

התקן את הסקריפט?
סקריפטים מומלצים של יוצר זה

אולי תאהב גם את 自动无缝翻页.

התקן את הסקריפט
  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name 知乎增强
  3. // @name:zh-CN 知乎增强
  4. // @name:zh-TW 知乎增強
  5. // @name:en Zhihu enhancement
  6. // @version 2.3.12
  7. // @author X.I.U
  8. // @description 屏蔽指定类别(视频、盐选、文章、想法、关注[赞同了XX/关注了XX]等等)、屏蔽用户、屏蔽关键词、默认收起回答、快捷收起回答/评论(左键两侧)、快捷回到顶部(右键两侧)、区分问题文章、移除高亮链接、净化搜索热门、净化标题消息、展开问题描述、显示问题作者、默认高清原图(无水印)、置顶显示时间、完整问题时间、直达问题按钮、默认站外直链...
  9. // @description:zh-TW 屏蔽指定類別(視頻、鹽選、文章、想法、關注[贊同了XX/關注了XX]等等)、屏蔽用戶、屏蔽關鍵詞、默認收起回答、快捷收起回答/評論、快捷回到頂部、區分問題文章、移除高亮鏈接、默認高清原圖(無水印)、默認站外直鏈...
  10. // @description:en A more personalized Zhihu experience~
  11. // @match *://www.zhihu.com/*
  12. // @match *://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/*
  13. // @exclude https://www.zhihu.com/signin*
  14. // @icon 
  15. // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
  16. // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
  17. // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
  18. // @grant GM_openInTab
  19. // @grant GM_getValue
  20. // @grant GM_setValue
  21. // @grant GM_notification
  22. // @grant GM_info
  23. // @grant window.onurlchange
  24. // @sandbox JavaScript
  25. // @license GPL-3.0 License
  26. // @run-at document-end
  27. // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/scripts/4122051
  28. // @supportURL https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript
  29. // @homepageURL https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript
  30. // ==/UserScript==
  32. 'use strict';
  33. var menu_ALL = [
  34. ['menu_defaultCollapsedAnswer', '默认收起回答', '默认收起回答', true],
  35. ['menu_collapsedAnswer', '一键收起回答/评论', '一键收起回答/评论', true],
  36. ['menu_collapsedNowAnswer', '快捷收起回答/评论 (点击两侧空白处)', '快捷收起回答/评论', true],
  37. ['menu_backToTop', '快捷回到顶部 (右键两侧空白处)', '快捷回到顶部', true],
  38. ['menu_blockUsers', '屏蔽指定用户', '屏蔽指定用户', true],
  39. ['menu_customBlockUsers', '自定义屏蔽用户', '自定义屏蔽用户', ['故事档案局', '盐选推荐', '盐选科普', '盐选成长计划', '知乎盐选会员', '知乎盐选创作者', '盐选心理', '盐选健康必修课', '盐选奇妙物语', '盐选生活馆', '盐选职场', '盐选文学甄选', '盐选作者小管家', '盐选博物馆', '盐选点金', '盐选测评室', '盐选科技前沿', '盐选会员精品']],
  40. ['menu_blockKeywords', '屏蔽指定关键词', '屏蔽指定关键词', true],
  41. ['menu_blockKeywordsComment', '屏蔽关键词 - 评论区', '屏蔽关键词 - 评论区', true],
  42. ['menu_customBlockKeywords', '自定义屏蔽关键词', '自定义屏蔽关键词', []],
  43. ['menu_blockType', '屏蔽指定类别 (视频/文章等)', '勾选 = 屏蔽该类别的信息流', ''],
  44. ['menu_blockTypeVideo', '视频 [首页、搜索页、问题页、关注页]', '视频(首页、搜索页、问题页、关注页)', true],
  45. ['menu_blockTypeArticle', '文章 [首页、搜索页、关注页]', '文章(首页、搜索页、关注页)', false],
  46. ['menu_blockTypePin', '想法 [首页、关注页]', '想法(首页、关注页)', false],
  47. ['menu_blockTypeFollowAgree', '赞同了XX [关注页]', '赞同了XX(关注页)', false],
  48. ['menu_blockTypeFollowQuestion', '关注了XX [关注页]', '关注了XX(关注页)', false],
  49. ['menu_blockTypeTopic', '话题 [搜索页]', '话题(搜索页)', false],
  50. ['menu_blockTypeSearch', '杂志文章、盐选专栏、相关搜索等 [搜索页]', '相关搜索、杂志、盐选等(搜索页)', false],
  51. ['menu_blockYanXuan', '盐选内容 [问题页]', '盐选内容(问题页)', false],
  52. ['menu_blockTypeLiveHot', '热榜文章、直播、广告等 [热榜]', '热榜文章、直播、广告等 [热榜]', true],
  53. ['menu_cleanHighlightLink', '移除高亮链接 (高亮的文字链接)', '移除高亮链接', true],
  54. ['menu_cleanSearch', '净化搜索热门 (默认搜索词及热门搜索)', '净化搜索热门', false],
  55. ['menu_cleanTitles', '净化标题消息 (标题中的私信/消息)', '净化标题提醒', false],
  56. ['menu_questionRichTextMore', '展开问题描述', '展开问题描述', false],
  57. ['menu_publishTop', '置顶显示时间', '置顶显示时间', true],
  58. ['menu_typeTips', '区分问题文章', '区分问题文章', true],
  59. ['menu_toQuestion', '直达问题按钮', '直达问题按钮', true]
  60. ], menu_ID = [];
  61. for (let i=0;i<menu_ALL.length;i++){ // 如果读取到的值为 null 就写入默认值
  62. if (GM_getValue(menu_ALL[i][0]) == null){GM_setValue(menu_ALL[i][0], menu_ALL[i][3])};
  63. }
  64. registerMenuCommand();
  66. // 注册脚本菜单
  67. function registerMenuCommand() {
  68. if (menu_ID.length > menu_ALL.length){ // 如果菜单ID数组多于菜单数组,说明不是首次添加菜单,需要卸载所有脚本菜单
  69. for (let i=0;i<menu_ID.length;i++){
  70. GM_unregisterMenuCommand(menu_ID[i]);
  71. }
  72. }
  73. for (let i=0;i<menu_ALL.length;i++){ // 循环注册脚本菜单
  74. menu_ALL[i][3] = GM_getValue(menu_ALL[i][0]);
  75. if (menu_ALL[i][0] === 'menu_customBlockUsers') { // 只有 [屏蔽指定用户] 启用时,才注册菜单 [自定义屏蔽用户]
  76. if (menu_value('menu_blockUsers')) menu_ID[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`#️⃣ ${menu_ALL[i][1]}`, function(){customBlockUsers()});
  77. } else if (menu_ALL[i][0] === 'menu_customBlockKeywords') { // 只有 [屏蔽指定关键词] 启用时,才注册菜单 [自定义屏蔽关键词]
  78. if (menu_value('menu_blockKeywords')) menu_ID[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`#️⃣ ${menu_ALL[i][1]}`, function(){customBlockKeywords()});
  79. } else if (menu_ALL[i][0] === 'menu_blockKeywordsComment') { // 只有 [屏蔽指定关键词] 启用时,才注册菜单 [屏蔽关键词 - 评论区]
  80. if (menu_value('menu_blockKeywords')) menu_ID[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`${menu_ALL[i][3]?'✅':'❌'} ${menu_ALL[i][1]}`, function(){menu_switch(`${menu_ALL[i][3]}`,`${menu_ALL[i][0]}`,`${menu_ALL[i][2]}`)});
  81. } else if (menu_ALL[i][0] === 'menu_blockType') { // 屏蔽指定类别 使用单独的设置界面
  82. menu_ID[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`#️⃣ ${menu_ALL[i][1]}`, function(){menu_setting('checkbox', menu_ALL[i][1], menu_ALL[i][2], true, [menu_ALL[i+1], menu_ALL[i+2], menu_ALL[i+3], menu_ALL[i+4], menu_ALL[i+5], menu_ALL[i+6], menu_ALL[i+7], menu_ALL[i+8], menu_ALL[i+9]])});
  83. } else if (menu_ALL[i][0].indexOf('menu_blockType') == -1 && menu_ALL[i][0] != 'menu_blockYanXuan') { // 排除使用单独设置界面的 屏蔽指定类别 项
  84. menu_ID[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`${menu_ALL[i][3]?'✅':'❌'} ${menu_ALL[i][1]}`, function(){menu_switch(`${menu_ALL[i][3]}`,`${menu_ALL[i][0]}`,`${menu_ALL[i][2]}`)});
  85. }
  86. }
  87. menu_ID[menu_ID.length] = GM_registerMenuCommand('💬 反馈 & 建议', function () {window.GM_openInTab('https://github.com/XIU2/UserScript#xiu2userscript', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});window.GM_openInTab('https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/419081/feedback', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});});
  88. }
  91. // 菜单开关
  92. function menu_switch(menu_status, Name, Tips) {
  93. if (menu_status == 'true'){
  94. GM_setValue(`${Name}`, false);
  95. GM_notification({text: `已关闭 [${Tips}] 功能\n(点击刷新网页后生效)`, timeout: 3500, onclick: function(){location.reload();}});
  96. }else{
  97. GM_setValue(`${Name}`, true);
  98. GM_notification({text: `已开启 [${Tips}] 功能\n(点击刷新网页后生效)`, timeout: 3500, onclick: function(){location.reload();}});
  99. }
  100. registerMenuCommand(); // 重新注册脚本菜单
  101. };
  104. // 返回菜单值
  105. function menu_value(menuName) {
  106. for (let menu of menu_ALL) {
  107. if (menu[0] == menuName) {
  108. return menu[3]
  109. }
  110. }
  111. }
  114. // 脚本设置
  115. function menu_setting(type, title, tips, line, menu) {
  116. let _br = '', _html = `<style class="zhihuE_SettingStyle">.zhihuE_SettingRoot {position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);-moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);-ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);-o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);transform: translate(-50%, -50%);width: auto;min-width: 400px;max-width: 600px;height: auto;min-height: 150px;max-height: 400px;color: #535353;background-color: #fff;border-radius: 3px;}
