Welcome to Greasy Fork, a site for user scripts.
What are user scripts?
User scripts put you in control of your browsing experience. Once installed, they automatically make the sites you visit better by adding features, making them easier to use, or taking out the annoying bits. The user scripts on Greasy Fork were written by other users and posted to share with the world. They're free to install and easy to use.
Step 1: install a user script manager
To use user scripts you need to first install a user script manager. Which user script manager you can use depends on which browser you use.
Desktop Mobile (Android) Mobile (iOS)
- Chrome: Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
- Firefox: Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, or Violentmonkey
- Safari: Tampermonkey or Userscripts
- Microsoft Edge: Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
- Opera: Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
- Maxthon: Violentmonkey
- AdGuard: (no additional software required)
- Firefox: Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, or Violentmonkey
- Maxthon: Violentmonkey
- Dolphin: Tampermonkey
- UC: Tampermonkey
- Kiwi: Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
- XBrowser
- Safari: Tampermonkey or Userscripts
- Gear: (no additional software required)
Step 2: install a user script
Browse this site to find a user script you want to try. Here is a sample of the most popular scripts:
- 白piao斗鱼 - douyu整合优化斗鱼功能脚本(斗鱼精简、斗鱼默认最高画质)
- 阅读全文、自动展开全文、自动移除万恶弹框 - 【非自动关注】【自用,长期维护】【功能有】1. 阅读全文网站支持:CSDN、github.io、xz577.com、iteye.com、720ui.com、cloud.tencent.com、新浪、头条、网易新闻、腾讯新闻、51CTO、知乎、果壳科技(移动版)、awesomes.cn、javascriptcn.com、人民日报(移动版)、凤凰网、虎扑移动版、百度经验、360文档(个人图书馆)、乐居买房(移动版)、电子发烧友网(PC、移动版)、悟空问答(PC、移动版)、百家号、百度文章、简书移动版、搜狐移动版、goodreads(PC、移动版)、百度文库(移动、PC版)、36氪移动版、弟弟快看<br>备注: 反馈问题的小伙伴们请附加上有问题的网址链接哈
- 学习通阻止暂停播放 - 学习通
- delta key bypass - Bypass Delta Key (included ios)
- 【超星学习通】【智慧树知到】【U校园】【运动世界校园】【学习强国】【国家开放大学】【继续教育类】-自动刷课和考试-所有冷门网课平台均可,需要合作请添加客服咨询:white996_1,其他勿扰,谢谢 - 仅支持课件,打开视频按F2运行脚本,介意勿安装【超星学习通】【智慧树】【国家智慧中小学】【u校园】【国家开放大学】【自考教育云课堂】【职教云系列】【雨课堂系列】【讯网】【朝明在线】【麦能网】【融学APP】【技能云】【168网校】【英华学堂系列都可】【继续教育类】【柠檬文才】【亿学宝云】【优课学堂】【清华社】【安徽继续教育】 【上海开放大学】【学历邦】【兰州继教】【继教在线】【思钮教育】【春风雨教育】【龙知网】【重庆高校】【新锦和】【中国石油大学】【尚学课堂】【新京人】【百通学堂】【点墨云】【博学】【联大】【课程伴侣】【出头科技】【良师在线】【中国大学】【在浙学】【棉花糖】【朝明在线】【学习公社】【河南宗教】【welearn随行课堂】【睿学】【兰州继教】【文鼎】【绎通云】【池馆】【utalk】【168网校】【我学习】【FIF英语】【百万扩招】【和学在线】【人卫慕课】【绎通云】【再起航】【i学】【慕享】【高校邦】【好策】【优学院】 【学起Plus】【青书学堂】【含弘慕课】【微知库】【学堂在线】各类实习打卡,自动刷课--代刷或合作请添加微:white996_1 备注来意,介意者务下载
Once you've found a user script, click the green install button on the user script's page, and your user script manager will ask you to confirm the install.
Step 3: use the user script
Go to the site the user script affects. It should automatically do its thing. After trying out the user script for a while, go back to where you installed the user script and leave some feedback for the user script's author.