x * cellSize + cellSize / 2,
y: cellPos.y * cellSize + cellSize / 2
cellAverages.x += cellPos.x;
cellAverages.y += cellPos.y;
cellAverages.x = cellAverages.x / cellIndexes.length;
cellAverages.y = cellAverages.y / cellIndexes.length;
const newPos = game.renderer.worldToUi(gridPos_1.x, gridPos_1.y);
entity.setPosition(newPos.x, newPos.y);
for(let id in rebuilders) {
const rebuilder = rebuilders[id];
if(!rebuilder.enabled) { continue; };
let towers = {};
for(let uid in game.world.entities) {
const entity = game.world.entities[uid];
if(buildingModels.includes(entity.fromTick.model)) {
const building = entity.targetTick.position;
building.x > Math.min(rebuilder.from.x, rebuilder.to.x) &&
building.x < Math.max(rebuilder.from.x, rebuilder.to.x) &&
building.y > Math.min(rebuilder.from.y, rebuilder.to.y) &&
building.y < Math.max(rebuilder.from.y, rebuilder.to.y)
) {
towers[uid] = {
type: entity.fromTick.model,
x: building.x,
y: building.y,
tier: entity.targetTick.tier,
yaw: entity.targetTick.yaw
if(rebuilder.lastTowers) {
if(JSON.stringify(rebuilder.lastTowers) != JSON.stringify(towers)) {
for(const uid in rebuilder.lastTowers) {
if(!towers[uid]) {
const tower = rebuilder.lastTowers[uid];
const buildingRpc = {
name: "MakeBuilding",
x: tower.x,
y: tower.y,
yaw: tower.yaw,
type: tower.type
untilRpc("LocalBuilding").then(data => {
for(const localTower of data) {
let isTower = true;
for(let key in localTower) {
if(["dead", "tier", "uid"].includes(key)) { continue; };
if(localTower[key] != buildingRpc[key]) {
isTower = false;
if(isTower) {
if(localTower.tier == tower.tier) { return; };
const towerUid = localTower.uid;
for(let i = 0; i < tower.tier; i++) {
name: "UpgradeBuilding",
uid: towerUid
rebuilders[id].lastTowers = towers;
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ws.network.sendInput({ space: 1 });
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dragBoxMenuElem.style.top = `${mousePos.y}px`;
dragBoxMenuElem.style.left = `${mousePos.x}px`;
dragBoxMenuElem.innerHTML = `
<button id="saveSelection">Save Towers</button>
<div id="selectionIdPrompt" style="display: none;">
<input type="text" id="selectionId" placeholder="Selection ID..." />
<small style="color: red; display: none;" id="selectionIdErrorMessage">That selection ID is already taken. Please try again.</small>
<button id="saveSelectionIdPrompt">Save</button>
<button id="exitSelectionIdPrompt">Exit</button>
<button id="saveRebuilder">Save Rebuilder</button>
<div id="rebuilderIdPrompt" style="display: none;">
<input type="text" id="rebuilderId" placeholder="Rebuilder ID..." />
<small style="color: red; display: none;" id="rebuilderIdErrorMessage">That rebuilder ID is already taken. Please try again.</small>
<button id="saveRebuilderIdPrompt">Save</button>
<button id="exitRebuilderIdPrompt">Exit</button>
<button id="cancelDragBox">Cancel</button>
document.getElementById("cancelDragBox").addEventListener("click", function() {
dragBoxMenuOpen = false;
options.dragBox.enabled = true;
document.getElementById("saveSelection").addEventListener("click", function() {
this.style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("selectionIdPrompt").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("selectionId").value = "";
document.getElementById("saveSelectionIdPrompt").addEventListener("click", function() {
const selectionId = document.getElementById("selectionId").value;
if(savedSelections[selectionId]) {
document.getElementById("selectionIdErrorMessage").style.display = "block";
} else {
const pos1 = game.renderer.screenToWorld(oldPos.x, oldPos.y);
const pos2 = game.renderer.screenToWorld(newPos.x, newPos.y);
const centerPos = {
x: (pos1.x + pos2.x) / 2,
y: (pos1.y + pos2.y) / 2
let towers = [];
for(let uid in game.world.entities) {
const entity = game.world.entities[uid];
if(buildingModels.includes(entity.fromTick.model)) {
const building = entity.targetTick.position;
building.x > Math.min(pos1.x, pos2.x) &&
building.x < Math.max(pos1.x, pos2.x) &&
building.y > Math.min(pos1.y, pos2.y) &&
building.y < Math.max(pos1.y, pos2.y)
) {
tower: entity.fromTick.model,
x: building.x - centerPos.x,
y: building.y - centerPos.y,
tier: entity.targetTick.tier,
yaw: entity.targetTick.yaw
savedSelections[selectionId] = towers;
dragBoxMenuOpen = false;
options.dragBox.enabled = true;
document.getElementById("selectionId").addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 13) {
document.getElementById("exitSelectionIdPrompt").addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("selectionIdPrompt").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("saveRebuilderIdPrompt").addEventListener("click", function() {
const rebuilderId = document.getElementById("rebuilderId").value;
if(rebuilders[rebuilderId]) {
document.getElementById("rebuilderIdErrorMessage").style.display = "block";
} else {
rebuilders[rebuilderId] = {
from: game.renderer.screenToWorld(oldPos.x, oldPos.y),
to: game.renderer.screenToWorld(newPos.x, newPos.y),
enabled: true
dragBoxMenuOpen = false;
options.dragBox.enabled = true;
document.getElementById("rebuilderId").addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 13) {
document.getElementById("exitRebuilderIdPrompt").addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("rebuilderIdPrompt").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("saveRebuilder").addEventListener("click", function() {
this.style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("rebuilderIdPrompt").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("rebuilderId").value = "";
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#perspType, #playerPersp, #resetPersp {
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#anchorBtns > button {
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border-radius: 3px;
padding: 6px;
.resultDiv {
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.resultDiv > a {
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.hud-leaderboard-party > strong {
transition: font-size 150ms;
.hud-leaderboard-party > strong:hover {
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width: 4px;
height: 4px;
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.hud-map-player {
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playButton.classList.replace("btn-green", "btn-24k");
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<span>© 2022 ehScripts, Inc.</span>
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const menuHTML = `
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<div id="navigation">