  117. .zhihuE_SettingBackdrop_1 {position: fixed;top: 0;right: 0;bottom: 0;left: 0;z-index: 203;display: -webkit-box;display: -ms-flexbox;display: flex;-webkit-box-orient: vertical;-webkit-box-direction: normal;-ms-flex-direction: column;flex-direction: column;-webkit-box-pack: center;-ms-flex-pack: center;justify-content: center;overflow-x: hidden;overflow-y: auto;-webkit-transition: opacity .3s ease-out;transition: opacity .3s ease-out;}
  118. .zhihuE_SettingBackdrop_2 {position: absolute;top: 0;right: 0;bottom: 0;left: 0;z-index: 0;background-color: rgba(18,18,18,.65);-webkit-transition: background-color .3s ease-out;transition: background-color .3s ease-out;}
  119. .zhihuE_SettingRoot .zhihuE_SettingHeader {padding: 10px 20px;color: #fff;font-weight: bold;background-color: #3994ff;border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0;}
  120. .zhihuE_SettingRoot .zhihuE_SettingMain {padding: 10px 20px;border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;}
  121. .zhihuE_SettingHeader span {float: right;cursor: pointer;}
  122. .zhihuE_SettingMain input {margin: 10px 6px 10px 0;cursor: pointer;vertical-align:middle}
  123. .zhihuE_SettingMain label {margin-right: 20px;user-select: none;cursor: pointer;vertical-align:middle}
  124. .zhihuE_SettingMain hr {border: 0.5px solid #f4f4f4;}
  125. [data-theme="dark"] .zhihuE_SettingRoot {color: #adbac7;background-color: #343A44;}
  126. [data-theme="dark"] .zhihuE_SettingHeader {color: #d0d0d0;background-color: #2D333B;}
  127. [data-theme="dark"] .zhihuE_SettingMain hr {border: 0.5px solid #2d333b;}</style>
  128. <div class="zhihuE_SettingBackdrop_1"><div class="zhihuE_SettingBackdrop_2"></div><div class="zhihuE_SettingRoot">
  129. <div class="zhihuE_SettingHeader">${title}<span class="zhihuE_SettingClose" title="点击关闭"><svg class="Zi Zi--Close Modal-closeIcon" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"><path d="M13.486 12l5.208-5.207a1.048 1.048 0 0 0-.006-1.483 1.046 1.046 0 0 0-1.482-.005L12 10.514 6.793 5.305a1.048 1.048 0 0 0-1.483.005 1.046 1.046 0 0 0-.005 1.483L10.514 12l-5.208 5.207a1.048 1.048 0 0 0 .006 1.483 1.046 1.046 0 0 0 1.482.005L12 13.486l5.207 5.208a1.048 1.048 0 0 0 1.483-.006 1.046 1.046 0 0 0 .005-1.482L13.486 12z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span></div>
  130. <div class="zhihuE_SettingMain"><p>${tips}</p><hr>`
  131. if (line) _br = '<br>'
  132. for (let i=0; i<menu.length; i++) {
  133. if (GM_getValue(menu[i][0])) {
  134. _html += `<label><input name="zhihuE_Setting" type="checkbox" value="${menu[i][0]}" checked="checked">${menu[i][1]}</label>${_br}`
  135. } else {
  136. _html += `<label><input name="zhihuE_Setting" type="checkbox" value="${menu[i][0]}">${menu[i][1]}</label>${_br}`
  137. }
  138. }
  139. _html += `</div></div></div>`
  140. document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', _html); // 插入网页末尾
  141. setTimeout(function() { // 延迟 100 毫秒,避免太快
  142. // 关闭按钮 点击事件
  143. document.querySelector('.zhihuE_SettingClose').onclick = function(){this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.remove();document.querySelector('.zhihuE_SettingStyle').remove();}
  144. // 点击周围空白处 = 点击关闭按钮
  145. document.querySelector('.zhihuE_SettingBackdrop_2').onclick = function(event){if (event.target == this) {document.querySelector('.zhihuE_SettingClose').click();};}
  146. // 复选框 点击事件
  147. document.getElementsByName('zhihuE_Setting').forEach(function (checkBox) {
  148. checkBox.addEventListener('click', function(){if (this.checked) {GM_setValue(this.value, true);} else {GM_setValue(this.value, false);}});
  149. })
  150. }, 100)
  151. }
  154. // 添加收起回答观察器
  155. function getCollapsedAnswerObserver() {
  156. if (!window._collapsedAnswerObserver) {
  157. const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
  158. for (const mutation of mutations) {
  159. if (mutation.target.hasAttribute('script-collapsed')) return
  160. // 短的回答
  161. if (mutation.target.classList.contains('RichContent')) {
  162. for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
  163. if (addedNode.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue
  164. if (addedNode.className != 'RichContent-inner') continue
  165. if (addedNode.offsetHeight < 400) break
  166. //console.log('111',addedNode, addedNode.classList, addedNode.classList.contains('RichContent-inner'), addedNode.offsetHeight, addedNode.textContent.length)
  167. const button = mutation.target.querySelector('.ContentItem-actions.Sticky [data-zop-retract-question]');
  168. if (button) {
  169. mutation.target.setAttribute('script-collapsed', '');
  170. button.click();
  171. return
  172. }
  173. }
  174. // 长的回答
  175. } else if (mutation.target.tagName === 'DIV' && !mutation.target.style.cssText && !mutation.target.className) {
  176. if (mutation.target.parentElement.hasAttribute('script-collapsed')) return
  177. //console.log('222',mutation.target, mutation.target.querySelector('.ContentItem-actions.Sticky [data-zop-retract-question]'))
  178. const button = mutation.target.querySelector('.ContentItem-actions.Sticky [data-zop-retract-question]');
  179. if (button) {
  180. mutation.target.parentElement.setAttribute('script-collapsed', '');
  181. button.click();
  182. return
  183. }
  184. }
  185. }
  186. })
  188. observer.start = function() {
  189. if (!this._active) {
  190. this.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  191. this._active = true;
  192. }
  193. }
  194. observer.end = function() {
  195. if (this._active) {
  196. this.disconnect();
  197. }
  198. }
  200. window.addEventListener('urlchange', function() {
  201. observer[location.href.indexOf('/answer/') === -1 ? 'start' : 'end']();
  202. })
  203. window._collapsedAnswerObserver = observer;
  204. }
  205. return window._collapsedAnswerObserver
  206. }
  209. // 默认收起回答
  210. function defaultCollapsedAnswer() {
  211. if (!menu_value('menu_defaultCollapsedAnswer')) return
  212. const observer = getCollapsedAnswerObserver();
  213. if (location.href.indexOf('/answer/') === -1) {
  214. observer.start();
  215. }
  216. }
  219. // 一键收起回答+评论(全部)
  220. function collapsedAnswer() {
  221. if (!menu_value('menu_collapsedAnswer')) return
  222. //console.log('1111', document.querySelector('.CornerAnimayedFlex'))
  223. if (document.querySelector('.CornerAnimayedFlex') && !document.getElementById('collapsed-button')) {
  224. // 向网页中插入收起全部回答按钮+样式+绑定点击事件
  225. document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = '.CornerButton{margin-bottom:8px !important;}.CornerButtons{bottom:45px !important;}';
  226. document.querySelector('.CornerAnimayedFlex').insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', '<button id="collapsed-button" data-tooltip="收起全部回答/评论" data-tooltip-position="left" data-tooltip-will-hide-on-click="false" aria-label="收起全部回答/评论" type="button" class="' + document.querySelector('.CornerAnimayedFlex>button').className + '"><svg class="ContentItem-arrowIcon is-active" aria-label="收起全部回答/评论" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"><path d="M16.036 19.59a1 1 0 0 1-.997.995H9.032a.996.996 0 0 1-.997-.996v-7.005H5.03c-1.1 0-1.36-.633-.578-1.416L11.33 4.29a1.003 1.003 0 0 1 1.412 0l6.878 6.88c.782.78.523 1.415-.58 1.415h-3.004v7.005z"></path></svg></button>');
  227. document.getElementById('collapsed-button').onclick = function () {
  229. // 收起所有评论(悬浮的 [收起评论])
  230. document.querySelectorAll('.Comments-container').forEach(function (el) {
  231. let commentCollapseButton = getXpath('//button[text()="收起评论"]', el)
  232. if (commentCollapseButton) commentCollapseButton.click();
  233. });
  234. // 收起所有评论(固定的 [收起评论])
