קיימות ספריות שפורסמו על-ידי משתמשי Greasy Fork שתוכל לכלול באמצעות @require
בסקריפטים שלך. עבור סוגים אחרים של ספריות שהינך יכול לכלול באמצעות @require
, קרא את חוקי Greasy Fork על @require
HWM_all_arts JS (ספריה) - Эскизы для артефактов
PushQueue JS (ספריה) - 推入队列,循环数组实现
aliyun_icons JS (ספריה) - Aliyun File Icons
InputNumber JS (ספריה) - 自定义数值输入框元素
plurk_lib JS (ספריה) - An unofficial library for Plurk
A library dedicated to anti-debugging of js (non-original) JS (ספריה) - This is a library for anti-debugging JavaScript, the code of this library must not be used for any illegal purpose. If you decide to use this library, you are responsible for its possible consequences.
WS Hook JS (ספריה) - WebSocket Hook
Donations_detail_dio-tools-david1327 JS (ספריה) - Location of the donation data base for DIO-TOOLS-David1327
常用函数 JS (ספריה) - 油猴常用函数
Wait For Selector JS (ספריה) - Waits for selectors to match newly added nodes
to-markdown JS (ספריה) - An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript.
AZ 快捷键 JS (ספריה) - 此文件包含 A/Z 访问上一条/下一条内容快捷键的实现 给 A/Z 要访问的元素传入类名 hotkey-AZ
UserscriptAPIWeb JS (ספריה) - https://gitee.com/liangjiancang/userscript/tree/master/lib/UserscriptAPI
UserscriptAPIWait JS (ספריה) - https://gitee.com/liangjiancang/userscript/tree/master/lib/UserscriptAPI
UserscriptAPIMessage JS (ספריה) - https://gitee.com/liangjiancang/userscript/tree/master/lib/UserscriptAPI
UserscriptAPIDom JS (ספריה) - https://gitee.com/liangjiancang/userscript/tree/master/lib/UserscriptAPI
BorisChenTiers JS (ספריה) - Library that generates the BorisChen player name to tier map
ctmo_wechat_recharge_js JS (ספריה) - 1888網站繳費的代碼庫(WeChat版)
ctmo_mobile_recharge_js JS (ספריה) - 1888網站繳費代碼庫(移動版)
ctmo_recharge_js JS (ספריה) - 1888網站繳費代碼庫
ScriptLoader - nekocell JS (ספריה) - scriptをloadするやつ
GM_fetch - nekocell JS (ספריה) - GM_xmlhttpRequestのラッパー?
ARS-Static JS (ספריה) - AuTo Redeem Steamkey静态文件
GreasyForkScriptUpdate JS (ספריה) - Check update for Greasyfork userscript
VtuberTags JS (ספריה) - -
Search_Steam_Store JS (ספריה) - 搜索Steam商店,返回[{ appID, isBundle, appName, appPrice, appUrl, appImg }]
Async_Requests JS (ספריה) - 异步Requests库
NovelPage.Prod JS (ספריה) - NovelPage Class libary use for the spider on Bookwalker.jp
Page.Prod JS (ספריה) - Page Class libary use for the spider on Bookwalker.jp
ConfigDecoder.Prod JS (ספריה) - ConfigDecoder use for the spider on Bookwalker.jp
website icon base64 json JS (ספריה) - 网站图标(base64)
备份 JS (ספריה) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click 禁止非授权使用,仅限测试人员使用代码,用于保存数据
Thunder_FlashGet.js JS (ספריה) - 迅雷、快车、旋风URL加密方法-来源 <https://cdn.sojson.com/js/format/htpasswd/Thunder_FlashGet.js>
生成背景色 JS (ספריה) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click
生成下拉框 JS (ספריה) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click
RandInt-Getter JS (ספריה) - get a stochastic integer in range
中文繁体简体转化库 JS (ספריה) - 转化繁体简体
ptp_show_name1 JS (ספריה) - show ptp group name
Chinese Conversion API JS (ספריה) - It is a JavaScript library for the conversion of chinese characters between Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) and Simplified Chinese (zh-cn).
设置快捷键 JS (ספריה) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click
一键设置button JS (ספריה) - This script is only for Chinese mainland users. The script function is to help Beijing Construction Research Company set up excel forms with one click
禁用控制台 JS (ספריה) - disableControl
QOS-Handler JS (ספריה) - QOS-Handler(window param ver)
禁止调试 JS (ספריה) - disable debugging
imgCheckbox2 JS (ספריה) - jQuery Plugin For Checkable Images. https://www.jqueryscript.net/other/jQuery-Plugin-For-Checkable-Images-imgCheckbox.html
autoSetUp JS (ספריה) - 自动设置
alihesari's notice.js 0.4.0 JS (ספריה) - 移植github修复版本
CKTools JS (ספריה) - A library by CKylinMC combined all usually-used script segments.