<div id="content">
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const download = (filename, text) => {
const element = document.createElement('a');
element.setAttribute('href', `data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,${encodeURIComponent(text)}`);
element.setAttribute('download', filename);
element.style.display = 'none';
let moveType = "follow";
const pages = {
"home": {
name: "Home",
html: `
<p>Welcome to <b>24k!</b></p>
<hr />
<strong>Population: __POP__</strong> <button onclick="window.refreshPg();">Refresh</button>
<hr />
<br />
<br />
<label style="display:inline-block;margin-right:10px;">Anchor: </label>
<div id="anchorBtns" style="display:inline-block;">
<button style=\"border-top-left-radius: 25%; border-bottom-left-radius: 25%; \">←</button><button>→</button><button>↑</button><button style=\"border-top-right-radius: 25%; border-bottom-right-radius: 25%; \">↓</button>
<hr />
<br />
<strong>[N]:</strong> Zoom In<br />
<strong>[M]:</strong> Zoom Out<br />
<strong>[X]:</strong> Lock / Unlock Aim<br />
replacements: [{
old: "__OPTIONS__",
new: () => {
return Object.values(options).map(option => {
return `
<label>${option.name}: </label>
<select onchange="window.optUpdate('${option.id}', !!parseInt(this.value))">
<option value=1${option.enabled ? " selected" : ""}>On</option>
<option value=0${option.enabled ? "" : " selected"}>Off</option>
}).join("<br />");
}, {
old: "__POP__",
new: () => {
let serverPop = 0;
for (let party of Object.values(game.ui.parties)) {
serverPop += party.memberCount;
return serverPop;
script: `
const AnchorButtons = document.getElementById("anchorBtns");
const anchor = (dir) => {
eval(\`anchor\${dir}Interval = setInterval(() => { game.network.sendInput({ \${dir.toLowerCase()}: 1 }); });\`)
const unanchor = (dir) => {
game.network.sendInput({ left: 0, right: 0, up: 0, down: 0 });
AnchorButtons.childNodes[1].addEventListener('click', function() {
if(this.style.backgroundColor == "") {
this.style.backgroundColor = "green";
} else {
this.style.backgroundColor = "";
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this.style.backgroundColor = "green";
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this.style.backgroundColor = "";
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this.style.backgroundColor = "green";
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this.style.backgroundColor = "";
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this.style.backgroundColor = "green";
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"ws": {
name: "Socket",
html: `
<button class="btn btn-label">Alt Name: </button>
<select class="default" id="altName">
<optgroup label="Alt Name">
<option value="24k">24k</option>
<option value=0>Custom...</option>
<input type="text" class="default" id="customName" placeholder="Custom name..." style="display: none;" />
<hr />
<button class="btn btn-green" id="sendWs">Send Alt</button>
<hr />
<h2>Active Alts</h2>
<label>Global Movement: </label><select id="movement"><optgroup label="Movement"><option value="mouseMove"${moveType == "mouseMove" ? " selected" : ""}>MouseMove</option><option value="mirror"${moveType == "mirror" ? " selected" : ""}>Mirror</option><option value="follow"${moveType == "follow" ? " selected" : ""}>Follow</option><option value="grapplingHook"${moveType == "grapplingHook" ? " selected" : ""}>Grappling Hook</option><option value="idle"${moveType == "idle" ? " selected" : ""}>Idle</option></optgroup></select>
<hr />
<div id="alts">
script: `
const selectName = document.getElementById("altName");
const inputName = document.getElementById("customName");
document.getElementById("sendWs").addEventListener("click", function() {
window.sendWs(selectName.value, inputName.value);
selectName.addEventListener("change", function() {
if(this.value == 0) {
inputName.style.display = "block";
} else {
inputName.style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("movement").addEventListener("change", function() {
const mms = this.value;
moveType = mms;
grapplingHook = mms == "grapplingHook";
for(const ws of Object.values(webSockets)) {
ws.moveType = moveType;
ws.network.sendInput({ left: 0, right: 0, up: 0, down: 0 });
replacements: [{
old: "__ALTS__",
new: () => Object.entries(webSockets).map(i => `<button class="btn btn-red" onclick="window.altMenu(${i[0]});">#${i[0]} ${i[1].name}</button>`).join("<br />")
"base": {
name: "Base",
html: `
<h2>Misc. Options</h2>
<label>AHRC: </label><select onchange="window.AHRC = !!parseInt(this.value);"><optgroup label="AHRC"><option value=1__AHRC1__>On</option></option><option value=0__AHRC0__>Off</option></optgroup></select></select>
<hr />
<label>AITO: </label><select id="aito"><optgroup label="AITO"><option value=1__AITO1__>On</option></option><option value=0__AITO0__>Off</option></optgroup></select><br />
<hr />
<label>Player Trick: </label><select onchange="window.playerTrickToggle = !!parseInt(this.value); window.playerTrick();"><optgroup label="Player Trick"><option value=1__PTON__>On</option></option><option value=0__PTOFF__>Off</option></optgroup></select><br />
<label>SPW Logger: </label><select onchange="window.scoreLogger = !!parseInt(this.value);"><optgroup label="SPW Logger"><option value=1__SLON__>On</option></option><option value=0__SLOFF__>Off</option></optgroup></select>
<hr />
<h2>Saved Tower Selections</h2>
<hr />
<h2>Saved Rebuilders</h2>
replacements: [{
old: "__SELECTIONS__",
new: () => {
return Object.entries(savedSelections).map(i => {
return `<em>${i[0]}</em> - <strong>${i[1].length}</strong> towers <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.placeSelection('${i[0].replaceAll("'", "\\'")}');" style="color: turquoise;">Place</a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.deleteSelection('${i[0]}');" style="color: red;">Delete</a>`;
}).join("<br />");
}, {
old: "__REBUILDERS__",
new: () => {
return Object.entries(rebuilders).map(i => {
return `<em>${i[0]}</em> - <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.toggleRebuilder('${i[0].replaceAll("'", "\\'")}');" style="color: ${i[1].enabled ? "red" : "green"};">${i[1].enabled ? "Dis" : "En"}able</a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.deleteRebuilder('${i[0]}');" style="color: red;">Delete</a>`;
}).join("<br />");
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old: "__SLON__",
new: () => window.scoreLogger ? " selected" : ""
}, {
old: "__SLOFF__",
new: () => window.scoreLogger ? "" : " selected"