  235. document.querySelectorAll('.RichContent >.ContentItem-actions>button:first-of-type').forEach(function (el) {
  236. if (el.textContent.indexOf('收起评论') > -1) el.click()
  237. });
  239. if (location.pathname === '/' || location.pathname === '/hot' || location.pathname === '/follow') {// 对于首页的关注、推荐、热榜
  240. document.querySelectorAll('.ContentItem-rightButton').forEach(function (el) {if (el.hasAttribute('data-zop-retract-question')) {el.click();};});
  241. } else {
  242. // 被 getCollapsedAnswerObserver 函数收起过的,固定 [收起] 按钮
  243. document.querySelectorAll('[script-collapsed]').forEach(function(scriptCollapsed) {scriptCollapsed.querySelectorAll('.ContentItem-actions [data-zop-retract-question], .ContentItem-actions.Sticky [data-zop-retract-question]').forEach(function(button) {button.click();});})
  244. // 被 getCollapsedAnswerObserver 函数收起过的,悬浮 [收起] 按钮(悬浮底部的横栏)
  245. document.querySelectorAll('.RichContent:not([script-collapsed]) .ContentItem-actions.Sticky [data-zop-retract-question]').forEach(function(button) {
  246. let el = button.parentElement;
  247. while (!el.classList.contains('RichContent')) {el = el.parentElement;}
  248. if (el) el.setAttribute('script-collapsed', '');
  249. button.click();
  250. })
  252. const observer = getCollapsedAnswerObserver();
  253. observer.start();
  255. if (!menu_value('menu_defaultCollapsedAnswer') && !observer._disconnectListener) {
  256. window.addEventListener('urlchange', function() {
  257. observer.end();
  258. window._collapsedAnswerObserver = null;
  259. })
  260. observer._disconnectListener = true;
  261. }
  262. }
  263. }
  264. }
  265. }
  268. // 收起当前回答、评论(监听点击事件,点击网页两侧空白处)
  269. function collapsedNowAnswer(selectors) {
  270. backToTop(selectors) // 快捷回到顶部
  271. if (!menu_value('menu_collapsedNowAnswer')) return
  272. document.querySelector(selectors).onclick = function(event){
  273. if (event.target == this) {
  274. // 下面这段主要是 [收起回答],顺便 [收起评论](如果展开了的话)
  275. let rightButton = document.querySelector('.ContentItem-actions.Sticky.RichContent-actions.is-fixed.is-bottom')
  276. if (rightButton) { // 悬浮在底部的 [收起回答](此时正在浏览回答内容 [中间区域])
  277. // 固定的 [收起评论](先看看是否展开评论)
  278. let commentCollapseButton = rightButton.querySelector('button.Button.ContentItem-action.Button--plain.Button--withIcon.Button--withLabel:first-of-type')
  279. //console.log('111')
  280. if (commentCollapseButton && commentCollapseButton.textContent.indexOf('收起评论') > -1) commentCollapseButton.click();
  281. // 再去收起回答
  282. rightButton = rightButton.querySelector('.ContentItem-rightButton[data-zop-retract-question]')
  283. //console.log('222')
  284. if (rightButton) rightButton.click();
  286. } else { // 固定在回答底部的 [收起回答](此时正在浏览回答内容 [尾部区域])
  288. // 悬浮的 [收起评论](此时正在浏览评论内容 [中间区域])
  289. //if (getXpath('//button[text()="收起评论"]',document.querySelector('.Comments-container'))) {getXpath('//button[text()="收起评论"]',document.querySelector('.Comments-container')).click();console.log('asfaf')}
  291. let answerCollapseButton_ = false;
  292. for (let el of document.querySelectorAll('.ContentItem-rightButton[data-zop-retract-question]')) { // 遍历所有回答底部的 [收起] 按钮
  293. if (isElementInViewport(el)) { // 判断该 [收起] 按钮是否在可视区域内
  294. // 固定的 [收起评论](先看看是否展开评论,即存在 [收起评论] 按钮)
  295. let commentCollapseButton = el.parentNode.querySelector('button.Button.ContentItem-action.Button--plain.Button--withIcon.Button--withLabel:first-of-type')
  296. // 如果展开了评论,就收起评论
  297. //console.log('333')
  298. //if (commentCollapseButton && commentCollapseButton.textContent.indexOf('收起评论') > -1) commentCollapseButton.click();
  299. if (commentCollapseButton && commentCollapseButton.textContent.indexOf('收起评论') > -1) {
  300. commentCollapseButton.click();
  301. if (!isElementInViewport(commentCollapseButton)) scrollTo(0,el.offsetTop+50)
  302. }
  303. //console.log('444')
  304. el.click() // 再去收起回答
  305. answerCollapseButton_ = true; // 如果找到并点击收起了,就没必要执行下面的代码了(可视区域中没有 [收起回答] 时)
  306. break
  307. }
  308. }
  309. // 针对完全看不到 [收起回答] 按钮时(如 [头部区域],以及部分明明很长却不显示悬浮横条的回答)
  310. if (!answerCollapseButton_) {
  311. for (let el of document.querySelectorAll('.List-item, .Card.AnswerCard, .Card.TopstoryItem')) { // 遍历所有回答主体元素
  312. if (isElementInViewport_(el)) { // 判断该回答是否在可视区域内
  313. // 固定的 [收起评论](先看看是否展开评论,即存在 [收起评论] 按钮)
  314. let commentCollapseButton = el.querySelector('button.Button.ContentItem-action.Button--plain.Button--withIcon.Button--withLabel:first-of-type')
  315. // 如果展开了评论,就收起评论
  316. //console.log('555',commentCollapseButton)
  317. if (commentCollapseButton && commentCollapseButton.textContent.indexOf('收起评论') > -1) {
  318. commentCollapseButton.click();
  319. if (!isElementInViewport(commentCollapseButton)) scrollTo(0,el.offsetTop+50)
  320. }
  321. let answerCollapseButton__ = el.querySelector('.ContentItem-rightButton[data-zop-retract-question]');
  322. //console.log('666')
  323. if (answerCollapseButton__) answerCollapseButton__.click() // 再去收起回答
  324. break
  325. }
  326. }
  327. }
  328. }
  330. // 下面这段只针对 [收起评论](如果展开了的话)
  331. let commentCollapseButton_ = false, commentCollapseButton__ = false;
  332. // 悬浮的 [收起评论](此时正在浏览评论内容 [中间区域])
  333. let commentCollapseButton = getXpath('//button[text()="收起评论"]',document.querySelector('.Comments-container'))
  334. if (commentCollapseButton) {
  335. //console.log('777', commentCollapseButton)
  336. commentCollapseButton.click();
  337. } else { // 固定的 [收起评论](此时正在浏览评论内容 [头部区域])
  338. let commentCollapseButton_1 = document.querySelectorAll('.ContentItem-actions > button.Button.ContentItem-action.Button--plain.Button--withIcon.Button--withLabel:first-of-type, .ContentItem-action > button.Button.Button--plain.Button--withIcon.Button--withLabel:first-of-type')
  339. if (commentCollapseButton_1.length > 0) {
  340. for (let el of commentCollapseButton_1) {
  341. if (el.textContent.indexOf('收起评论') > -1) {
  342. if (isElementInViewport(el)) {
  343. //console.log('888')
  344. el.click()
  345. commentCollapseButton_ = true // 如果找到并点击了,就没必要执行下面的代码了(可视区域中没有 [收起评论] 时)
  346. break
  347. }
  348. }
  349. }
  350. }
  351. if (commentCollapseButton_ == false) { // 可视区域中没有 [收起评论] 时(此时正在浏览评论内容 [头部区域] + [尾部区域](不上不下的,既看不到固定的 [收起评论] 又看不到悬浮的 [收起评论])),需要判断可视区域中是否存在评论元素
  352. let commentCollapseButton_1 = document.querySelectorAll('.Comments-container')
  353. if (commentCollapseButton_1.length > 0) {
  354. for (let el of commentCollapseButton_1) {
  355. if (isElementInViewport(el)) {
  356. let parentElement = findParentElement(el, 'List-item') || findParentElement(el, 'Card '),
  357. commentCollapseButton = parentElement.querySelector('.ContentItem-actions > button.Button.ContentItem-action.Button--plain.Button--withIcon.Button--withLabel:first-of-type')
  358. if (commentCollapseButton.textContent.indexOf('收起评论') > -1) {
  359. //console.log('999')
  360. commentCollapseButton.click()
  361. if (!isElementInViewport(commentCollapseButton)) {console.log(parentElement,parentElement.offsetTop,parentElement.offsetHeight);scrollTo(0,parentElement.offsetTop+parentElement.offsetHeight-50)}
  362. commentCollapseButton__ = true // 如果找到并点击了,就没必要执行下面的代码了(可视区域中没有 评论元素 时)
  363. break
  364. }
  365. }
  366. }
  367. }
  368. if (commentCollapseButton__ == false) { // 如果上面的都没找到,那么就尝试寻找评论末尾的 [评论回复框]
  369. let commentCollapseButton_2 = document.querySelectorAll('.Editable-content')
  370. if (commentCollapseButton_2.length > 0) {
  371. for (let el of commentCollapseButton_2) {
