אין להתקין סקריפט זה ישירות. זוהי ספריה עבור סקריפטים אחרים // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/478676/1337642/NH_widget.js
// ==UserScript==
// ==UserLibrary==
// @name NH_widget
// @description Widgets for user interactions.
// @version 45
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later; https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html
// @homepageURL https://github.com/nexushoratio/userscripts
// @supportURL https://github.com/nexushoratio/userscripts/issues
// @match https://www.example.com/*
// ==/UserLibrary==
// ==/UserScript==
window.NexusHoratio ??= {};
window.NexusHoratio.widget = (function widget() {
'use strict';
/** @type {number} - Bumped per release. */
const version = 45;
const NH = window.NexusHoratio.base.ensure([
{name: 'xunit', minVersion: 39},
{name: 'base', minVersion: 52},
/** Library specific exception. */
class Exception extends NH.base.Exception {}
/** Thrown on verification errors. */
class VerificationError extends Exception {}
/** Useful for matching in tests. */
const HEX = '[0-9a-f]';
const GUID = `${HEX}{8}-(${HEX}{4}-){3}${HEX}{12}`;
/** @typedef {(string|HTMLElement|Widget)} Content */
* Base class for rendering widgets.
* Subclasses should NOT override methods here, except for constructor().
* Instead they should register listeners for appropriate events.
* Generally, methods will fire two event verbs. The first, in present
* tense, will instruct what should happen (build, destroy, etc). The
* second, in past tense, will describe what should have happened (built,
* destroyed, etc). Typically, subclasses will act upon the present tense,
* and users of the class may act upon the past tense.
* Methods should generally be able to be chained.
* If a variable holding a widget is set to a new value, the previous widget
* should be explicitly destroyed.
* When a Widget is instantiated, it should only create a container of the
* requested type (done in this base class). And install any widget styles
* it needs in order to function. The container property can then be placed
* into the DOM.
* If a Widget needs specific CSS to function, that CSS should be shared
* across all instances of the Widget by using the same values in a call to
* installStyle(). Anything used for presentation should include the
* Widget's id as part of the style's id.
* The build() method will fire 'build'/'built' events. Subclasses then
* populate the container with HTML as appropriate. Widgets should
* generally be designed to not update the internal HTML until build() is
* explicitly called.
* The destroy() method will fire 'destroy'/'destroyed' events and also
* clear the innerHTML of the container. Subclasses are responsible for any
* internal cleanup, such as nested Widgets.
* The verify() method will fire 'verify'/'verified' events. Subclasses can
* handle these to validate any internal structures they need for. For
* example, Widgets that have ARIA support can ensure appropriate attributes
* are in place. If a Widget fails, it should throw a VerificationError
* with details.
class Widget {
* Each subclass should take a caller provided name.
* @param {string} name - Name for this instance.
* @param {string} element - Type of element to use for the container.
constructor(name, element) {
if (new.target === Widget) {
throw new TypeError('Abstract class; do not instantiate directly.');
this.#name = `${this.constructor.name} ${name}`;
this.#id = NH.base.uuId(NH.base.safeId(this.name));
this.#container = document.createElement(element);
this.#container.id = `${this.id}-container`;
this.#dispatcher = new NH.base.Dispatcher(...Widget.#knownEvents);
this.#logger = new NH.base.Logger(`${this.constructor.name}`);
this.#visible = true;
[`.${Widget.classHidden} {display: none}`]);
/** @type {string} - CSS class applied to hide element. */
static get classHidden() {
return 'nh-widget-hidden';
/** @type {Element} */
get container() {
return this.#container;
/** @type {string} */
get id() {
return this.#id;
/** @type {NH.base.Logger} */
get logger() {
return this.#logger;
/** @type {string} */
get name() {
return this.#name;
/** @type {boolean} */
get visible() {
return this.#visible;
* Materialize the contents into the container.
* Each time this is called, the Widget should repopulate the contents.
* @fires 'build' 'built'
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
build() {
this.#dispatcher.fire('build', this);
this.#dispatcher.fire('built', this);
return this;
* Tears down internals. E.g., any Widget that has other Widgets should
* call their destroy() method as well.
* @fires 'destroy' 'destroyed'
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
destroy() {
this.#container.innerHTML = '';
this.#dispatcher.fire('destroy', this);
this.#dispatcher.fire('destroyed', this);
return this;
* Shows the Widget by removing a CSS class.
* @fires 'show' 'showed'
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
show() {
this.#dispatcher.fire('show', this);
this.#visible = true;
this.#dispatcher.fire('showed', this);
return this;
* Hides the Widget by adding a CSS class.
* @fires 'hide' 'hidden'
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
hide() {
this.#dispatcher.fire('hide', this);
this.#visible = false;
this.#dispatcher.fire('hidden', this);
return this;
* Verifies a Widget's internal state.
* For example, a Widget may use this to enforce certain ARIA criteria.
* @fires 'verify' 'verified'
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
verify() {
this.#dispatcher.fire('verify', this);
this.#dispatcher.fire('verified', this);
return this;
/** Clears the container element. */
clear() {
this.logger.log('clear is deprecated');
this.#container.innerHTML = '';
* Attach a function to an eventType.
* @param {string} eventType - Event type to connect with.
* @param {NH.base.Dispatcher~Handler} func - Single argument function to
* call.
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
on(eventType, func) {
this.#dispatcher.on(eventType, func);
return this;
* Remove all instances of a function registered to an eventType.
* @param {string} eventType - Event type to disconnect from.
