FIMFiction - Random Story

Adds a button to jump to a random story page

< Feedback on FIMFiction - Random Story

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 13.05.2015.

URL button uses is broken

When I click the button it sends me to, which of course, is not a valid story page.

Posted: 25.05.2015.
Edited: 25.05.2015.

You are supposed to click the "Refresh" button before the first use. I thought I was more than clear with that.

Posted: 24.06.2015.

For those who are not aware, you must click "refresh" upon first use for the script to detect the total number of stories it can choose from. Also, you should refresh every time you use fimfiction so the script can detect new stories added and send you there as well.

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