}, {
old: "__PTON__",
new: () => window.playerTrickToggle ? " selected" : ""
}, {
old: "__PTOFF__",
new: () => window.playerTrickToggle ? "" : " selected"
}, {
old: "__AITO1__",
new: () => window.startaito ? " selected" : ""
}, {
old: "__AITO0__",
new: () => window.startaito ? "" : " selected"
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old: "__AHRC1__",
new: () => window.AHRC ? " selected" : ""
}, {
old: "__AHRC0__",
new: () => window.AHRC ? "" : " selected"
script: `
let aitoInput = document.getElementById("aito");
const toggleAito = () => {
window.startaito = !window.startaito;
if(window.startaito) {
aitoInput.addEventListener("change", function() {
"raid": {
name: "Raid",
html: `
<label>One by One: </label><select onchange="window.obo = !!parseInt(this.value);"><optgroup label="One by One"><option value=1__OBO1__>On</option></option><option value=0__OBO0__>Off</option></optgroup></select><br />
<label>Scatter Alts: </label><select onchange="window.scatterAlts = !!parseInt(this.value);"><optgroup label="Scatter Alts"><option value=1__SCA1__>On</option></option><option value=0__SCA0__>Off</option></optgroup></select><br />
<label>Alt ID Names: </label><select onchange="window.altIdNames = !!parseInt(this.value);"><optgroup label="Alt ID Names"><option value=1__AIN1__>On</option></option><option value=0__AIN0__>Off</option></optgroup></select><br />
<label>Aim Alts At Stash: </label><select onchange="window.aimAtStash = !!parseInt(this.value);"><optgroup label="Aim At Stash"><option value=1__AAS1__>On</option></option><option value=0__AAS0__>Off</option></optgroup></select>
replacements: [{
old: "__OBO1__",
new: () => window.obo ? " selected" : ""
}, {
old: "__OBO0__",
new: () => window.obo ? "" : " selected"
}, {
old: "__SCA1__",
new: () => window.scatterAlts ? " selected" : ""
}, {
old: "__SCA0__",
new: () => window.scatterAlts ? "" : " selected"
}, {
old: "__AIN1__",
new: () => window.altIdNames ? " selected" : ""
}, {
old: "__AIN0__",
new: () => window.altIdNames ? "" : " selected"
}, {
old: "__AAS1__",
new: () => window.aimAtStash ? " selected" : ""
}, {
old: "__AAS0__",
new: () => window.aimAtStash ? "" : " selected"
"render": {
name: "Render",
html: `
<label>Render Ground: </label><select onchange="game.renderer.ground.setVisible(!!parseInt(this.value));"><optgroup label="Render Ground"><option value=1__RGN1__>On</option></option><option value=0__RGN0__>Off</option></optgroup></select>
<hr />
<h2>Entity Perspective</h2>
<hr />
<input type="text" id="playerPerspInput" style="margin-right:10px;" placeholder="Player name..." class="hud-intro-name" /><button class="btn btn-blue" id="playerPersp" style="margin-top:6px;">Entity Perspective</button><button class="btn btn-red" id="resetPersp" style="margin-top:6px;">Reset View</button>
<select id="perspType"><option value="name" selected>Player Name</option><option value="uid">UID</option></select>
<h2>Player Viewport</h2>
<hr />
<label style="display:inline-block;margin-right:10px;">FreeCam?</label><input type="checkbox" id="freecam" style="display:inline-block;" />
<br />
<label style="display:inline-block;margin-right:10px;">Ghost?</label><input type="checkbox" id="Ghost" style="display:inline-block;" />
<br />
<label style="display:inline-block;margin-right:10px;">Lock Camera?</label><input type="checkbox" id="lockCam" style="display:inline-block;" />
replacements: [{
old: "__RGN1__",
new: () => game.renderer.ground.isVisible ? " selected" : ""
}, {
old: "__RGN0__",
new: () => game.renderer.ground.isVisible ? "" : " selected"
script: `
const PlayerPerspectiveInput = document.getElementById("playerPerspInput");
const PlayerPerspectiveButton = document.getElementById("playerPersp");
const PlayerPerspectiveResetButton = document.getElementById("resetPersp");
let playerPerspectiveType = "name";
const lookAtPlayer = name => {
.forEach((entity => {
if (entity.entityClass === "PlayerEntity") {
if (entity.targetTick.name === name) {
game.renderer.followingObject = entity;
const lookAtEntity = uid => {
.forEach((entity => {
if (entity.uid === uid) {
game.renderer.followingObject = entity;
PlayerPerspectiveButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if(playerPerspectiveType === "name") {
let PlayerNameVal = PlayerPerspectiveInput.value;
} else {
let EntityUidVal = PlayerPerspectiveInput.value;
const restoreView = () => {
PlayerPerspectiveResetButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
const PerspectiveTypeSelect = document.getElementById("perspType");
PerspectiveTypeSelect.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
switch(this.value) {
case "uid":
PlayerPerspectiveInput.placeholder = "Entity UID...";
case "name":
PlayerPerspectiveInput.placeholder = "Player Name...";
playerPerspectiveType = this.value;
const GhostInput = document.getElementById("Ghost");
const FreecamInput = document.getElementById("freecam");
const LockInput = document.getElementById("lockCam");
const onGhost = event => {
game.world.localPlayer.entity.targetTick.position = game.renderer.screenToWorld(event.clientX, event.clientY);
const toggleGhost = checked => {
if(!checked) {
removeEventListener('mousemove', onGhost);
} else {
addEventListener('mousemove', onGhost);
GhostInput.addEventListener('change', function() {
const moveCameraTo = (x, y) => {
game.renderer.follow({ getPositionX: () => x, getPositionY: () => y }); // The game doesn't even check if its an entity lol
const onFreecam = event => {
let worldPos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(event.clientX, event.clientY);
moveCameraTo(worldPos.x, worldPos.y);
const toggleFreecam = checked => {
if(!checked) {
removeEventListener('mousemove', onFreecam);
game.renderer.followingObject = game.world.localPlayer.entity;
} else {
addEventListener('mousemove', onFreecam);
FreecamInput.addEventListener('change', function() {
const lockCamera = () => {
let xSave = game.world.localPlayer.entity.getPositionX();
let ySave = game.world.localPlayer.entity.getPositionY();
window.lockCameraInterval = setInterval(() => {
moveCameraTo(xSave, ySave);
const unlockCamera = () => {
LockInput.addEventListener('change', function() {
if(this.checked) {
} else {
const updateNav = () => {
navElem.innerHTML = "";
let contentHTML = pages[activePage].html;
if(pages[activePage].replacements) {
for(let replacement of pages[activePage].replacements) {
contentHTML = contentHTML.replaceAll(replacement.old, replacement.new());
contentElem.innerHTML = contentHTML;
for(let id in pages) {