* @param {NH.base.Dispatcher~Handler} func - Function to remove.
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
off(eventType, func) {
this.#dispatcher.off(eventType, func);
return this;
* Helper that sets an attribute to value.
* If value is null, the attribute is removed.
* @example
* w.attrText('aria-label', 'Information about the application.')
* @param {string} attr - Name of the attribute.
* @param {?string} value - Value to assign.
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
attrText(attr, value) {
if (value === null) {
} else {
this.container.setAttribute(attr, value);
return this;
* Helper that sets an attribute to space separated {Element} ids.
* This will collect the appropriate id from each value passed then assign
* that collection to the attribute. If any value is null, the everything
* up to that point will be reset. If the collection ends up being empty
* (e.g., no values were passed or the last was null), the attribute will
* be removed.
* @param {string} attr - Name of the attribute.
* @param {?Content} values - Value to assign.
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
attrElements(attr, ...values) {
const strs = [];
for (const value of values) {
if (value === null) {
strs.length = 0;
} else if (typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String) {
} else if (value instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (value.id) {
} else if (value instanceof Widget) {
if (value.container.id) {
if (strs.length) {
this.container.setAttribute(attr, strs.join(' '));
} else {
return this;
* Install a style if not already present.
* It will NOT overwrite an existing one.
* @param {string} id - Base to use for the style id.
* @param {string[]} rules - CSS rules in 'selector { declarations }'.
* @returns {HTMLStyleElement} - Resulting <style> element.
installStyle(id, rules) {
const me = 'installStyle';
this.logger.entered(me, id, rules);
const safeId = `${NH.base.safeId(id)}-style`;
let style = document.querySelector(`#${safeId}`);
if (!style) {
style = document.createElement('style');
style.id = safeId;
style.textContent = rules.join('\n');
this.logger.leaving(me, style);
return style;
static #knownEvents = [
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class Test extends Widget {
constructor() {
super('test', 'section');
/* eslint-enable */
/* eslint-disable max-statements */
/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
/* eslint-disable no-new */
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class WidgetTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testAbstract() {
this.assertRaises(TypeError, () => {
new Widget();
testProperties() {
// Assemble
const w = new Test();
// Assert
this.assertTrue(w.container instanceof HTMLElement, 'element');
RegExp(`^Test-test-${GUID}-container$`, 'u'),
this.assertRegExp(w.id, RegExp(`^Test-test-${GUID}`, 'u'), 'id');
this.assertTrue(w.logger instanceof NH.base.Logger, 'logger');
this.assertEqual(w.name, 'Test test', 'name');
testSimpleEvents() {
// Assemble
const calls = [];
const cb = (...rest) => {
const w = new Test()
.on('build', cb)
.on('built', cb)
.on('verify', cb)
.on('verified', cb)
.on('destroy', cb)
.on('destroyed', cb)
.on('show', cb)
.on('showed', cb)
.on('hide', cb)
.on('hidden', cb);
// Act
// Assert
this.assertEqual(calls, [
['build', w],
['built', w],
// After build()
['verify', w],
['verified', w],
// Before show()
['verify', w],
['verified', w],
['show', w],
['showed', w],
['hide', w],
['hidden', w],
['destroy', w],
['destroyed', w],
testDestroyCleans() {
// Assemble
const w = new Test();
// XXX: Broken HTML on purpose
w.container.innerHTML = '<p>Paragraph<p>';
'html got fixed');
this.assertEqual(w.container.children.length, 2, 'initial count');
// Act
// Assert
this.assertEqual(w.container.children.length, 0, 'post destroy count');
testHideShow() {
// Assemble
const w = new Test();
this.assertTrue(w.visible, 'init vis');
'init class');
this.assertFalse(w.visible, 'hide vis');
'hide class');
this.assertTrue(w.visible, 'show viz');
'show class');
testVerifyFails() {
// Assemble
const calls = [];
const cb = (...rest) => {
const onVerify = () => {
throw new VerificationError('oopsie');
const w = new Test()
.on('build', cb)
.on('verify', onVerify)
.on('show', cb);
// Act/Assert
() => {
'verify fails on purpose'
this.assertEqual(calls, [['build', w]], 'we made it past build');
testOnOff() {
// Assemble
const calls = [];
const cb = (...rest) => {
const w = new Test()
.on('build', cb)
.on('built', cb)
.on('destroyed', cb)
.off('build', cb)
.on('destroy', cb)
.off('destroyed', cb);
// Act
// Assert
this.assertEqual(calls, [
['built', w],
['destroy', w],
testAttrText() {
// Assemble
const attr = 'aria-label';
const w = new Test();
function f() {
return w.container.getAttribute(attr);
this.assertEqual(f(), null, 'init does not exist');
// First value
w.attrText(attr, 'App info.');
this.assertEqual(f(), 'App info.', 'exists');
// Change
w.attrText(attr, 'Different value');
this.assertEqual(f(), 'Different value', 'post change');
// Empty string
w.attrText(attr, '');
this.assertEqual(f(), '', 'empty string');
// Remove
w.attrText(attr, null);
this.assertEqual(f(), null, 'now gone');
testAttrElements() {
const attr = 'aria-labelledby';
const text = 'id1 id2';
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'div-id';
const w = new Test();
w.container.id = 'w-id';
function g() {
return w.container.getAttribute(attr);
this.assertEqual(g(), null, 'init does not exist');
// Single value
w.attrElements(attr, 'bob');
this.assertEqual(g(), 'bob', 'single value');
// Replace with spaces
w.attrElements(attr, text);
this.assertEqual(g(), 'id1 id2', 'spaces');
// Remove
w.attrElements(attr, null);
this.assertEqual(g(), null, 'first remove');
// Multiple values of different types
w.attrElements(attr, text, div, w);
this.assertEqual(g(), 'id1 id2 div-id w-id', 'everything');
// Duplicates
w.attrElements(attr, text, text);
this.assertEqual(g(), 'id1 id2 id1 id2', 'duplicates');
// Null in the middle
w.attrElements(attr, w, null, text, null, text);
this.assertEqual(g(), 'id1 id2', 'mid null');
// Null at the end
w.attrElements(attr, text, w, div, null);
this.assertEqual(g(), null, 'end null');
/* eslint-enable */
* An adapter for raw HTML.