GM_Polyfill JS (ספריה) - Provide GM_functions in non-ScriptManager-environment
Brazen Item Attributes Resolver JS (ספריה) - Item attributes resolution helper class
GMRequireChecker JS (ספריה) - Require this script and you will get variable GMRequireChecker equals to true if loaded. In other cases, variable GMRequireChecker will just not exists.
GM dat.GUI JS (ספריה) - dat.GUI modified to prioritize GM_getValue/GM_setValue over localStorage among other things.
ExplicitMessage_Inject JS (ספריה) - [DEBUG] 信息显式化(注入版)
TM dat JS (ספריה) - Nested, type secure and auto saving data proxy on Tampermonkey.
Filelist.js JS (ספריה) - Filelist script for Ace Strem Magic Player. Beta version
CallbackEditor JS (ספריה) - Assist programmers in hooking code into callbacks.
Async xmlhttpRequest JS (ספריה) - 封装 GM_xmlhttpRequest
ImageReady【这是库,不要安装,不起作用】 JS (ספריה) - 图片加载完之前获取大小
CKHoldClick JS (ספריה) - A simple library to let doms could be hold with mouse events.
CKEventEmitter JS (ספריה) - A simple event emitter implemention, support `on`/`off`/`emit` methods.
CKDragHelper JS (ספריה) - A simple dragging helper library
gif-encoder JS (ספריה) - GIFEncoder from jsgif
neu-quant JS (ספריה) - NeuQuant from jsgif
lzw-encoder JS (ספריה) - LZWEncoder from jsgif
Denque JS (ספריה) - Extremely fast and lightweight double-ended queue implementation with zero dependencies.
I'm wenku8 admin! JS (ספריה) - 通过简单的几行代码把用户伪装成wenku8管管
hello world script JS (ספריה) - hello world脚本,用于测试环境是否OK
Variables and Functions JS (ספריה) - Commonly used variables and functions
Patch When Available Library JS (ספריה) - Calls a function (getExpectedFnc()) repeatedly until it gives an expected result (confirmIsAvailableFnc()). Forwards it to (doPatchFnc()).
GBK_URL.js JS (ספריה) - js纯代码实现gbk格式的url编码
urlEncodeGBK.js JS (ספריה) - js纯代码实现gbk格式的url编码
object_setDefault JS (ספריה) - If object does not have key, add it.
URL Based Search for Some Websites JS (ספריה) - If you enter required parameter in URL, it trigger a search on website. (URL example: https://subscene.com/subtitles/title?q=Avatar).
upload_btn JS (ספריה) - 辅助脚本支持发布btn
vue-for-window.js JS (ספריה) - 解决 vue 在不同模块化应用下使用方式问题,均暴露到 windows 中
Zombacode JS (ספריה) - By [Q1] eh#2907
WF ToolBox Lib Alpha mod JS (ספריה) - When perma is present to offer his version for beta + classic editor and add the profile editor waze and much more
gistSync JS (ספריה) - 使用gist进行数据同步
Hook Ajax JS (ספריה) - it can hook all ajax
HeiGoBackTop.js JS (ספריה) - 可能是最漂亮的返回顶部插件。可以用来返回页面顶部,或者跳转底部,也可以用来自动化滑动页面。已经开源于github。
mux-mp4.js JS (ספריה) - mux-mp4.js 用于 ts 向 mp4 片段转码
ppkdebug JS (ספריה) - 调试用存档
WebpToJpg JS (ספריה) - Dirty script to convert a WEBP base64 URI to a JPG base64 URI
locals JS (ספריה) - github 本地化
Simple EventEmitter JS (ספריה) - emit and receive events!
toast.js JS (ספריה) - coco-message TheWindRises-2 js toast
multiOpenCloseTabs JS (ספריה) - Multi open tabs by GM_openInTab then close them to do something.
fetchElements JS (ספריה) - Convert fetch body to dom elements.
Library: Additional DOM Window History-Stack Events (pushstate, replacestate) JS (ספריה) - Complementing the DOM Window 'popstate' event, this library adds the 'pushstate' and 'replacestate' events and corresponding event handlers ('onpushstate', 'onreplacestate')
晋江文学城防盗字符解码 JS (ספריה) - 将晋江文学城防盗替换为正常字符
texmath JS (ספריה) - TeXmath support for cc98 markdown posts
hdb_show_discount_color JS (ספריה) - 辅助脚本
get_douban_info JS (ספריה) - 辅助auto-feed脚本获取豆瓣信息
elegant alert()库 JS (ספריה) - Customized alert box at the top right corner, auto close in a few seconds. Click on the alert box will close it immediately and copy the alert message to clipboard.
NGA-Script-Resource JS (ספריה) - 脚本资源引入文件
OnlineligaLineupInfo JS (ספריה) - Zusatzinfos zur Aufstellung bei www.onlineliga.de (OFA)
OnlineligaFriendlyInfo JS (ספריה) - Zusatzinfos für Friendlies für www.onlineliga.de (OFA)
Brazen Subscriptions Loader JS (ספריה) - Helper class for loading account subscriptions
Brazen Paginator JS (ספריה) - Helper for client side customized pagination