let page = pages[id];
navElem.innerHTML += `
<hr />
<button class="btn nav-btn${id == activePage ? " btn-24k" : ""}" id="btn-${id}">${page.name}</button>
for(let id in pages) {
document.getElementById(`btn-${id}`).addEventListener('click', function() {
activePage = id;
const hideMenu = () => {
document.getElementById("hud-menu-settings").style.display = "none";
window.placeSelection = id => {
placingSelection = true;
placingSelectionId = id;
window.deleteSelection = id => {
delete savedSelections[id];
window.deleteRebuilder = id => {
delete rebuilders[id];
window.refreshPg = () => {
const placementOverlay = game.ui.components.PlacementOverlay;
game.ui.components.PlacementOverlay.overlayEntities = [];
game.ui.components.PlacementOverlay.addMouseOverlay = function (towers) {
placementOverlay.buildingId && placementOverlay.cancelPlacing();
placementOverlay.overlayEntities = [];
const schema = game.ui.getBuildingSchema();
for (let tower of towers) {
const mouseWorldPos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(game.ui.mousePosition.x, game.ui.mousePosition.y);
const buildingType = schema[tower.tower],
placeholderEntity = Game.currentGame.assetManager.loadModel(buildingType.modelName, {});
placeholderEntity.setPosition(0, 0);
placeholderEntity.towerOffset = { x: tower.x, y: tower.y };
placeholderEntity.tower = tower.tower;
const webSockets = {};
let wsId = 0;
window.sendWs = (name, custom) => {
name == 0 && (name = custom);
let iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = 'https://zombs.io/#alt';
iframe.style.display = 'none';
let iframeWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
iframe.addEventListener("load", () => {
let connectionOptions = game.network.connectionOptions ?? game.options.servers[document.getElementsByClassName('hud-intro-server')[0].value];
iframeWindow.game.network.connectionOptions = connectionOptions;
iframeWindow.game.network.connected = true;
let ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${connectionOptions.hostname}:443`);
ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
ws.onopen = (data) => {
ws.network = new game.networkType();
ws.inputPacketCreator = new game.inputPacketCreatorType();
ws.network.sendPacket = (_event, _data) => {
ws.send(ws.network.codec.encode(_event, _data));
ws.playerTick = {};
ws.onRpc = (data) => {
case 'Dead':
ws.network.sendPacket(3, { respawn: 1 });
ws.moveType = moveType;
ws.gameUpdate = () => {
ws.moveToward = (position) => {
let x = Math.round(position.x);
let y = Math.round(position.y);
let myX = Math.round(ws.playerTick.position.x);
let myY = Math.round(ws.playerTick.position.y);
let offset = 100;
if (-myX + x > offset) ws.network.sendInput({ left: 0 }); else ws.network.sendInput({ left: 1 });
if (myX - x > offset) ws.network.sendInput({ right: 0 }); else ws.network.sendInput({ right: 1 });
if (-myY + y > offset) ws.network.sendInput({ up: 0 }); else ws.network.sendInput({ up: 1 });
if (myY - y > offset) ws.network.sendInput({ down: 0 }); else ws.network.sendInput({ down: 1 });
if(ws.moveType == "mouseMove") {
ws.moveToward(game.renderer.screenToWorld(game.inputManager.mousePosition.x, game.inputManager.mousePosition.y));
if(ws.moveType == "follow") {
ws.entities = {};
ws.onmessage = msg => {
if (new Uint8Array(msg.data)[0] == 5){
game.network.codec.decodePreEnterWorldResponse = buffer => buffer;
let data = iframeWindow.game.network.codec.decodePreEnterWorldResponse(game.network.codec.decode(msg.data));
ws.send(ws.network.codec.encode(4, { displayName: name, extra: data.extra}));
ws.data = ws.network.codec.decode(msg.data);
let gameMousePos, gameMWPos, nearestStashPos, nearestSPS;
switch(ws.data.opcode) {
case 0:
for(const uid in ws.data.entities) {
if(ws.data.entities[uid] == true) { continue; };
const entity = ws.entities[uid] || ws.data.entities[uid];
if(uid == game.world.myUid || Object.values(webSockets).filter(i => i.playerTick.uid !== ws.playerTick.uid).find(i => i.playerTick.uid == uid)) { continue; };
if(ws.entities[uid]) {
for(const key in ws.data.entities[uid]) {
ws.entities[uid][key] = ws.data.entities[uid][key];
if(uid != ws.playerTick.uid && game.world.entities[uid]) {
game.world.updateEntity(uid, ws.entities[uid]);
if(!ws.entities[uid]) {
ws.entities[uid] = ws.data.entities[uid];
for(const uid in ws.entities) {
if(!ws.data.entities[uid] && game.world.entities[uid]) {
ws.playerTick = ws.entities[ws.uid];
ws.playerTick.uid = ws.uid;
gameMousePos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(game.ui.mousePosition.x, game.ui.mousePosition.y);
gameMWPos = game.renderer.worldToScreen(gameMousePos.x + (game.ui.playerTick.position.x - ws.playerTick.position.x), gameMousePos.y + (game.ui.playerTick.position.y - ws.playerTick.position.y));
if(window.aimAtStash) {
nearestStashPos = Object.values(game.world.entities).filter(i => i.fromTick.model == "GoldStash").map(i => i.targetTick.position).sort((a, b) => Math.hypot(a.x - ws.playerTick.position.x, a.y - ws.playerTick.position.y) - Math.hypot(b.x - ws.playerTick.position.x, b.y - ws.playerTick.position.y))[0];
nearestStashPos && (nearestSPS = game.renderer.worldToScreen(nearestStashPos.x + (game.ui.playerTick.position.x - ws.playerTick.position.x), nearestStashPos.y + (game.ui.playerTick.position.y - ws.playerTick.position.y)));
mouseMoved: ws.inputPacketCreator.screenToYaw(nearestSPS ? nearestSPS.x : gameMWPos.x, nearestSPS ? nearestSPS.y : gameMWPos.y),
worldX: 0, worldY: 0, distance: 0
case 4:
ws.send(iframeWindow.game.network.codec.encode(6, {}));
ws.uid = ws.data.uid;
ws.name = name;
(ws.joinMainParty = () => { ws.network.sendRpc({ name: "JoinPartyByShareKey", partyShareKey: game.ui.playerPartyShareKey }); })();
ws.id = wsId;
webSockets[wsId] = ws;
case 9:
ws.onclose = e => {
const turnTowards = (x, y) => {
let worldPos = game.renderer.worldToScreen(x, y);
game.inputManager.emit('mouseMoved', { clientX: worldPos.x, clientY: worldPos.y });
let blockedNames = [];
window.blockPlayer = name => {
game.ui.components.PopupOverlay.showConfirmation(`Are you sure you want to block ${name}?`, 3500, () => {
for(let msg of Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("hud-chat-message"))) {
if(msg.childNodes[2].innerText === name) {
let bl = msg.childNodes[0];
bl.innerHTML = "Unblock";
bl.style.color = "red";
bl.onclick = () => {
}, () => {});
const getClock = () => {
var date = new Date();
var d = date.getDate();
var d1 = date.getDay();
var h = date.getHours();
var m = date.getMinutes();
var s = date.getSeconds()