* Other Widgets may use this to wrap any HTML they may be handed so they do
* not need to special case their implementation outside of construction.
class StringAdapter extends Widget {
* @param {string} name - Name for this instance.
* @param {string} content - Item to be adapted.
constructor(name, content) {
super(name, 'content');
this.#content = content;
this.on('build', this.#onBuild);
#onBuild = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onBuild';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
this.container.innerHTML = this.#content;
/* eslint-disable no-new-wrappers */
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class StringAdapterTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testPrimitiveString() {
// Assemble
let p = '<p id="bob">This is my paragraph.</p>';
const content = new StringAdapter(this.id, p);
// Act
// Assert
this.assertTrue(content.container instanceof HTMLUnknownElement,
'is HTMLUnknownElement');
this.assertTrue((/my paragraph./u).test(content.container.innerText),
'expected text');
this.assertEqual(content.container.firstChild.tagName, 'P', 'is para');
this.assertEqual(content.container.firstChild.id, 'bob', 'is bob');
// Tweak
content.container.firstChild.id = 'joe';
this.assertNotEqual(content.container.firstChild.id, 'bob', 'not bob');
// Rebuild
this.assertEqual(content.container.firstChild.id, 'bob', 'bob again');
// Tweak - Not a live string
p = '<p id="changed">New para.</p>';
this.assertEqual(content.container.firstChild.id, 'bob', 'still bob');
testStringObject() {
// Assemble
const p = new String('<p id="pat">This is my paragraph.</p>');
const content = new StringAdapter(this.id, p);
// Act
// Assert
this.assertTrue(content.container instanceof HTMLUnknownElement,
'is HTMLUnknownElement');
this.assertTrue((/my paragraph./u).test(content.container.innerText),
'expected text');
this.assertEqual(content.container.firstChild.tagName, 'P', 'is para');
this.assertEqual(content.container.firstChild.id, 'pat', 'is pat');
/* eslint-enable */
* An adapter for HTMLElement.
* Other Widgets may use this to wrap any HTMLElements they may be handed so
* they do not need to special case their implementation outside of
* construction.
class ElementAdapter extends Widget {
* @param {string} name - Name for this instance.
* @param {HTMLElement} content - Item to be adapted.
constructor(name, content) {
super(name, 'content');
this.#content = content;
this.on('build', this.#onBuild);
#onBuild = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onBuild';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class ElementAdapterTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testElement() {
// Assemble
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'pat';
div.innerText = 'I am a div.';
const content = new ElementAdapter(this.id, div);
// Act
// Assert
this.assertTrue(content.container instanceof HTMLUnknownElement,
'is HTMLUnknownElement');
this.assertTrue((/I am a div./u).test(content.container.innerText),
'expected text');
this.assertEqual(content.container.firstChild.tagName, 'DIV', 'is div');
this.assertEqual(content.container.firstChild.id, 'pat', 'is pat');
// Tweak
content.container.firstChild.id = 'joe';
this.assertNotEqual(content.container.firstChild.id, 'pat', 'not pat');
this.assertEqual(div.id, 'joe', 'demos is a live element');
// Rebuild
this.assertEqual(content.container.firstChild.id, 'joe', 'still joe');
// Multiple times
this.assertEqual(content.container.childNodes.length, 1, 'child nodes');
/* eslint-enable */
* Selects the best adapter to wrap the content.
* @param {string} name - Name for this instance.
* @param {Content} content - Content to be adapted.
* @throws {TypeError} - On type not handled.
* @returns {Widget} - Appropriate adapter for content.
function contentWrapper(name, content) {
if (typeof content === 'string' || content instanceof String) {
return new StringAdapter(name, content);
} else if (content instanceof HTMLElement) {
return new ElementAdapter(name, content);
} else if (content instanceof Widget) {
return content;
throw new TypeError(`Unknown type for "${name}": ${content}`);
/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
/* eslint-disable no-new-wrappers */
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class ContentWrapperTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testPrimitiveString() {
const x = contentWrapper(this.id, 'a string');
this.assertTrue(x instanceof StringAdapter);
testStringObject() {
const x = contentWrapper(this.id, new String('a string'));
this.assertTrue(x instanceof StringAdapter);
testElement() {
const element = document.createElement('div');
const x = contentWrapper(this.id, element);
this.assertTrue(x instanceof ElementAdapter);
testWidget() {
const t = new Test();
const x = contentWrapper(this.id, t);
this.assertEqual(x, t);
testUnknown() {
() => {
contentWrapper(this.id, null);
() => {
contentWrapper(this.id, 5);
() => {
contentWrapper(this.id, new Error('why not?'));
/* eslint-enable */
* Implements the Layout pattern.
class Layout extends Widget {
/** @param {string} name - Name for this instance. */
constructor(name) {
super(name, 'div');
this.on('build', this.#onBuild)
.on('destroy', this.#onDestroy);
for (const panel of Layout.#Panel.known) {
this.set(panel, '');
/** @type {Widget} */
get bottom() {
return this.#panels.get(Layout.BOTTOM);
/** @type {Widget} */
get left() {
return this.#panels.get(Layout.LEFT);
/** @type {Widget} */
get main() {
return this.#panels.get(Layout.MAIN);
/** @type {Widget} */
get right() {
return this.#panels.get(Layout.RIGHT);
/** @type {Widget} */
get top() {
return this.#panels.get(Layout.TOP);
* Sets a panel for this instance.
