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HSX Chimp

Floating trade panel for all HSX pages - F2 toggles hide/show

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Chimp is a spinoff of Port Monkey. It's the ultimate trade widget and bond shopper, that works on all HSX pages. It will always be there, right where you left it, ready for action. You can hide and unhide Chimp with a keystroke, or roll it up to a title bar. Yes, that title bar is displaying HSX time for your last page load, if you wish. Chimp is for both users, and non-users, of Port Monkey!

Chimp features and advantages

Speed - Trading from Chimp never takes you away from your initial page. Instead, trade confirmation appears as a popup window that is easily dismissed with the Enter key, or which you can simply leave aside.

Mouseover symbols - Rolling over any security link in HSX will put its ticker into the Chimp symbol input.

Quantity quick-picks - Select often-used amounts with a single mouse click. The quantities are customizable. Even speedier!

Starbond adjust fetch - Instantly check the potential gain on any bond in the symbol box. Either click the S: link or hit Enter to see the adjust price as estimated by Chimp displays the estimated adjust price in green or red to illustrate what the math shows; this should not be considered an outright recommendation! Use this tool to cruise for good investments, from the HSX bond pages, to the calendar (adjusts) and Moviestock detail pages. Note that data at is typically updated each Wednesday night. You can hover over the link, to check the data freshness date.

Price checker - Similar to the Starbond fetch, Chimp can look up the current price of any HSX security.

Intraday price graphs - On Moviestock pages, clicking the Change Today number will open up a graph that shows a film's price history for the past 24 hours or so, with 5-minute resolution. This is useful for spotting trends and reversals. This intraday price graph example will open as a full web page. Using Chimp, the graph will open in a small window, much like the Chimp trade confirmation window. Note that you must set your browser options to allow pop-up windows for HSX (there's no downside to this). These price graphs are the handiwork of HSX user theun4gven. Very nice!

Persistence - Chimp remembers its size and position from page to page, and from session to session.

Customizability - Click the arrow icon ▲ to roll it up. Press F2 to hide or unhide. Click the heart icon ♥ to set other options, including font size and panel width, and whether to display HSX time.

Consistent behavior - I only recently discovered that the HSX tear-off trade widget picks up mouseover symbols, and has some degree of persistence. I had never seen these behaviors on my own computers, but now know they exist, after trying them on a relative's computer. I certainly hope Chimp will work consistently for all Firefox/Greasemonkey users that try it.

Usage notes

  • Empty quantity is treated as Max!
  • Chimp does not significantly delay page loads. However, if you have the HSX time display active, there may be times when network traffic causes a delay in the time appearing.
  • Regarding the HSX portfolio page, Chimp is fine on its own, for those that don't need the extreme makeover of Port Monkey. For Port Monkey users, there's a "Port Monkey compatability mode" setting that keeps Chimp out of the way on the port page, while it can still be used on other HSX pages.
  • There are at least three convenient ways to use the trade confirmation window.
    • Close the window after each trade, just by pressing the Enter key.
    • Leave the window on your desktop, with the size adjusted to your preference.
    • Leave the window minimized to your taskbar, and view the title text to confirm your trades. Windows 7 users can/should set their taskbar to show text with the icons.
  • Lost your Chimp? If you put Chimp near the edge of a fully maximized browser window, you may later think it's missing if you've switched to a smaller window. Just maximize and drag it back in. Don't forget to try F2, in case you hid the Chimp. If you still haven't found Chimp, open a new tab; enter about:config as the address; filter for chimp; locate the values named chimpX and chimpY; double-click and set each to 100px; make sure chimpVis is set to visible; reload your HSX page.
  • If using Chimp with League Genie, make sure League Genie is running first -- either install it first, or use the Greasemonkey script manager to move it upward in the script list.

Browser notes

Almost all features of the Greasemonkey native code will work in non-Firefox browsers like Chrome, Opera, and possibly others. Here are the known exclusions or issues:

Chrome and Opera

  • The HSX time retrieval display does not work.
  • Chimp's bottom edge outline may be missing.
  • Resetting your 'private data' will also remove your Chimp settings. Think before you purge.


  • Retrieval of bond adjust info and security prices does not work.
  • Pressing F2 to toggle Chimp visibility works somewhat.

Since I use Firefox, I will not be paying attention if/when Chrome or Opera are updated in such a way that it breaks Chimp functionality. Please let me know.

Chimp version history

  • v1.5.1 - oops, the icon had to go, for now. 10/29/2016

  • v1.5.0 - an administrative update; access to icon file had been lost. 9/30/2016

  • v1.4.9 - an administrative update. 1/20/2015

  • v1.4.8 - did a minor fix so that retrieved KaiGee bond info displays properly in Chrome. 10/15/2014

  • v1.4.7 - an administrative, rather than functional update. 7/12/2014

  • v1.4.6 - made a small change to keep Chimp working with the new bond pages setup at This also fixes an error I created in 1.4.5, when I did the aforementioned fix. 12/6/2013

  • v1.4.4 - made Chimp functional on several HSX fan pages. VERY helpful when using The HSX Dude's Post Adjust Bond Show. Be careful with this: All of the HSX links on will autofill into Chimp, and relevant movie titles are in close proximity to the starbond tickers. If you're careless, you may trade a Moviestock rather than a Starbond! 9/11/2013

  • v1.4.3 - made ticker symbol autofill on all security pages. Added option to use alternate time source. (Either source can fail, if overused individually, or in aggregate.) 4/13/2012

  • v1.4.0 - added Change Today link on Moviestock pages, to show intraday price graphs. Fixed the "MCG bond bug." 10/19/2011

  • v1.3.7 - switched the bond info source to 7/28/2011

  • v1.3.5 - fixed so that Chimp can work on forum pages, again. Tool-tip on the-numbers links shows data date. Several other tweaks. 4/12/2011

  • v1.3.3 - made Chimp want to stay within browser boundaries, when placed near edges. Improved bond info links to HSX and the-numbers, so detail pages always open in the same specific tabs. Several fixes, including tendency of the Chimp trade confirmation window to sometimes show when non-Chimp trades are made, or when accessing the HSX Advanced Trader. 3/25/2011

  • v1.3.0 - added fetch and display of bond adjust estimates and security prices (Firefox only). 3/11/2011

  • v1.2.4 - minor fix to trade confirmation window. 3/9/2011

  • v1.2.3 - major clean-up of trade confirmation window. 3/3/2011

  • v1.2.0 - now compatible with Chrome 9 and Opera 11 browsers (see browser notes, above). 2/26/2011

  • v1.1.4 - minor but useful tweaks to the trade confirmation window (see usage notes, above). 2/18/2011

  • v1.1.2 - disabled use of Chimp in HSX forums. IMPORTANT that users NOT use previous versions when posting on the forums. Parts of Chimp get included with the post, which are visible to all users of all browsers! Please uninstall the previous version, before installing this one. 2/13/2011

  • v1.1.1 - by request, made the ticker symbol sticky between pages, which really helps when visiting specific security pages for more information. 2/7/2011

  • v1.1.0 - by request, added customizable quick-pick quantities. 2/2/2011

  • v1.0.3 - the first version released. 2/2/2011