var session = "PM";
if(h == 2){
h = 12;
if(h < 13) {
session = "AM"
if(h > 12){
session = "PM";
h -= 12;
h = (h < 10) ? "0" + h : h;
m = (m < 10) ? "0" + m : m;
s = (s < 10) ? "0" + s : s;
return `${h}:${m} ${session}`;
const kickAll = () => {
const kickInterval = setInterval(() => {
if(!game.ui.playerPartyMembers[1]) { clearInterval(kickInterval); return; };
name: "KickParty",
uid: game.ui.playerPartyMembers[1].playerUid
}, 100);
const joinAll = () => {
for (const sck of Object.values(webSockets)) {
let isDay,
hasKicked = false,
hasJoined = false;
game.network.addEntityUpdateHandler(tick => {
if(window.playerTrickToggle) {
if (!hasKicked) {
if (tick.tick >= tickStarted + 22 * (1000 / game.world.replicator.msPerTick)) {
hasKicked = true;
if (!hasJoined) {
if (tick.tick >= tickStarted + 118 * (1000 / game.world.replicator.msPerTick)) {
hasJoined = true;
game.network.addRpcHandler("DayCycle", e => {
if(window.playerTrickToggle) {
isDay = !!e.isDay;
if (!isDay) {
tickStarted = e.cycleStartTick;
tickToEnd = e.nightEndTick;
hasKicked = false;
hasJoined = false;
window.unblockPlayer = name => {
blockedNames.splice(blockedNames.indexOf(name), 1);
for(let msg of Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("hud-chat-message"))) {
if(msg.childNodes[2].innerText === name) {
let bl = msg.childNodes[0];
bl.innerHTML = "Block";
bl.style.color = "red";
bl.onclick = () => {
let oldScore = 0,
newScore = 0;
Game.currentGame.network.addRpcHandler("DayCycle", () => {
if (game.ui.components.DayNightTicker.tickData.isDay == 0 && window.scoreLogger) {
newScore = game.ui.playerTick.score;
game.network.sendRpc({ name:"SendChatMessage", message: `Wave: ${game.ui.playerTick.wave}, Score: ${(newScore - oldScore).toLocaleString("en")}`, channel: "Local" })
oldScore = game.playerTick.score;
Game.currentGame.network.emitter.removeListener("PACKET_RPC", Game.currentGame.network.emitter._events.PACKET_RPC[1]);
let onMessageReceived = (msg => {
if(blockedNames.includes(msg.displayName) || window.chatDisabled) { return; };
let a = Game.currentGame.ui.getComponent("Chat"),
b = msg.displayName.replaceAll(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, ''),
c = msg.message.replaceAll(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '')
if(c.startsWith("MjRr")) {
// Encoded chat feature (finish in beta pls)
const encodedMsg = atob(msg.message.slice(4)).split("").map(i => String.fromCharCode(i.charCodeAt(0) + 20)).join("");
c = encodedMsg;
let d = a.ui.createElement(`<div class="hud-chat-message"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.blockPlayer(\`${b.replaceAll(">", "").replaceAll("`", "").replaceAll(")", "").replaceAll("(", "")}\`)" style="color: red;">Block</a> <strong>${b}</strong> <small> at ${getClock()}</small>: ${c}</div>`);
a.messagesElem.scrollTop = a.messagesElem.scrollHeight;
Game.currentGame.network.addRpcHandler("ReceiveChatMessage", onMessageReceived);
window.altMenu = altId => {
const ws = webSockets[altId];
activePage = null;
contentElem.innerHTML = `
<h1>#${altId} ${ws.name}</h1>
<label>Movement: </label><select id="movement"><optgroup label="Movement"><option value="mouseMove"${ws.moveType == "mouseMove" ? " selected" : ""}>MouseMove</option><option value="mirror"${ws.moveType == "mirror" ? " selected" : ""}>Mirror</option><option value="follow"${ws.moveType == "follow" ? " selected" : ""}>Follow</option><option value="grapplingHook"${ws.moveType == "grapplingHook" ? " selected" : ""}>Grappling Hook</option><option value="idle"${ws.moveType == "idle" ? " selected" : ""}>Idle</option></optgroup></select><hr />
<input type="text" class="inputBtn" id="psk" style="width: 300px;" placeholder="Party share key..." /><button class="btn btn-discord" id="joinParty">Join Party</button><hr />
<button class="btn btn-red" id="leaveParty">Leave Party</button>
<hr />
<button id="deleteAlt" class="btn btn-red">Delete Alt</button>
document.getElementById("movement").addEventListener("change", function() {
const mms = this.value;
ws.moveType = mms;
ws.network.sendInput({ left: 0, right: 0, up: 0, down: 0 });
document.getElementById("deleteAlt").addEventListener("click", function() {
delete webSockets[ws.id];
activePage = "ws";
document.getElementById("leaveParty").addEventListener("click", function() {
ws.network.sendRpc({ name: "LeaveParty" });
const psk = document.getElementById("psk");
document.getElementById("joinParty").addEventListener("click", function() {
ws.network.sendRpc({ name: "JoinPartyByShareKey", partyShareKey: psk.value });
psk.value = "";
const moveTowards = (targetX, targetY, movesMade) => {
let player = game.world.localPlayer.entity.targetTick.position;
if (player.x <= targetX && player.y <= targetY) {
right: 1,
left: 0,
up: 0,
down: 1
} else if (player.x >= targetX && player.y <= targetY) {
right: 0,
left: 1,
up: 0,
down: 1
} else if (player.x <= targetX && player.y >= targetY) {
right: 1,
left: 0,
up: 1,
down: 0
} else if (player.x >= targetX && player.y >= targetY) {
right: 0,
left: 1,
up: 1,
down: 0
turnTowards(targetX, targetY);
return movesMade + 1;
addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
let pos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(mouseX, mouseY);
if(options.grapplingHook.enabled) {
let grapplInterval = setInterval(() => {
moveTowards(pos.x, pos.y, 0);
}, 100);
setTimeout(() => {
game.network.sendInput({ right: 0, left: 0, up: 0, down: 0 });
}, 1800);
for(const id in webSockets) {
const ws = webSockets[id];
if(ws.moveType == "grapplingHook") {
let grapplInterval = setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
setTimeout(() => {
ws.network.sendInput({ right: 0, left: 0, up: 0, down: 0 });
}, 1800);
window.sendAitoAlt = () => {
let iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = 'https://zombs.io';
iframe.style.display = 'none';
let iframeWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
iframe.addEventListener("load", () => {
let connectionOptions = game.network.connectionOptions ?? game.options.servers[document.getElementsByClassName('hud-intro-server')[0].value];
iframeWindow.game.network.connectionOptions = connectionOptions;
iframeWindow.game.network.connected = true;
connectionOptions = game.network.connectionOptions ?? game.options.servers[document.getElementsByClassName('hud-intro-server')[0].value];
let ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${connectionOptions.hostname}:443`);
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
ws.onclose = () => {
ws.isclosed = true;
ws.onmessage = msg => {