* @param {Layout.#Panel} panel - Panel to set.
* @param {Content} content - Content to use.
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
set(panel, content) {
if (!(panel instanceof Layout.#Panel)) {
throw new TypeError('"panel" argument is not a Layout.#Panel');
contentWrapper(`${panel} panel content`, content));
return this;
/** Panel enum. */
static #Panel = class {
/** @param {string} name - Panel name. */
constructor(name) {
this.#name = name;
static known = new Set();
/** @returns {string} - The name. */
toString() {
return this.#name;
static {
Layout.BOTTOM = new Layout.#Panel('bottom');
Layout.LEFT = new Layout.#Panel('left');
Layout.MAIN = new Layout.#Panel('main');
Layout.RIGHT = new Layout.#Panel('right');
Layout.TOP = new Layout.#Panel('top');
#panels = new Map();
#onBuild = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onBuild';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
for (const panel of this.#panels.values()) {
const middle = document.createElement('div');
this.left.container, this.main.container, this.right.container
this.top.container, middle, this.bottom.container
#onDestroy = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onDestroy';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
for (const panel of this.#panels.values()) {
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
/* eslint-disable no-undefined */
class LayoutTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testIsDiv() {
// Assemble
const w = new Layout(this.id);
// Assert
this.assertEqual(w.container.tagName, 'DIV', 'correct element');
testPanelsStartSimple() {
// Assemble
const w = new Layout(this.id);
// Assert
this.assertTrue(w.main instanceof Widget, 'main');
this.assertRegExp(w.main.name, / main panel content/u, 'main name');
this.assertTrue(w.top instanceof Widget, 'top');
this.assertRegExp(w.top.name, / top panel content/u, 'top name');
this.assertTrue(w.bottom instanceof Widget, 'bottom');
this.assertTrue(w.left instanceof Widget, 'left');
this.assertTrue(w.right instanceof Widget, 'right');
testSetWorks() {
// Assemble
const w = new Layout(this.id);
// Act
w.set(Layout.MAIN, 'main')
.set(Layout.TOP, document.createElement('div'));
// Assert
this.assertTrue(w.main instanceof Widget, 'main');
w.main.name, 'StringAdapter main panel content', 'main name'
this.assertTrue(w.top instanceof Widget, 'top');
w.top.name, 'ElementAdapter top panel content', 'top name'
testSetRequiresPanel() {
// Assemble
const w = new Layout(this.id);
// Act/Assert
() => {
w.set('main', 'main');
testDefaultBuilds() {
// Assemble
const w = new Layout(this.id);
// Act
// Assert
const expected = [
this.assertRegExp(w.container.innerHTML, RegExp(expected, 'u'));
testWithContentBuilds() {
// Assemble
const w = new Layout(this.id);
w.set(Layout.MAIN, 'main')
.set(Layout.TOP, 'top')
.set(Layout.BOTTOM, 'bottom')
.set(Layout.RIGHT, 'right')
.set(Layout.LEFT, 'left');
// Act
// Assert
this.assertEqual(w.container.innerText, 'topleftmainrightbottom');
testResetingPanelDestroysPrevious() {
// Assemble
const calls = [];
const cb = (...rest) => {
const w = new Layout(this.id);
const initMain = w.main;
initMain.on('destroy', cb);
const newMain = contentWrapper(this.id, 'Replacement main');
// Act
w.set(Layout.MAIN, newMain);
// Assert
this.assertEqual(calls, [['destroy', initMain]], 'old main destroyed');
w.container.innerText, 'Replacement main', 'new content'
testDestroy() {
// Assemble
const calls = [];
const cb = (evt) => {
const w = new Layout(this.id)
.set(Layout.MAIN, 'main')
w.top.on('destroy', cb);
w.left.on('destroy', cb);
w.main.on('destroy', cb);
w.right.on('destroy', cb);
w.bottom.on('destroy', cb);
this.assertEqual(w.container.innerText, 'main', 'sanity check');
// Act
// Assert
this.assertEqual(w.container.innerText, '', 'post destroy inner');
this.assertEqual(w.main, undefined, 'post destroy main');
['destroy', 'destroy', 'destroy', 'destroy', 'destroy'],
'each panel was destroyed'
/* eslint-enable */
* Arbitrary object to be used as data for {@link Grid}.
* @typedef {object} GridRecord
/** Column for the {@link Grid} widget. */
class GridColumn {
* @callback ColumnClassesFunc
* @param {GridRecord} record - Record to style.
* @param {string} field - Field to style.
* @returns {string[]} - CSS classes for item.
* @callback RenderFunc
* @param {GridRecord} record - Record to render.
* @param {string} field - Field to render.
* @returns {Widget} - Rendered content.
/** @param {string} field - Which field to render by default. */
constructor(field) {
if (!field) {
throw new Exception('A "field" is required');
this.#field = field;
this.#uid = NH.base.uuId(this.constructor.name);
* The default implementation uses the field.