  372. if (isElementInViewport(el)) {
  373. let parentElement = findParentElement(el, 'List-item') || findParentElement(el, 'Card '),
  374. commentCollapseButton = parentElement.querySelector('.ContentItem-actions > button.Button.ContentItem-action.Button--plain.Button--withIcon.Button--withLabel:first-of-type')
  375. //console.log(commentCollapseButton)
  376. if (commentCollapseButton.textContent.indexOf('收起评论') > -1) {
  377. //console.log('101010')
  378. commentCollapseButton.click()
  379. if (!isElementInViewport(commentCollapseButton)) {console.log(parentElement,parentElement.offsetTop,parentElement.offsetHeight);scrollTo(0,parentElement.offsetTop+parentElement.offsetHeight-50)}
  380. break
  381. }
  382. }
  383. }
  384. }
  385. }
  386. }
  387. }
  388. }
  389. }
  390. }
  393. // 回到顶部(监听点击事件,鼠标右键点击网页两侧空白处)
  394. function backToTop(selectors) {
  395. if (!menu_value('menu_backToTop')) return
  396. document.querySelector(selectors).oncontextmenu = function(event){
  397. if (event.target == this) {
  398. event.preventDefault();
  399. window.scrollTo(0,0)
  400. }
  401. }
  402. }
  405. //获取元素是否在可视区域(完全可见)
  406. function isElementInViewport(el) {
  407. let rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
  408. return (
  409. rect.top >= 0 &&
  410. rect.left >= 0 &&
  411. rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) &&
  412. rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)
  413. );
  414. }
  415. //获取元素是否在可视区域(部分可见)
  416. function isElementInViewport_(el) {
  417. let rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
  418. return (
  419. rect.top < (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) &&
  420. rect.bottom > 0
  421. );
  422. }
  425. // 自定义屏蔽用户
  426. function customBlockUsers() {
  427. let nowBlockUsers = '';
  428. menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers').forEach(function(item){nowBlockUsers += '|' + item})
  429. //console.log(nowBlockUsers.replace('|',''))
  430. let newBlockUsers = prompt('编辑 [自定义屏蔽用户]\n(不同用户名之间使用 "|" 分隔,例如:用户A|用户B|用户C )', nowBlockUsers.replace('|',''));
  431. if (newBlockUsers === '') {
  432. GM_setValue('menu_customBlockUsers', []);
  433. registerMenuCommand(); // 重新注册脚本菜单
  434. } else if (newBlockUsers != null) {
  435. GM_setValue('menu_customBlockUsers', newBlockUsers.split('|'));
  436. registerMenuCommand(); // 重新注册脚本菜单
  437. }
  438. };
  441. // 屏蔽指定用户
  442. function blockUsers(type) {
  443. if (!menu_value('menu_blockUsers')) return
  444. if (!menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers') || menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers').length < 1) return
  445. switch(type) {
  446. case 'index':
  447. blockUsers_('.Card.TopstoryItem.TopstoryItem-isRecommend', 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isRecommend');
  448. break;
  449. case 'question':
  450. blockUsers_question();
  451. break;
  452. case 'search':
  453. blockUsers_search();
  454. break;
  455. case 'topic':
  456. blockUsers_('.List-item.TopicFeedItem', 'List-item TopicFeedItem');
  457. break;
  458. case 'people':
  459. blockUsers_button_people(); // 添加屏蔽用户按钮(用户主页)
  460. break;
  461. }
  462. blockUsers_comment(); // 评论区
  463. blockUsers_button(); // 加入黑名单按钮(用户信息悬浮框中)
  465. function blockUsers_(className1, className2) {
  466. // 前几条因为是直接加载的,而不是动态插入网页的,所以需要单独判断
  467. function blockKeywords_now() {
  468. document.querySelectorAll(className1).forEach(function(item1){
  469. let item = item1.querySelector('.ContentItem.AnswerItem, .ContentItem.ArticleItem'); // 用户名所在元素
  470. if (item) {
  471. for (const keyword of menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers')) { // 遍历用户名黑名单
  472. if (keyword != '' && item.dataset.zop.indexOf('authorName":"' + keyword + '",') > -1) { // 找到就删除该信息流
  473. console.log('已屏蔽:' + item.dataset.zop);
  474. item1.hidden = true;
  475. break;
  476. }
  477. }
  478. }
  479. })
  480. }
  482. blockKeywords_now();
  483. window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){
  484. setTimeout(blockKeywords_now, 1000); // 网页 URL 变化后再次执行
  485. })
  487. // 这个是监听网页插入事件,用来判断后续网页动态插入的元素
  488. const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  489. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  490. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  491. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  492. if (target.className === className2) {
  493. let item = target.querySelector('.ContentItem.AnswerItem, .ContentItem.ArticleItem'); // 用户名所在元素
  494. if (item) {
  495. for (const keyword of menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers')) { // 遍历用户名黑名单
  496. if (keyword != '' && item.dataset.zop.indexOf('authorName":"' + keyword + '",') > -1) { // 找到就删除该信息流
  497. console.log('已屏蔽:' + item.dataset.zop);
  498. target.hidden = true;
  499. break;
  500. }
  501. }
  502. }
  503. }
  504. }
  505. }
  506. };
  507. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  508. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  509. }
  512. function blockUsers_question() {
  513. const blockUsers_question_ = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  514. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  515. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  516. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  517. if (target.className === 'List-item' || target.className === 'Card AnswerCard') {
  518. let item1 = target.querySelector('.ContentItem.AnswerItem');
  519. if (item1) {
  520. menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers').forEach(function(item2){ // 遍历用户黑名单
  521. if (item1.dataset.zop.indexOf('authorName":"' + item2 + '",') > -1) { // 找到就删除该回答
  522. console.log('已屏蔽:' + item1.dataset.zop)
  523. target.hidden = true;
  524. }
  525. })
  526. }
  527. }
  528. }
  529. }
  530. };
  532. const blockUsers_question_answer_ = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  533. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  534. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  535. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  536. target.querySelectorAll('.List-item, .Card.AnswerCard').forEach(function(item){
  537. let item1 = item.querySelector('.ContentItem.AnswerItem');
  538. if (item1) {
  539. menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers').forEach(function(item2){ // 遍历用户黑名单
  540. if (item1.dataset.zop.indexOf('authorName":"' + item2 + '",') > -1) { // 找到就删除该回答
  541. console.log('已屏蔽:' + item1.dataset.zop)
  542. item.hidden = true;
  543. }
  544. })
  545. }
  546. })
  547. }
  548. }
  549. };
  551. if (location.pathname.indexOf('/answer/') > -1) { // 回答页(就是只有三个回答的页面)
  552. const observer = new MutationObserver(blockUsers_question_answer_);
  553. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  554. } else { // 问题页(可以显示所有回答的页面)
  555. const observer = new MutationObserver(blockUsers_question_);
  556. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  557. }
  559. // 针对的是打开网页后直接加载的前面几个回答(上面哪些是针对动态加载的回答)
  560. document.querySelectorAll('.List-item, .Card.AnswerCard').forEach(function(item){
  561. let item1 = item.querySelector('.ContentItem.AnswerItem');
  562. if (item1) {
  563. menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers').forEach(function(item2){ // 遍历用户黑名单
  564. if (item1.dataset.zop.indexOf('authorName":"' + item2 + '",') > -1) { // 找到就删除该回答
  565. console.log('已屏蔽:' + item1.dataset.zop)
