Greasy Fork is available in English.


Simple script to handle a specific Auto Claim case. I won't be answering questions about this script. May or may not update it. May or may not work for you. It's just a workaround in case you don't have an ad blocker.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         CloseWindowByName
// @version      0.5
// @description  Simple script to handle a specific Auto Claim case. I won't be answering questions about this script. May or may not update it. May or may not work for you. It's just a workaround in case you don't have an ad blocker.
// @author       satology
// @match        http://*/*
// @match        https://*/*
// @icon         
// @grant        window.close
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    const regexs = [/betteradsystem\.com/, /request\-global\.czilladx\.com/, /bmfads\.com/, /coinverti\.com/, /^https\:\/\/faucetcrypto\.com\/$/];

    try {
        if(regexs.some((exp) => document.referrer && document.referrer.match(exp) )) {
            let delay = 11000 + 2000 * Math.random();
            setTimeout(window.close, delay);
    } catch (err) {}
    try {
        if(regexs.some((exp) => && )) {
//            let delay = 11000 + 13000 * Math.random();
            let delay = 11000 + 2000 * Math.random();
            setTimeout(window.close, delay);
    } catch (err) {}
    try {
        if(regexs.some((exp) => window.opener && window.opener.match(exp) )) {
//            let delay = 11000 + 13000 * Math.random();
            let delay = 11000 + 2000 * Math.random();
            setTimeout(window.close, delay);
    } catch (err) {}