The following elements and attributes are allowed. This applies to both HTML and Markdown (after conversion to HTML).
- <* title|name|style>
- <a href=(ftp|http|https|mailto|relative)>
- <abbr title>
- <b>
- <blockquote cite=(http|https|relative)>
- <br>
- <center>
- <cite>
- <code>
- <dd>
- <del>
- <details open>
- <dfn title>
- <div>
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <em>
- <h1>
- <h2>
- <h3>
- <h4>
- <h5>
- <h6>
- <hr>
- <i>
- <iframe allowfullscreen frameborder height src=(|| width>
- <img src=(https) alt height width>
- <ins>
- <kbd>
- <li>
- <mark>
- <ol>
- <p>
- <pre>
- <q cite=(http|https|relative)>
- <rp>
- <rt>
- <ruby>
- <s>
- <samp>
- <small>
- <span>
- <strike>
- <strong>
- <sub>
- <summary>
- <sup>
- <table>
- <tbody>
- <td>
- <tfoot>
- <th>
- <thead>
- <time datetime pubdate>
- <tr>
- <tt>
- <u>
- <ul>
- <var>
- <video src=(https) poster height width>
Whitespace will be turned into p or br elements. URLs will automatically be linkified.
The following CSS properties are allowed on all elements.
- background-color
- border
- color
You can reference and link to other Greasy Fork users with the format @UserName
or @"User Name"
(if the user name has spaces).