  566. item.hidden = true;
  567. }
  568. })
  569. }
  570. })
  571. }
  573. function blockUsers_search() {
  574. function blockUsers_now() {
  575. if (location.search.indexOf('type=content') === -1) return // 目前只支持搜索页的 [综合]
  576. document.querySelectorAll('.Card.SearchResult-Card[data-za-detail-view-path-module="AnswerItem"], .Card.SearchResult-Card[data-za-detail-view-path-module="PostItem"]').forEach(function(item1){
  577. let item = item1.querySelector('.RichText.ztext.CopyrightRichText-richText b'); // 用户名所在元素
  578. if (item) {
  579. for (const keyword of menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers')) { // 遍历用户名黑名单
  580. if (keyword != '' && item.textContent === keyword) { // 找到就删除该信息流
  581. console.log('已屏蔽:' + item.textContent);
  582. item1.hidden = true;
  583. break;
  584. }
  585. }
  586. }
  587. })
  588. }
  590. setTimeout(blockUsers_now, 2000);
  591. window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){
  592. setTimeout(blockUsers_now, 1000); // 网页 URL 变化后再次执行
  593. })
  595. const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  596. if (location.search.indexOf('type=content') === -1) return // 目前只支持搜索页的 [综合]
  597. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  598. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  599. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  600. let item = target.querySelector('.Card.SearchResult-Card[data-za-detail-view-path-module="AnswerItem"] .RichText.ztext.CopyrightRichText-richText b, .Card.SearchResult-Card[data-za-detail-view-path-module="PostItem"] .RichText.ztext.CopyrightRichText-richText b');
  601. if (item) {
  602. for (const keyword of menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers')) { // 遍历用户名黑名单
  603. if (keyword != '' && item.textContent === keyword) { // 找到就删除该信息流
  604. console.log('已屏蔽:' + item.textContent);
  605. target.hidden = true;
  606. break;
  607. }
  608. }
  609. }
  610. }
  611. }
  612. };
  613. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  614. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  615. }
  617. function blockUsers_comment() {
  618. const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  619. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  620. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  621. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  622. //console.log(target)
  623. if (target.tagName == 'DIV' && target.className.indexOf('css-') == 0 && target.dataset.id == undefined) {
  624. let item = target.querySelector('a[href^="https://www.zhihu.com/people/"]>img.Avatar[alt][loading]')
  625. if (item) {
  626. //console.log(item)
  627. menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers').forEach(function(item1){ // 遍历用户黑名单
  628. if (item.alt === item1) { // 找到就删除该搜索结果
  629. //console.log(item.alt,item1)
  630. item.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.style.display = "none";
  631. }
  632. })
  634. // 添加屏蔽用户按钮(点赞、回复等按钮后面)
  635. /*if (item) {
  636. let footer = findParentElement(item, 'CommentItemV2-meta', true).parentElement.querySelector('.CommentItemV2-metaSibling > .CommentItemV2-footer'),
  637. userid = item.parentElement;
  638. if (userid && footer && !footer.lastElementChild.dataset.name) {
  639. userid = userid.href.split('/')[4];
  640. footer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',`<button type="button" data-name="${item.alt}" data-userid="${userid}" class="Button CommentItemV2-hoverBtn Button--plain"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center;">&#8203;<svg class="Zi Zi--Like" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="16" height="16" style="transform: rotate(180deg); margin-right: 5px;"><path d="M18.376 5.624c-3.498-3.499-9.254-3.499-12.752 0-3.499 3.498-3.499 9.254 0 12.752 3.498 3.499 9.254 3.499 12.752 0 3.499-3.498 3.499-9.14 0-12.752zm-1.693 1.693c2.37 2.37 2.596 6.094.678 8.69l-9.367-9.48c2.708-1.919 6.32-1.58 8.69.79zm-9.48 9.48c-2.37-2.37-2.595-6.095-.676-8.69l9.48 9.48c-2.822 1.918-6.433 1.58-8.803-.79z" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span>屏蔽用户</button>`);
  641. footer.lastElementChild.onclick = function(){blockUsers_button_add(this.dataset.name, this.dataset.userid, false)}
  642. }
  643. }*/
  644. }
  645. }
  646. }
  647. }
  648. };
  649. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  650. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  651. }
  654. // 添加屏蔽用户按钮(用户信息悬浮框中)
  655. function blockUsers_button() {
  656. const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  657. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  658. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  659. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  660. //console.log(target, target.className)
  661. if (target.tagName == 'DIV' && target.className && (target.className.indexOf('css-') == 0 || target.style == 'opacity: 1;')) {
  662. const item = target.querySelector('.MemberButtonGroup.ProfileButtonGroup.HoverCard-buttons'),
  663. item1 = target.querySelector('img.Avatar+div span.UserLink>a.UserLink-link[data-za-detail-view-element_name=User]');
  664. if (item1) {
  665. const name = item1.textContent, userid = item1.href.split('/')[4], users = menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers');
  666. for (let num = 0;num<users.length;num++) { // 判断是否已存在
  667. if (users[num] === name) { // 已存在
  668. target.querySelectorAll('.Button.Button--primary.Button--red').forEach(function(item){item.style.display = 'none';}) // 隐藏知乎自带的已屏蔽按钮
  669. item.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<button type="button" data-name="${name}" data-userid="${userid}" class="Button FollowButton Button--primary Button--red"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center;">​<svg width="1.2em" height="1.2em" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="Zi Zi--Ban" fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M16.346 18.113a7.5 7.5 0 0 1-10.46-10.46l10.46 10.46Zm1.767-1.767L7.654 5.886a7.5 7.5 0 0 1 10.46 10.46ZM22 12c0 5.523-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2s10 4.477 10 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span> 已屏蔽</button>`);
  670. item.firstElementChild.onclick = function(){this.disabled = true;blockUsers_button_del(this.dataset.name, this.dataset.userid, false)}
  671. return
  672. }
  673. };
  674. if (item && !target.querySelector('button[data-name][data-userid]')) {
  675. item.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<button type="button" data-name="${name}" data-userid="${userid}" class="Button FollowButton Button--primary Button--red" style="width: 100%;margin: 7px 0 0 0;"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center;">​<svg width="1.2em" height="1.2em" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="Zi Zi--Ban" fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M16.346 18.113a7.5 7.5 0 0 1-10.46-10.46l10.46 10.46Zm1.767-1.767L7.654 5.886a7.5 7.5 0 0 1 10.46 10.46ZM22 12c0 5.523-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2s10 4.477 10 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span> 屏蔽用户</button>`);
  676. item.lastElementChild.onclick = function(){this.disabled = true;blockUsers_button_add(this.dataset.name, this.dataset.userid, false)}
  677. }
  678. }
  679. }
  680. }
  681. }
  682. };
  683. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  684. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  685. }