* @implements {ColumnClassesFunc}
* @param {GridRecord} record - Record to style.
* @param {string} field - Field to style.
* @returns {string[]} - CSS classes for item.
static defaultClassesFunc = (record, field) => {
const result = [field];
return result;
* @implements {RenderFunc}
* @param {GridRecord} record - Record to render.
* @param {string} field - Field to render.
* @returns {Widget} - Rendered content.
static defaultRenderFunc = (record, field) => {
const result = contentWrapper(field, record[field]);
return result;
/** @type {string} - The name of the property from the record to show. */
get field() {
return this.#field;
/** @type {string} - A human readable value to use in the header. */
get title() {
return this.#title;
/** @type {string} */
get uid() {
return this.#uid;
* Use the registered rendering function to create the widget.
* @param {GridRecord} record - Record to render.
* @returns {Widget} - Rendered content.
render(record) {
return contentWrapper(
this.#field, this.#renderFunc(record, this.#field)
* Use the registered {ColClassesFunc} to return CSS classes.
* @param {GridRecord} record - Record to examine.
* @returns {string[]} - CSS classes for this record.
classList(record) {
return this.#colClassesFunc(record, this.#field);
* Sets the function used to style a cell.
* If no value is passed, it will set the default function.
* @param {ColClassesFunc} func - Styling function.
* @returns {GridColumn} - This instance, for chaining.
colClassesFunc(func = GridColumn.defaultClassesFunc) {
if (!(func instanceof Function)) {
throw new Exception(
'Invalid argument: is not a function'
this.#colClassesFunc = func;
return this;
* Sets the function used to render the column.
* If no value is passed, it will set the default function.
* @param {RenderFunc} [func] - Rendering function.
* @returns {GridColumn} - This instance, for chaining.
renderFunc(func = GridColumn.defaultRenderFunc) {
if (!(func instanceof Function)) {
throw new Exception(
'Invalid argument: is not a function'
this.#renderFunc = func;
return this;
* Set the title string.
* If no value is passed, it will default back to the name of the field.
* @param {string} [title] - New title for the column.
* @returns {GridColumn} - This instance, for chaining.
setTitle(title) {
this.#title = title ?? NH.base.simpleParseWords(this.#field)
.join(' ');
return this;
/* eslint-disable no-empty-function */
/* eslint-disable no-new */
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class GridColumnTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testNoArgment() {
/A "field" is required/u,
() => {
new GridColumn();
testWithFieldName() {
// Assemble
const col = new GridColumn('fieldName');
// Assert
this.assertEqual(col.field, 'fieldName');
testBadRenderFunc() {
/Invalid argument: is not a function/u,
() => {
new GridColumn('testField')
testGoodRenderFunc() {
() => {
new GridColumn('fiend')
.renderFunc(() => {});
testExplicitTitle() {
// Assemble
const col = new GridColumn('fieldName')
.setTitle('Col Title');
// Assert
this.assertEqual(col.title, 'Col Title');
testDefaultTitle() {
// Assemble
const col = new GridColumn('fieldName');
// Assert
this.assertEqual(col.title, 'field Name');
testUid() {
// Assemble
const col = new GridColumn(this.id);
// Assert
this.assertRegExp(col.uid, /^GridColumn-/u);
testDefaultRenderer() {
// Assemble
const col = new GridColumn('name');
const record = {name: 'Bob', job: 'Artist'};
// Act
const w = col.render(record);
// Assert
this.assertTrue(w instanceof Widget, 'correct type');
this.assertEqual(w.build().container.innerHTML, 'Bob', 'right content');
testCanSetRenderFunc() {
// Assemble
function renderFunc(record, field) {
return contentWrapper(
this.id, `${record.name}|${record.job}|${field}`
const col = new GridColumn('name');
const record = {name: 'Bob', job: 'Artist'};
// Act I - Default
'default func'
// Act II - Custom
'custom func'
// Act III - Back to default
'back to default'
testRenderAlwaysReturnsWidget() {
// Assemble
function renderFunc(record, field) {
return `${record.name}|${record.job}|${field}`;
const col = new GridColumn('name')
const record = {name: 'Bob', job: 'Artist'};
// Act
const w = col.render(record);
// Assert
this.assertTrue(w instanceof Widget);
testDefaultClassesFunc() {
// Assemble
const col = new GridColumn('name');
const record = {name: 'Bob', job: 'Artist'};
// Act
const cl = col.classList(record);
// Assert
testCanSetClassesFunc() {
// Assemble
function colClassesFunc(record, field) {
return [`my-${field}`, 'xyzzy'];
const col = new GridColumn('name');
const record = {name: 'Bob', job: 'Artist'};
// Act I - Default
let cl = col.classList(record);
// Assert
this.assertTrue(cl.includes('name'), 'default func has field');
this.assertFalse(cl.includes('xyzzy'), 'no magic');
// Act II - Custom
cl = col.classList(record);
// Assert
this.assertTrue(cl.includes('my-name'), 'custom has field');
this.assertTrue(cl.includes('xyzzy'), 'plays adventure');
// Act III - Back to default
cl = col.classList(record);
// Assert
this.assertTrue(cl.includes('name'), 'back to default');
this.assertFalse(cl.includes('xyzzy'), 'no more magic');
/* eslint-enable */
* Implements the Grid pattern.
* Grid widgets will need `aria-*` attributes, TBD.
* A Grid consist of defined columns and data.