if (new Uint8Array(msg.data)[0] == 5){
game.network.codec.decodePreEnterWorldResponse = buffer => buffer;
let data = iframeWindow.game.network.codec.decodePreEnterWorldResponse(game.network.codec.decode(msg.data));
ws.network = new game.networkType();
ws.send(ws.network.codec.encode(4, { displayName: "24K AITO", extra: data.extra}));
ws.network.sendPacket = (_event, _data) => {
ws.send(ws.network.codec.encode(_event, _data));
ws.data = ws.network.codec.decode(msg.data);
if (ws.data.uid) {
ws.uid = ws.data.uid;
if (ws.data.name) {
ws.dataType = ws.data;
if (!window.startaito && !ws.isclosed) {
ws.isclosed = true;
if (ws.verified) {
if (!ws.isDay && !ws.isclosed) {
ws.isclosed = true;
if (ws.data.name == "DayCycle") {
ws.isDay = ws.data.response.isDay;
if (ws.isDay) {
ws.verified = true;
if (ws.data.name == "Dead") {
respawn: 1
if (ws.data.name == "Leaderboard") {
ws.lb = ws.data;
if (ws.psk) {
name: "JoinPartyByShareKey",
partyShareKey: game.ui.getPlayerPartyShareKey()
if (ws.psk.response.partyShareKey == game.ui.getPlayerPartyShareKey()) {
name: "BuyItem",
itemName: "Pause",
tier: 1
if (ws.data.name == "PartyShareKey") {
ws.psk = ws.data;
let ahrcInterval = setInterval(() => {
if(window.AHRC) {
const entities = game.world.entities;
for(const uid in entities) {
const obj = entities[uid];
if(obj.fromTick.model == "Harvester") {
let amount = obj.fromTick.tier * 0.07 - 0.02;
name: "AddDepositToHarvester",
uid: obj.fromTick.uid,
deposit: amount
name: "CollectHarvester",
uid: obj.fromTick.uid
}, 20);
const fullRSS = () => {
if(!options.frss.enabled) { return; };
let resources = ["wood", "stone", "gold"];
let pt = game.ui.playerTick;
let rc = game.ui.components.Resources;
for(let i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
let rs = resources[i];
rc[`${rs}Elem`].innerHTML = Math.round(pt[rs]).toLocaleString("en");
rc.tokensElem.innerHTML = Math.round(pt.token).toLocaleString("en");
game.network.addEnterWorldHandler(() => {
game.ui.addListener('playerTickUpdate', fullRSS);
game.network.sendPacket2 = game.network.sendPacket;
game.network.sendPacket = (opcode, packet) => {
if(opcode == 3) {
if(Object.keys(packet).find(i => ["up", "down", "left", "right"].includes(i))) {
for(const ws of Object.values(webSockets)) {
if(ws.moveType == "mirror") {
if(typeof packet.space == "number" && !window.obo) {
for(const ws of Object.values(webSockets)) {
game.network.sendPacket2(opcode, packet);
let goldStashPos;
game.world.removeEntity2 = game.world.removeEntity;
game.world.removeEntity = uid => {
const entity = game.world.entities[uid];
if(["Tree", "Stone", "NeutralCamp", "Wall", "Door", "SlowTrap", "ArrowTower", "BombTower", "MagicTower", "ResourceHarvester", "CannonTower", "MeleeTower", "GoldMine", "GoldStash"].includes(entity.fromTick.model)) {
if(Math.hypot(entity.targetTick.position.x - game.ui.playerTick.position.x, entity.targetTick.position.y - game.ui.playerTick.position.y) > 1500) {
const minimap = document.getElementById("hud-map");
game.world.createEntity2 = game.world.createEntity;
game.world.createEntity = entity => {
if(["Tree", "Stone", "NeutralCamp"].includes(entity.model)) {
const entityDiv = document.createElement("div");
entityDiv.style.background = ({ Tree: "green", Stone: "grey", NeutralCamp: "red" })[entity.model];
entityDiv.style.left = `${entity.position.x / 24000 * 100}%`;
entityDiv.style.top = `${entity.position.y / 24000 * 100}%`;
entityDiv.style.display = "block";
if(["Wall", "Door", "SlowTrap", "ArrowTower", "BombTower", "MagicTower", "ResourceHarvester", "CannonTower", "MeleeTower", "GoldMine", "GoldStash"].includes(entity.model)) {
const entityDiv = document.createElement("div");
entityDiv.style.left = `${entity.position.x / 24000 * 100}%`;
entityDiv.style.top = `${entity.position.y / 24000 * 100}%`;
entityDiv.style.display = "block";
let dimension = 1;
const onWindowResize = () => {
const renderer = Game.currentGame.renderer;
let canvasWidth = window.innerWidth * window.devicePixelRatio;
let canvasHeight = window.innerHeight * window.devicePixelRatio;
let ratio = Math.max(canvasWidth / (1920 * dimension), canvasHeight / (1080 * dimension));
renderer.scale = ratio;
renderer.renderer.resize(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
renderer.viewport.width = renderer.renderer.width / renderer.scale + 2 * renderer.viewportPadding;
renderer.viewport.height = renderer.renderer.height / renderer.scale + 2 * renderer.viewportPadding;
window.onresize = onWindowResize;
window.onwheel = e => {
if(menuOpen()) { return; };
if (e.deltaY > 0) {
dimension = dimension * 1.03;
} else if (e.deltaY < 0) {
dimension = dimension * 0.97;
addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
if(document.activeElement.tagName == "INPUT") { return; };
switch(e.keyCode) {
case 110:
dimension = dimension * 0.9;
case 109:
dimension = dimension * 1.1;
case 120:
game.inputPacketCreator.sendMouseMoveChance = !!game.inputPacketCreator.sendMouseMoveChance ? 0 : 1;
addEventListener("click", function() {
if(window.obo) {
const pos = game.renderer.screenToWorld(mousePos.x, mousePos.y);
for(const entity of Object.values(game.world.entities)) {
if(Math.hypot(entity.targetTick.position.x-pos.x, entity.targetTick.position.y-pos.y) < 50) {
if(entity.fromTick.model == "GamePlayer") {
for(const ws of Object.values(webSockets)) {
if(ws.playerTick.uid == entity.uid) {
ws.network.sendInput({ space: 1 });
ws.network.sendInput({ space: 0 });
setTimeout(() => {
ws.network.sendInput({ space: 1 });
ws.network.sendInput({ space: 0 });
}, 250);
let ws;
let opcode5Listeners = [];
const decodeOpcode5 = (data) => {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "decodePreEnterWorld", data: data, preEnterWorldToken: ws.preEnterWorldToken }));
opcode5Listeners.push((decoded) => {
let scannerAlts = [];
const scanServer = serverId => {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
let connectionOptions = game.options.servers[serverId];
let ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${connectionOptions.hostname}:443`);
ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
ws.onopen = (data) => {
ws.network = new game.networkType();
ws.network.sendPacket = (_event, _data) => {
ws.send(ws.network.codec.encode(_event, _data));
ws.onmessage = msg => {
if (new Uint8Array(msg.data)[0] == 5) {
ws.network = new game.networkType();
ws.network.sendPacket = (e, t) => {
ws.readyState === 1 && ws.send(ws.network.codec.encode(e, t));
decodeOpcode5(Array.from(new Uint8Array(msg.data))).then(decoded => {