  687. // 添加屏蔽用户按钮(用户主页)
  688. function blockUsers_button_people() {
  689. let item = document.querySelector('.MemberButtonGroup.ProfileButtonGroup.ProfileHeader-buttons'), // 获取按钮元素位置
  690. name = document.querySelector('.ProfileHeader-name').firstChild.textContent, // 获取用户名
  691. users = menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers'), // 读取屏蔽列表
  692. userid = location.href.split('/')[4];
  693. for (let num = 0;num<users.length;num++) { // 判断是否已存在
  694. if (users[num] === name) { // 已存在
  695. document.querySelectorAll('.Button.Button--primary.Button--red').forEach(function(item){item.style.display = 'none';}) // 隐藏知乎自带的已屏蔽按钮
  696. item.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<button type="button" data-name="${name}" data-userid="${userid}" class="Button FollowButton Button--primary Button--red" style="margin: 0 0 0 12px;"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center;">​<svg width="1.2em" height="1.2em" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="Zi Zi--Ban" fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M16.346 18.113a7.5 7.5 0 0 1-10.46-10.46l10.46 10.46Zm1.767-1.767L7.654 5.886a7.5 7.5 0 0 1 10.46 10.46ZM22 12c0 5.523-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2s10 4.477 10 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span> 已屏蔽</button>`);
  697. item.firstElementChild.onclick = function(){this.disabled = true;blockUsers_button_del(this.dataset.name, this.dataset.userid, true)}
  698. return
  699. }
  700. };
  701. if (item) {
  702. item.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<button type="button" data-name="${name}" data-userid="${userid}" class="Button FollowButton Button--primary Button--red" style="margin: 0 0 0 12px;"><span style="display: inline-flex; align-items: center;">​<svg width="1.2em" height="1.2em" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="Zi Zi--Ban" fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M16.346 18.113a7.5 7.5 0 0 1-10.46-10.46l10.46 10.46Zm1.767-1.767L7.654 5.886a7.5 7.5 0 0 1 10.46 10.46ZM22 12c0 5.523-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2s10 4.477 10 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span> 屏蔽用户</button>`);
  703. item.lastElementChild.onclick = function(){this.disabled = true;blockUsers_button_add(this.dataset.name, this.dataset.userid, true)}
  704. }
  705. }
  707. // 屏蔽用户按钮绑定事件(添加)
  708. function blockUsers_button_add(name, userid, reload) {
  709. if (!name || !userid) return
  710. let users = menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers'), // 读取屏蔽列表
  711. index = users.indexOf(name);
  712. if (index === -1) {
  713. users.push(name); // 追加用户名
  714. GM_setValue('menu_customBlockUsers', users); // 写入屏蔽列表
  715. // 加入知乎自带的黑名单(和本脚本互补~
  716. GM_xmlhttpRequest({url: `https://www.zhihu.com/api/v4/members/${userid}/actions/block`,method: 'POST',timeout: 2000});
  717. // 是否刷新本页
  718. if (reload) {
  719. setTimeout(function(){location.reload()}, 200); // 刷新网页,延迟 200 毫秒,避免知乎反应慢~
  720. } else {
  721. GM_notification({text: `该用户已被屏蔽~\n刷新网页后生效~`, timeout: 3000});
  722. }
  723. } else {
  724. GM_notification({text: `该用户已经被屏蔽啦,无需重复屏蔽~`, timeout: 3000});
  725. }
  726. }
  729. // 屏蔽用户按钮绑定事件(删除)
  730. function blockUsers_button_del(name, userid, reload) {
  731. if (!name || !userid) return
  732. let users = menu_value('menu_customBlockUsers'), // 读取屏蔽列表
  733. index = users.indexOf(name);
  734. if (index > -1) {
  735. users.splice(index, 1); // 移除用户名
  736. GM_setValue('menu_customBlockUsers', users); // 写入屏蔽列表
  737. // 移除知乎自带的黑名单
  738. GM_xmlhttpRequest({url: `https://www.zhihu.com/api/v4/members/${userid}/actions/block`,method: 'DELETE',timeout: 2000});
  739. // 是否刷新本页
  740. if (reload) {
  741. setTimeout(function(){location.reload()}, 200); // 刷新网页,延迟 200 毫秒,避免知乎反应慢~
  742. } else {
  743. GM_notification({text: `该用户已取消屏蔽啦~\n刷新网页后生效~`, timeout: 3000});
  744. }
  745. } else {
  746. GM_notification({text: `没有在屏蔽列表中找到该用户...`, timeout: 3000});
  747. }
  748. }
  749. }
  752. // 自定义屏蔽关键词(标题)
  753. function customBlockKeywords() {
  754. let nowBlockKeywords = '';
  755. menu_value('menu_customBlockKeywords').forEach(function(item){nowBlockKeywords += '|' + item})
  756. let newBlockKeywords = prompt('编辑 [自定义屏蔽关键词]\n(不同关键词之间使用 "|" 分隔,例如:关键词A|关键词B|关键词C \n(关键词不区分大小写,支持表情如:[捂脸]|[飙泪笑]', nowBlockKeywords.replace('|',''));
  757. if (newBlockKeywords === '') {
  758. GM_setValue('menu_customBlockKeywords', []);
  759. registerMenuCommand(); // 重新注册脚本菜单
  760. } else if (newBlockKeywords != null) {
  761. GM_setValue('menu_customBlockKeywords', newBlockKeywords.split('|'));
  762. registerMenuCommand(); // 重新注册脚本菜单
  763. }
  764. };
  767. // 屏蔽指定关键词
  768. function blockKeywords(type) {
  769. if (!menu_value('menu_blockKeywords')) return
  770. if (!menu_value('menu_customBlockKeywords') || menu_value('menu_customBlockKeywords').length < 1) return
  771. switch(type) {
  772. case 'index':
  773. blockKeywords_('.Card.TopstoryItem.TopstoryItem-isRecommend', 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isRecommend');
  774. break;
  775. case 'follow':
  776. blockKeywords_('.Card.TopstoryItem.TopstoryItem-isFollow', 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isFollow');
  777. break;
  778. case 'topic':
  779. blockKeywords_('.List-item.TopicFeedItem', 'List-item TopicFeedItem');
  780. break;
  781. case 'people':
  782. blockKeywords_('.List-item', 'List-item');
  783. break;
  784. case 'collection':
  785. blockKeywords_('.Card.CollectionDetailPageItem', 'Card CollectionDetailPageItem');
  786. break;
  787. case 'search':
  788. blockKeywords_search();
  789. break;
  790. case 'comment':
  791. if (!menu_value('menu_blockKeywordsComment')) return // 如果 [屏蔽关键词 - 评论区] 未启用则跳过
  792. blockKeywords_comment();
  793. break;
  794. }
  797. function blockKeywords_(className1, className2) {
  798. // 前几条因为是直接加载的,而不是动态插入网页的,所以需要单独判断
  799. function blockKeywords_now() {
  800. if (location.pathname === '/hot') {
  801. document.querySelectorAll('.HotItem').forEach(function(item1){blockKeywords_1(item1, 'h2.HotItem-title');})
  802. } else {
  803. document.querySelectorAll(className1).forEach(function(item1){blockKeywords_1(item1, 'h2.ContentItem-title meta[itemprop="name"], meta[itemprop="headline"]');})
  804. }
  805. }
  807. blockKeywords_now();
  808. window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){
  809. setTimeout(blockKeywords_now, 1000); // 网页 URL 变化后再次执行
  810. })
  812. // 这个是监听网页插入事件,用来判断后续网页动态插入的元素
  813. const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  814. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  815. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  816. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  817. if (target.className === className2) {blockKeywords_1(target, 'h2.ContentItem-title meta[itemprop="name"], meta[itemprop="headline"]');}
  818. }
  819. }
  820. };
  821. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  822. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  823. }
  826. function blockKeywords_search() {
  827. function blockKeywords_now() {
  828. if (location.search.indexOf('type=content') === -1) return // 目前只支持搜索页的 [综合]
  829. document.querySelectorAll('.HotLanding-contentItem, .Card.SearchResult-Card[data-za-detail-view-path-module="AnswerItem"], .Card.SearchResult-Card[data-za-detail-view-path-module="PostItem"]').forEach(function(item1){blockKeywords_1(item1, 'a[data-za-detail-view-id]');})