* The data is an array of objects that the caller can manipulate as needed,
* such as adding/removing/updating items, sorting, etc.
* The columns is an array of {@link GridColumn}s that the caller can
* manipulate as needed.
* Row based CSS classes can be controlled by setting a {Grid~ClassFunc}
* using the rowClassesFunc() method.
class Grid extends Widget {
* @callback RowClassesFunc
* @param {GridRecord} record - Record to style.
* @returns {string[]} - CSS classes to add to row.
/** @param {string} name - Name for this instance. */
constructor(name) {
super(name, 'table');
this.on('build', this.#onBuild)
.on('destroy', this.#onDestroy)
* The default implementation sets no classes.
* @implements {RowClassesFunc}
* @returns {string[]} - CSS classes to add to row.
static defaultClassesFunc = () => {
const result = [];
return result;
/** @type {GridColumns[]} - Column definitions for the Grid. */
get columns() {
return this.#columns;
/** @type {object[]} - Data used by the Grid. */
get data() {
return this.#data;
* @param {object[]} array - Data used by the Grid.
* @returns {Grid} - This instance, for chaining.
set(array) {
this.#data = array;
return this;
* Sets the function used to style a row.
* If no value is passed, it will set the default function.
* @param {RowClassesFunc} func - Styling function.
* @returns {Grid} - This instance, for chaining.
rowClassesFunc(func = Grid.defaultClassesFunc) {
if (!(func instanceof Function)) {
throw new Exception(
'Invalid argument: is not a function'
this.#rowClassesFunc = func;
return this;
#built = [];
#columns = [];
#data = [];
#resetBuilt = () => {
for (const row of this.#built) {
for (const cell of row.cells) {
this.#built.length = 0;
#resetContainer = () => {
this.container.innerHTML = '';
this.#thead = document.createElement('thead');
this.#tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
this.container.append(this.#thead, this.#tbody);
#populateBuilt = () => {
for (const row of this.#data) {
const built = {
classes: this.#rowClassesFunc(row),
cells: [],
for (const col of this.#columns) {
widget: col.render(row),
classes: col.classList(row),
#buildHeader = () => {
const tr = document.createElement('tr');
for (const col of this.#columns) {
const th = document.createElement('th');
#buildRows = () => {
for (const row of this.#built) {
const tr = document.createElement('tr');
for (const cell of row.cells) {
const td = document.createElement('td');
#onBuild = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onBuild';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
#onDestroy = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onDestroy';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
/* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function */
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class GridTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testDefaults() {
// Assemble
const w = new Grid(this.id);
// Assert
this.assertEqual(w.container.tagName, 'TABLE', 'correct element');
this.assertEqual(w.columns, [], 'default columns');
this.assertEqual(w.data, [], 'default data');
testColumnsAreLive() {
// Assemble
const w = new Grid(this.id);
const col = new GridColumn('fieldName');
// Act
w.columns.push(col, 1);
// Assert
this.assertEqual(w.columns, [col, 1], 'note lack of sanity checking');
testSetUpdatesData() {
// Assemble
const w = new Grid(this.id);
// Act
w.set([{id: 1, name: 'Sally'}]);
// Assert
this.assertEqual(w.data, [{id: 1, name: 'Sally'}]);
testBadRowClasses() {
/Invalid argument: is not a function/u,
() => {
new Grid(this.id)
testDataIsLive() {
// Assemble
const w = new Grid(this.id);
const data = [{id: 1, name: 'Sally'}];
// Act I - More
data.push({id: 2, name: 'Jane'}, {id: 3, name: 'Puff'});
// Assert
{id: 1, name: 'Sally'},
{id: 2, name: 'Jane'},
{id: 3, name: 'Puff'},
'new data was added'
// Act II - Sort
data.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
// Assert
{name: 'Jane', id: 2},
{name: 'Puff', id: 3},
{name: 'Sally', id: 1},
'data was sorted'
testEmptyBuild() {
// Assemble
const w = new Grid(this.id);
// Act
// Assert
const expected = [
`<table id="Grid-[^-]*-${GUID}[^"]*">`,
this.assertRegExp(w.container.outerHTML, RegExp(expected, 'u'));
testBuildWithData() {
// Assemble
function renderInt(record, field) {
const span = document.createElement('span');
return span;
function renderType(record) {
return `${record.stage}, ${record.species}`;
const w = new Grid(this.id);
const data = [
{id: 1, name: 'Sally', species: 'human', stage: 'juvenile'},
{name: 'Jane', id: 2, species: 'human', stage: 'juvenile'},
{name: 'Puff', id: 3, species: 'feline', stage: 'juvenile'},
new GridColumn('id')
new GridColumn('name'),
new GridColumn('typ')
// Act I - First build
// Assert
const expected = [
'<table id="Grid-[^"]*">',
'<tr class="">',
`<td class="id"><content id="ElementAdapter-id-${GUID}-container">`,
'<td class="name"><content id="StringAdapter-name-.*-container">',
`<td class="typ"><content id="StringAdapter-typ-${GUID}-container">`,
'juvenile, human',
'<tr class="">',
`<td class="id"><content id="ElementAdapter-id-${GUID}-container">`,
'<td class="name"><content id="StringAdapter-name-.*-container">',
`<td class="typ"><content id="StringAdapter-typ-${GUID}-container">`,
'juvenile, human',
'<tr class="">',
`<td class="id"><content id="ElementAdapter-id-${GUID}-container">`,
'<td class="name"><content id="StringAdapter-name-.*-container">',
`<td class="typ"><content id="StringAdapter-typ-${GUID}-container">`,
'juvenile, feline',
RegExp(expected, 'u'),
'first build'
// Act II - Rebuild is sensible