ws.network.sendPacket(4, {
displayName: "24k Scanner",
extra: new Uint8Array(decoded[5])
ws.EnterWorld2Response = decoded[6];
const data = ws.network.codec.decode(msg.data);
if(data.opcode == 4) {
ws.EnterWorld2Response && ws.send(new Uint8Array(ws.EnterWorld2Response));
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) ws.send(new Uint8Array([3, 17, 123, 34, 117, 112, 34, 58, 49, 44, 34, 100, 111, 119, 110, 34, 58, 48, 125]));
ws.send(new Uint8Array([9, 6, 0, 0, 0, 126, 8, 0, 0, 108, 27, 0, 0, 146, 23, 0, 0, 82, 23, 0, 0, 8, 91, 11, 0, 8, 91, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 78, 0, 0, 76, 79, 0, 0, 172, 38, 0, 0, 120, 155, 0, 0, 166, 39, 0, 0, 140, 35, 0, 0, 36, 44, 0, 0, 213, 37, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 120, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 134, 6, 0, 0]));
if(data.name == "Leaderboard") {
if(!ws.partyList) { return; };
const population = ws.partyList.map(i => i.memberCount).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
if (data.response.length == 1 && population > 1) {
res({ lb: data.response, pop: population });
if(data.name == "SetPartyList") {
ws.partyList = data.response;
const replNames = ["", "a", "b", "c"];
const newScannerWS = () => {
fetch(`https://24k${replNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * replNames.length)]}.zombsscripts.repl.co`).then(res => res.text()).then(url => {
const previousReconnect = ws ? ws.reconnect : 0;
ws = new WebSocket(`wss://${url}`);
ws.addEventListener("open", () => {
ws.reconnect = previousReconnect;
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "getData" }));
ws.addEventListener("message", msg => {
const data = JSON.parse(msg.data);
switch(data.type) {
case "scanServer":
ws.preEnterWorldToken = data.preEnterWorldToken;
setTimeout(() => {
let scanned = false;
scanServer(data.serverId).then(serverData => {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "serverData", serverId: data.serverId, lb: serverData.lb, pop: serverData.pop }));
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "getData" }));
scanned = true;
setTimeout(() => {
if(!scanned) {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "serverData", serverId: game.options.serverId, lb: game.ui.components.Leaderboard.leaderboardData, pop: Object.values(game.ui.parties).map(i => i.memberCount).reduce((a, b) => a + b) }));
for(const scannerWs of scannerAlts) {
scannerAlts = [];
}, 28000);
}, 3000);
case "scanData":
window.scanData = data.data;
for(const server of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".hud-intro-server > optgroup > option"))) {
const serverScanData = window.scanData[server.value];
server.innerHTML = `${game.options.servers[server.value].name} (${server.value}) { ${serverScanData ? serverScanData.pop : 32}/32 }${serverScanData ? ` ${serverScanData.lb[0].name.replaceAll(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '')} W: ${parseInt(serverScanData.lb[0].wave).toLocaleString("en")} | S: ${parseInt(serverScanData.lb[0].score).toLocaleString("en")}` : ""}`;
case "preEnterWorldData":
for(let i in opcode5Listeners) {
delete opcode5Listeners[i];
ws.addEventListener("close", () => {
if(ws.reconnect < 5) {
if(location.hash !== "#alt") {
let hasEnteredWorld;
game.network.addEnterWorldHandler(() => {
if(hasEnteredWorld) {
} else {
hasEnteredWorld = true;
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) game.network.socket.send(new Uint8Array([3, 17, 123, 34, 117, 112, 34, 58, 49, 44, 34, 100, 111, 119, 110, 34, 58, 48, 125]));
game.network.socket.send(new Uint8Array([9, 6, 0, 0, 0, 126, 8, 0, 0, 108, 27, 0, 0, 146, 23, 0, 0, 82, 23, 0, 0, 8, 91, 11, 0, 8, 91, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 78, 0, 0, 76, 79, 0, 0, 172, 38, 0, 0, 120, 155, 0, 0, 166, 39, 0, 0, 140, 35, 0, 0, 36, 44, 0, 0, 213, 37, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 120, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 134, 6, 0, 0]));
setTimeout(() => {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "serverData", serverId: Object.values(game.options.servers).find(i => game.network.socket.url.split("/")[2].split(":")[0] == i.hostname).id, lb: game.ui.components.Leaderboard.leaderboardData, pop: Object.values(game.ui.parties).map(i => i.memberCount).reduce((a, b) => a + b) }));
}, 2000);
const scannerIcon = document.createElement("div");
scannerIcon.dataset.type = "Scanner";
scannerIcon.innerText = "Scanner";
const scannerMenu = document.createElement("div");
window.scannerMenu = scannerMenu;
scannerMenu.style.height = "575px";
scannerMenu.style.overflow = "scroll";
scannerMenu.style.top = "400px";
scannerMenu.innerHTML = `
<h1>24k Scanner</h1>
<p>Welcome to 24k's scanner made by ehScripts.</p>
<input type="text" class="inputBtn" id="nameScan" placeholder="Name to scan..." style="display: inline-block;" />
<button class="btn" id="scanName" style="display: inline-block;">Scan Name</button>
<input type="text" class="inputBtn" id="serverScan" placeholder="Server ID..." maxlength=5 value="v2004" style="width: 100px; display: inline-block;" />
<button class="btn" id="scanServer">Scan Server</button>
<br />
<select id="sortType" class="btn"><optgroup label="Sort Type"><option value="wave" selected>Wave</option><option value="score">Score</option></optgroup></select>
<select id="playerSort" class="btn"><optgroup label="Player Sort"><option value=1>High to Low</option><option value=0>Low to High</option></optgroup></select>
<select class="btn" style="width: 110px;" id="playerConstraints"><optgroup label="Player Constraints"><option value="1" selected="">Above:</option><option value="0">Below:</option></optgroup></select>
<input class="inputBtn" type="number" min="0" value="0" style="width: 150px; display: inline-block;" id="playerConstraintValue">
<hr />
<button class="btn" id="scanPop">Scan Population</button>
<select class="btn" style="width: 150px;" id="sortPop"><optgroup label="Sort Population"><option value=1 selected>High to Low</option><option value=0>Low to High</option></optgroup></select>
<select class="btn" style="width: 180px;" id="popConstraints"><optgroup label="Population Constraints"><option value=1>Above Population: </option><option value=0 selected>Below Population:</option></optgroup></select>
<input class="inputBtn" type="number" min=0 max=32 value=32 style="width: 60px; display: inline-block;" id="popConstraintValue" />
<hr />
<div id="results" style="overflow: scroll; height: 225px;">
Results will appear here.