  830. }
  832. setTimeout(blockKeywords_now, 2000);
  833. window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){
  834. setTimeout(blockKeywords_now, 1000); // 网页 URL 变化后再次执行
  835. })
  837. const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  838. if (location.search.indexOf('type=content') === -1) return // 目前只支持搜索页的 [综合]
  839. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  840. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  841. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  842. //console.log(target)
  843. if (target.tagName === 'DIV' && target.className === '') {
  844. let tt = target.querySelector('div[class="Card SearchResult-Card"][data-za-detail-view-path-module="AnswerItem"], div[class="Card SearchResult-Card"][data-za-detail-view-path-module="PostItem"]')
  845. if (tt) {blockKeywords_1(target.childNodes[0], 'a[data-za-detail-view-id]');}
  846. }
  847. }
  848. }
  849. };
  850. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  851. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  852. }
  855. function blockKeywords_comment() {
  856. function filterComment(comment) {
  857. let content = comment.querySelector('.CommentContent'); // 寻找评论文字所在元素
  858. let text = content.textContent.toLowerCase(); // 全部转为小写(用来不区分大小写)
  859. content.querySelectorAll('img.sticker[alt]').forEach((img)=>{text += img.alt}) // 将评论中的表情添加到待遍历的评论文字中
  861. let keywords = menu_value('menu_customBlockKeywords');
  862. for (const keyword of keywords) { // 遍历关键词黑名单
  863. if (keyword != '' && text.indexOf(keyword.toLowerCase()) > -1) { // 找到就删除该评论
  864. console.log('已屏蔽评论:' + text);
  865. content.dataset.text = content.innerHTML
  866. content.onclick = (e)=>{if (e.target.dataset.text) {e.target.innerHTML = e.target.dataset.text;e.target.removeAttribute('data-text');}}
  867. content.textContent = '[该评论已屏蔽,可点击显示]';
  868. }
  869. }
  870. }
  872. const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  873. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  874. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  875. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  876. //console.log(target);
  877. if (target.tagName == 'DIV' && target.className.indexOf('css-') == 0 && target.dataset.id == undefined) {
  878. let item = target.querySelector('a[href^="https://www.zhihu.com/people/"]>img.Avatar[alt][loading]')
  879. if (item) {
  880. //console.log(item)
  881. filterComment(item.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement)
  882. }
  883. }
  885. /*if (target.tagName == 'DIV' && target.dataset.id !== undefined) {
  886. console.log(target);
  887. for (const node of target.querySelectorAll('*')) {
  888. if (node.className === 'CommentItemV2-metaSibling') filterComment(node);
  889. }
  890. }*/
  891. }
  892. }
  893. };
  894. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  895. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  896. }
  898. function blockKeywords_1(item1, css) {
  899. let item = item1.querySelector(css); // 标题所在元素
  900. //console.log(item)
  901. if (item) {
  902. for (const keyword of menu_value('menu_customBlockKeywords')) { // 遍历关键词黑名单
  903. let text = item.content || item.textContent;
  904. //console.log(text,keyword)
  905. if (keyword != '' && text.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword.toLowerCase()) > -1) { // 找到就删除该信息流
  906. console.log('已屏蔽:' + text);
  907. item1.hidden = true;
  908. item1.style.display = 'none';
  909. break;
  910. }
  911. }
  912. }
  913. }
  914. }
  917. // 屏蔽指定类别(视频/文章等)
  918. function blockType(type) {
  919. let name;
  920. // 一开始加载的信息流 + 添加标签样式
  921. if (type === 'search') { // 搜索页
  922. if (!menu_value('menu_blockTypeVideo') && !menu_value('menu_blockTypeArticle') && !menu_value('menu_blockTypePin') && !menu_value('menu_blockTypeTopic') && !menu_value('menu_blockTypeSearch')) return
  923. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeSearch') && location.pathname === '/search') setTimeout(function(){document.querySelectorAll('.RelevantQuery').forEach((r)=>{r.parentElement.parentElement.hidden = true});}, 2000)
  924. name = 'h2.ContentItem-title a:not(.zhihu_e_toQuestion), a.KfeCollection-PcCollegeCard-link, h2.SearchTopicHeader-Title a'
  925. addSetInterval_(name);
  926. } else if (type === 'question') { // 问题页
  927. if (!menu_value('menu_blockTypeVideo')) return
  928. document.lastChild.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = `.VideoAnswerPlayer, .VideoAnswerPlayer video, .VideoAnswerPlayer-video, .VideoAnswerPlayer-iframe {display: none !important;}`;
  929. name = '.VideoAnswerPlayer'
  930. document.querySelectorAll(name).forEach(function(item){blockType_(item);})
  931. } else if (type === 'follow') { // 首页 - 关注
  932. if (!menu_value('menu_blockTypeFollowAgree') && !menu_value('menu_blockTypeFollowQuestion')) return
  933. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeFollowAgree')) name = '.TopstoryItem-isFollow .FeedSource-byline' // 赞同了XX
  934. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeFollowQuestion')) {if (name) {name += ',.ContentItem[data-za-detail-view-path-module=QuestionItem]:not(.AnswerItem):not(.PinItem)'} else {name = '.ContentItem[data-za-detail-view-path-module=QuestionItem]:not(.AnswerItem):not(.PinItem)'}} // 关注了XX
  935. if (!name) return
  936. document.querySelectorAll(name).forEach(function(item){blockType_(item);})
  937. } else { // 首页
  938. if (!menu_value('menu_blockTypeVideo') && !menu_value('menu_blockTypeArticle') && !menu_value('menu_blockTypePin')) return
  939. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeVideo')) document.lastChild.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = `.Card .ZVideoItem-video, .VideoAnswerPlayer video, nav.TopstoryTabs > a[aria-controls="Topstory-zvideo"] {display: none !important;}`;
  940. name = 'h2.ContentItem-title a:not(.zhihu_e_toQuestion)'
  941. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypePin')) name = 'h2.ContentItem-title a:not(.zhihu_e_toQuestion), .ContentItem.PinItem'
  942. document.querySelectorAll(name).forEach(function(item){blockType_(item);})
  943. }
  945. // 后续加载的信息流
  946. const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {
  947. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  948. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  949. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  950. if (target.className === "Card SearchResult-Card" && target.dataset.zaDetailViewPathModule === undefined) {
  951. // 移除相关搜索
  952. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeSearch') && location.pathname === '/search' && location.search.indexOf('type=content') > -1) target.hidden = true;
  953. } else {
  954. blockType_(target.querySelector(name));
  955. }
  956. }
  957. }
  958. });
  959. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  961. window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){
  962. addSetInterval_(name);
  963. // 移除相关搜索
  964. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeSearch') && location.pathname === '/search' && location.search.indexOf('type=content') > -1) setTimeout(function(){document.querySelectorAll('.RelevantQuery').forEach((r)=>{r.parentElement.parentElement.hidden = true});}, 1500)
  965. })
  967. function blockType_(titleA) {