RegExp(expected, 'u'),
'second build'
testBuildWithClasses() {
// Assemble
function renderInt(record, field) {
const span = document.createElement('span');
return span;
function renderType(record) {
return `${record.stage}, ${record.species}`;
function rowClassesFunc(record) {
return [record.species, record.stage];
const data = [
{id: 1, name: 'Sally', species: 'human', stage: 'juvenile'},
{name: 'Puff', id: 3, species: 'feline', stage: 'juvenile'},
{name: 'Bob', id: 4, species: 'alien', stage: 'adolescent'},
const w = new Grid(this.id)
new GridColumn('id')
new GridColumn('name'),
new GridColumn('tpe')
// Act
// Assert
const expected = [
'<table id="Grid-[^"]*">',
'<tr class="human juvenile">',
`<td class="id"><content id="ElementAdapter-id-${GUID}-container">`,
'<td class="name"><content id="StringAdapter-name-.*-container">',
`<td class="tpe"><content id="StringAdapter-tpe-${GUID}-container">`,
'juvenile, human',
'<tr class="feline juvenile">',
`<td class="id"><content id="ElementAdapter-id-${GUID}-container">`,
'<td class="name"><content id="StringAdapter-name-.*-container">',
`<td class="tpe"><content id="StringAdapter-tpe-${GUID}-container">`,
'juvenile, feline',
'<tr class="alien adolescent">',
`<td class="id"><content id="ElementAdapter-id-${GUID}-container">`,
'<td class="name"><content id="StringAdapter-name-.*-container">',
`<td class="tpe"><content id="StringAdapter-tpe-${GUID}-container">`,
'adolescent, alien',
RegExp(expected, 'u'),
testRebuildDestroys() {
// Assemble
const calls = [];
const cb = (...rest) => {
const item = contentWrapper(this.id, 'My data.')
.on('destroy', cb);
const w = new Grid(this.id);
w.data.push({item: item});
w.columns.push(new GridColumn('item'));
// Act
// Assert
this.assertEqual(calls, [['destroy', item]]);
testDestroy() {
// Assemble
const calls = [];
const cb = (...rest) => {
const item = contentWrapper(this.id, 'My data.')
.on('destroy', cb);
const w = new Grid(this.id);
w.data.push({item: item});
w.columns.push(new GridColumn('item'));
// Act
// Assert
this.assertEqual(calls, [['destroy', item]]);
/* eslint-enable */
/** Tab for the {@link Tabs} widget. */
class TabEntry {
* @callback LabelClassesFunc
* @param {string} label - Label to style.
* @returns {string[]} - CSS classes for item.
/** @param {string} label - The label for this entry. */
constructor(label) {
if (!label) {
throw new Exception('A "label" is required');
this.#label = label;
this.#uid = NH.base.uuId(this.constructor.name);
* The default implementation uses the label.
* @implements {LabelClassesFunc}
* @param {string} label - Label to style.
* @returns {string[]} - CSS classes for item.
static defaultClassesFunc(label) {
const result = [NH.base.safeId(label)];
return result;
/** @type {string} */
get label() {
return this.#label;
/** @type {Widget} */
get panel() {
return this.#panel;
/** @type {string} */
get uid() {
return this.#uid;
* Use the registered {LabelClassesFunc} to return CSS classes.
* @returns {string[]} - CSS classes for this record.
classList() {
return this.#labelClassesFunc(this.#label);
* Sets the function used to style the label.
* If no value is passed, it will set the default function.
* @param {LabelClassesFunc} func - Styling function.
* @returns {TabEntry} - This instance, for chaining.
labelClassesFunc(func = TabEntry.defaultClassesFunc) {
if (!(func instanceof Function)) {
throw new Exception(
'Invalid argument: is not a function'
this.#labelClassesFunc = func;
return this;
* Set the panel content for this entry.
* If no value is passed, defaults to an empty string.
* @param {Content} [panel] - Panel content.
* @returns {TabEntry} - This instance, for chaining.
set(panel = '') {
this.#panel = contentWrapper('panel content', panel);
return this;
/* eslint-disable no-new */
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class TabEntryTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testNoArgument() {
/A "label" is required/u,
() => {
new TabEntry();
testWithLabel() {
// Assemble
const entry = new TabEntry(this.id);
this.assertEqual(entry.label, this.id);
testUid() {
// Assemble
const entry = new TabEntry(this.id);
// Assert
this.assertRegExp(entry.uid, RegExp(`^TabEntry-${GUID}`, 'u'));
testDefaultClassesFunc() {
// Assemble
const entry = new TabEntry('Tab Entry');
// Assert
this.assertEqual(entry.classList(), ['Tab-Entry']);
testCanSetClassesFunc() {
// Assemble
function labelClassesFunc(label) {
return [`my-${label}`, 'abc123'];
const entry = new TabEntry('tab-entry');
// Act I - Default
let cl = entry.classList();
// Assert
this.assertTrue(cl.includes('tab-entry'), 'default func has label');
this.assertFalse(cl.includes('abc123'), 'no alnum');
// Act II - Custom
cl = entry.classList();
// Assert
this.assertTrue(cl.includes('my-tab-entry'), 'custom func is custom');
this.assertTrue(cl.includes('abc123'), 'has alnum');
// Act III - Back to default
cl = entry.classList();
// Assert
this.assertTrue(cl.includes('tab-entry'), 'default func back to label');
this.assertFalse(cl.includes('abc123'), 'no more alnum');
testPanel() {
// Assemble/Act I - Default
const entry = new TabEntry(this.id);
// Assert
this.assertTrue(entry.panel instanceof Widget, 'default widget');
entry.panel.name, 'StringAdapter panel content', 'default name'
// Act II - Custom
entry.set(contentWrapper('custom content', 'new panel content'));
// Assert
entry.panel.name, 'StringAdapter custom content', 'custom content'
// Act III - Back to default
// Assert
entry.panel.name, 'StringAdapter panel content', 'default again'
/* eslint-enable */
* Implements the Tabs pattern.