scannerIcon.addEventListener("click", function() {
scannerMenu.style.display = scannerMenu.style.display == "block" ? "none" : "block";
if(scannerMenu.style.display == "block") {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "getData" }));
const nameScan = document.getElementById("nameScan");
const results = document.getElementById("results");
const sortTypeSelect = document.getElementById("sortType");
const playerSortSelect = document.getElementById("playerSort");
const playerConstraintsSelect = document.getElementById("playerConstraints");
const playerConstraintInput = document.getElementById("playerConstraintValue")
document.getElementById("scanName").addEventListener("click", function() {
const name = nameScan.value.toLowerCase();
const sortType = sortTypeSelect.value;
const playerSort = !!parseInt(playerSortSelect.value);
const playerConstraints = !!parseInt(playerConstraintsSelect.value);
const playerConstraintValue = playerConstraintInput.value;
results.innerHTML = Object.entries(window.scanData).filter(i => i[1].lb.map).map(i => i[1].lb.map(j => new Object({ serverId: i[0], ...j }))).reduce((initial, current) => initial.concat(current), []).filter(i => i.name.toLowerCase().includes(name) && playerConstraints ? i[sortType] >= playerConstraintValue : i[sortType] < playerConstraintValue).sort((a, b) => playerSort ? b[sortType] - a[sortType] : a[sortType] - b[sortType]).map(i => `
<div class="resultDiv">
<a href="https://zombs.io/#/${i.serverId}/24k" target="_blank">${i.serverId}</a>: ${i.name.replaceAll(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '')}
<br /><strong>Wave: </strong>${parseInt(i.wave).toLocaleString("en")}<br /><strong>Score: </strong>${parseInt(i.score).toLocaleString("en")}
document.getElementById("scanPop").addEventListener("click", function() {
const sortMethod = !!parseInt(document.getElementById("sortPop").value);
const popConstraints = !!parseInt(document.getElementById("popConstraints").value);
const popConstraintValue = document.getElementById("popConstraintValue").value;
results.innerHTML = Object.entries(window.scanData).filter(i => i[0].startsWith("v") && i[1].pop && (popConstraints ? i[1].pop > popConstraintValue : i[1].pop < popConstraintValue)).sort((a, b) => !!sortMethod ? b[1].pop - a[1].pop : a[1].pop - b[1].pop).map(i => `
<div class="resultDiv">
<a href="https://zombs.io/#/v${parseInt(i[0].slice(1))}/24k" target="_blank">v${parseInt(i[0].slice(1))}</a><br />
<label>Population: </label>${parseInt(i[1].pop)}
document.getElementById("scanServer").addEventListener("click", function() {
const serverId = document.getElementById("serverScan").value;
const server = window.scanData[serverId];
const sortType = sortTypeSelect.value;
const playerSort = !!parseInt(playerSortSelect.value);
const playerConstraints = !!parseInt(playerConstraintsSelect.value);
const playerConstraintValue = playerConstraintInput.value;
if(server) {
results.innerHTML = `
<h3>${serverId}</h3> <hr />
<strong>Server Population: ${server.pop}</strong><hr />
${server.lb.filter(i => playerConstraints ? i[sortType] >= playerConstraintValue : i[sortType] < playerConstraintValue).sort((a, b) => playerSort ? b[sortType] - a[sortType] : a[sortType] - b[sortType]).map(i => `
<div class="resultDiv">
<strong>${i.name.replaceAll(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '')}</strong><br />
<strong>Wave: </strong>${parseInt(i.wave).toLocaleString("en")}<br />
<strong>Score: </strong>${parseInt(i.score).toLocaleString("en")}
for(const icon of document.querySelectorAll("#hud-menu-icons > div")) {
if(icon.dataset.type == "Scanner") { continue; };
icon.addEventListener("click", function() {
window.scannerMenu.style.display = "none";
window.toggleRebuilder = rebuilderId => {
rebuilders[rebuilderId].enabled = !rebuilders[rebuilderId].enabled;
const positionDiv = document.createElement("div");
positionDiv.style.color = "whitesmoke";
positionDiv.style.position = "absolute";
positionDiv.style.top = "50px";
positionDiv.style.width = "100vw";
positionDiv.style.textAlign = "center";
positionDiv.style.userSelect = "text";
game.network.addEntityUpdateHandler(() => {
if(!game.ui.playerTick) { return; };
const pp = game.ui.playerTick.position;
for(const entity of Object.values(game.world.entities)) {
const ep = entity.targetTick.position;
if(Math.hypot(ep.x-pp.x, ep.y-pp.y) < 1500) {
positionDiv.innerText = `X: ${Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.x).toLocaleString("en")}, Y: ${Math.round(game.ui.playerTick.position.y).toLocaleString("en")}`
for(const i of Object.entries(webSockets).filter(i => i[1].playerTick)) {
const ws = i[1];
const id = i[0];
const entity = game.world.entities[ws.playerTick.uid];
if(entity) {
game.world.entities[ws.playerTick.uid].targetTick.name = window.altIdNames ? id : ws.name;
game.network.sendRpc2 = game.network.sendRpc;
game.network.sendRpc = m => {
if(m.name == "MakeBuilding" && m.type == "GoldStash") {
goldStashPos = { x: m.x, y: m.y };
if(["BuyItem", "EquipItem"].includes(m.name)) {
for(const ws of Object.values(webSockets)) {
window.jj = () => webSockets;