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Remove ads and promoted tweets on Twitter

Removes ads and promoted tweets on Twitter, as well as the large bold "Promoted Tweet" headings

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.2 04.08.2023.

    NEW: ads now removed too – this script could only remove promoted tweets before, now it can remove tweets marked as "Ad" too. Enjoy!

  • v1.1 07.03.2023.

    Changed removal of promoted tweets, now using CSS to "hide" the element rather than removing it entirely. Removing it seems to often break twitter, leading to an error message that says "Something went wrong. Please reload". This was apparently due to Twitter freaking out when promoted tweets were removed. Unless… unless of course this was an intentional error, that was triggered when the ad removal was detected? Who knows. Either way, now that they're being hidden with CSS, Twitter no longer seems to show this error as frequently as it used to.

  • v1.0 22.01.2023.