* Tabs widgets will need `aria-*` attributes, TBD.
class Tabs extends Widget {
/** @param {string} name - Name for this instance. */
constructor(name) {
super(name, 'tabs');
this.on('build', this.#onBuild)
.on('destroy', this.#onDestroy);
#resetContainer = () => {
this.container.innerHTML = '';
this.#tablist = document.createElement('tablist');
this.#tablist.role = 'tablist';
#onBuild = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onBuild';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
#onDestroy = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onDestroy';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class TabsTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testDefaults() {
// Assemble
const w = new Tabs(this.id);
// Assert
this.assertEqual(w.container.tagName, 'TABS', 'correct element');
testEmptyBuild() {
// Assemble
const w = new Tabs(this.id);
// Act
// Assert
const expected = [
`^<tabs id="Tabs-[^-]*-${GUID}[^"]*">`,
'<tablist role="tablist">',
this.assertRegExp(w.container.outerHTML, RegExp(expected, 'u'));
/* eslint-enable */
* Implements the Modal pattern.
* Modal widgets should have exactly one of the `aria-labelledby` or
* `aria-label` attributes.
* Modal widgets can use `aria-describedby` to reference an element that
* describes the purpose if not clear from the initial content.
class Modal extends Widget {
/** @param {string} name - Name for this instance. */
constructor(name) {
super(name, 'dialog');
this.on('build', this.#onBuild)
.on('destroy', this.#onDestroy)
.on('verify', this.#onVerify)
.on('show', this.#onShow)
.on('hide', this.#onHide)
/** @type {Widget} */
get content() {
return this.#content;
* Sets the content of this instance.
* @param {Content} content - Content to use.
* @returns {Widget} - This instance, for chaining.
set(content) {
this.#content = contentWrapper('modal content', content);
return this;
#onBuild = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onBuild';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
#onDestroy = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onDestroy';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
this.#content = null;
#onVerify = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onVerify';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
const labelledBy = this.container.getAttribute('aria-labelledby');
const label = this.container.getAttribute('aria-label');
if (!labelledBy && !label) {
throw new VerificationError(
`Modal "${this.name}" should have one of "aria-labelledby" ` +
'or "aria-label" attributes'
if (labelledBy && label) {
throw new VerificationError(
`Modal "${this.name}" should not have both ` +
`"aria-labelledby=${labelledBy}" and "aria-label=${label}"`
#onShow = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onShow';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
#onHide = (...rest) => {
const me = 'onHide';
this.logger.entered(me, rest);
/* eslint-disable require-jsdoc */
class ModalTestCase extends NH.xunit.TestCase {
testDefaults() {
// Assemble
const w = new Modal(this.id);
// Assert
this.assertEqual(w.container.tagName, 'DIALOG', 'correct element');
this.assertFalse(w.visible, 'visibility');
this.assertTrue(w.content instanceof Widget, 'is widget');
this.assertRegExp(w.content.name, / modal content/u, 'content name');
testSetDestroysPrevious() {
// Assemble
const calls = [];
const cb = (...rest) => {
const w = new Modal(this.id);
const content = w.content.on('destroy', cb);
// Act
w.set('new stuff');
// Assert
this.assertEqual(calls, [['destroy', content]]);
testCallsNestedWidget() {
// Assemble
const calls = [];
const cb = (...rest) => {
const w = new Modal(this.id)
.attrText('aria-label', 'test widget');
const nest = contentWrapper(this.id, 'test content');
nest.on('build', cb)
.on('destroy', cb)
.on('show', cb)
.on('hide', cb);
// Act
// Assert
this.assertEqual(calls, [
['build', nest],
['hide', nest],
['destroy', nest],
testVerify() {
// Assemble
const w = new Modal(this.id);
// Assert
/should have one of/u,
() => {
'no aria attributes'
// Add labelledby
w.attrText('aria-labelledby', 'some-element');
this.assertNoRaises(() => {
}, 'post add aria-labelledby');
// Add label
w.attrText('aria-label', 'test modal');
/should not have both "[^"]*" and "[^"]*"/u,
() => {
'both aria attributes'
// Remove labelledby
w.attrText('aria-labelledby', null);
this.assertNoRaises(() => {
}, 'post remove aria-labelledby');
/* eslint-enable */
* A widget that can be opened and closed on demand, designed for fairly
* persistent information.
* The element will get `open` and `close` events.
class Info extends Widget {
/** @param {string} name - Name for this instance. */
constructor(name) {
super(name, 'dialog');
this.logger.log(`${this.name} constructed`);
/** Open the widget. */
open() {
this.container.dispatchEvent(new Event('open'));
/** Close the widget. */
close() {
// HTMLDialogElement sends a close event natively.
return {
version: version,
Widget: Widget,
Layout: Layout,
GridColumn: GridColumn,
Grid: Grid,
Modal: Modal,
Info: Info,