  968. if (!titleA) return // 判断是否为真
  969. //console.log(titleA.href)
  970. if (location.pathname === '/search') { // 搜索页
  971. if (location.search.indexOf('type=content') === -1) return // 仅限搜索页的 [综合]
  972. if (titleA.href.indexOf('/zvideo/') > -1 || titleA.href.indexOf('video.zhihu.com') > -1) { // 如果是视频
  973. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeVideo')) findParentElement(titleA, 'Card').remove();
  974. } else if (titleA.href.indexOf('zhuanlan.zhihu.com') > -1) { // 如果是文章
  975. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeArticle')) findParentElement(titleA, 'Card SearchResult-Card').hidden = true;
  976. } else if (titleA.href.indexOf('/topic/') > -1) { // 如果是话题
  977. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeTopic')) findParentElement(titleA, 'Card SearchResult-Card').hidden = true;
  978. } else if (titleA.href.indexOf('/market/') > -1) { // 如果是杂志文章等乱七八糟的
  979. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeSearch')) findParentElement(titleA, 'Card SearchResult-Card').hidden = true;
  980. }
  981. } else if (location.pathname.indexOf('/question/') > -1) { // 问题页
  982. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeVideo')) findParentElement(titleA, 'List-item').hidden = true;
  983. } else if (location.pathname.indexOf('/follow') > -1) { // 首页 - 关注
  984. if (type === 'follow') {
  985. if ((menu_value('menu_blockTypeFollowAgree') && titleA.className.indexOf('FeedSource-byline') != -1) || (menu_value('menu_blockTypeFollowQuestion') && titleA.dataset.zaDetailViewPathModule == 'QuestionItem')) findParentElement(titleA, 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isFollow').hidden = true; // 赞同了XX + 关注了XX
  986. }
  987. if (titleA.className == 'ContentItem PinItem' && menu_value('menu_blockTypePin')) findParentElement(titleA, 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isFollow').hidden = true; // 如果是想法
  988. } else { // 首页
  989. if (titleA.className == 'ContentItem PinItem') { // 如果是想法(针对无标题)
  990. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypePin')) findParentElement(titleA, 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isRecommend').hidden = true;
  991. /*} else if (titleA.href.indexOf('/pin/') > -1) { // 如果是想法
  992. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypePin')) findParentElement(titleA, 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isRecommend').hidden = true;*/
  993. } else if (titleA.href.indexOf('/zvideo/') > -1 || titleA.href.indexOf('video.zhihu.com') > -1) { // 如果是视频
  994. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeVideo')) {findParentElement(titleA, 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isRecommend').hidden = true;}
  995. } else if (titleA.href.indexOf('/answer/') > -1) { // 如果是问题(视频回答)
  996. if (findParentElement(titleA, 'ContentItem AnswerItem').querySelector('.VideoAnswerPlayer')) {
  997. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeVideo')) {findParentElement(titleA, 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isRecommend').hidden = true; findParentElement(titleA, 'ContentItem AnswerItem').remove();}
  998. }
  999. } else if (titleA.href.indexOf('/education/video-course/') > -1) { // 如果是视频课程
  1000. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeVideo')) {findParentElement(titleA, 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isRecommend').hidden = true;}
  1001. } else if (titleA.href.indexOf('zhuanlan.zhihu.com') > -1) { // 如果是文章
  1002. if (menu_value('menu_blockTypeArticle')) findParentElement(titleA, 'Card TopstoryItem TopstoryItem-isRecommend').hidden = true;
  1003. }
  1004. }
  1005. }
  1007. function addSetInterval_(A) {
  1008. let timer = setInterval(function(){
  1009. let aTag = document.querySelectorAll(A);
  1010. if (aTag.length > 0) {
  1011. clearInterval(timer);
  1012. aTag.forEach(function(item){blockType_(item);})
  1013. }
  1014. });
  1015. }
  1016. }
  1019. // 寻找父元素
  1020. function findParentElement(item, className, type = false) {
  1021. if (item.parentElement) {
  1022. //console.log(item.parentElement)
  1023. if (type) { // true = 完全一致,false = 包含即可
  1024. if (item.parentElement.className && item.parentElement.className === className) {
  1025. //console.log(item.parentElement.className)
  1026. return item.parentElement;
  1027. } else {
  1028. let temp = findParentElement(item.parentElement, className, true)
  1029. if (temp) return temp
  1030. }
  1031. } else {
  1032. if (item.parentElement.className && item.parentElement.className.indexOf(className) > -1) {
  1033. return item.parentElement;
  1034. } else {
  1035. let temp = findParentElement(item.parentElement, className)
  1036. if (temp) return temp
  1037. }
  1038. }
  1039. }
  1040. return
  1041. }
  1044. // 移除高亮链接
  1045. function cleanHighlightLink() {
  1046. if (!menu_value('menu_cleanHighlightLink')) return;
  1047. const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  1048. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  1049. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  1050. if (target.nodeType != 1 || target.tagName != 'A') break
  1051. if (target.dataset.zaNotTrackLink && target.href.indexOf('https://zhida.zhihu.com/search?') > -1) {
  1052. target.parentElement.replaceWith(target.textContent);
  1053. }
  1054. }
  1055. }
  1056. };
  1057. const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  1058. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  1060. // 针对的是打开网页后直接加载的前面几个回答(上面哪些是针对动态加载的回答)
  1061. document.querySelectorAll('span > a[data-za-not-track-link][href^="https://zhida.zhihu.com/search?"]').forEach(e => e.parentElement.replaceWith(e.textContent))
  1062. }
  1065. // 屏蔽盐选内容
  1066. function blockYanXuan() {
  1067. if (!menu_value('menu_blockYanXuan')) return
  1068. const blockYanXuan_question = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  1069. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  1070. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  1071. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  1072. if (target.className === 'List-item' || target.className === 'Card AnswerCard') {
  1073. if (target.querySelector('.KfeCollection-AnswerTopCard-Container, .KfeCollection-PurchaseBtn')) {
  1074. target.hidden = true;
  1075. }
  1076. }
  1077. }
  1078. }
  1079. };
  1081. const blockYanXuan_question_answer = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  1082. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  1083. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  1084. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  1085. target.querySelectorAll('.List-item, .Card.AnswerCard').forEach(function(item){
  1086. if (item.querySelector('.KfeCollection-AnswerTopCard-Container, .KfeCollection-PurchaseBtn')) {
  1087. item.hidden = true;
  1088. }
  1089. })
  1090. }
  1091. }
  1092. };
  1094. if (location.pathname.indexOf('/answer/') > -1) { // 回答页(就是只有三个回答的页面)
  1095. const observer = new MutationObserver(blockYanXuan_question_answer);
  1096. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  1097. } else { // 问题页(可以显示所有回答的页面)
  1098. const observer = new MutationObserver(blockYanXuan_question);
  1099. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  1100. }
  1102. // 针对的是打开网页后直接加载的前面几个回答(上面哪些是针对动态加载的回答)
  1103. document.querySelectorAll('.List-item, .Card.AnswerCard').forEach(function(item){
  1104. if (item.querySelector('.KfeCollection-AnswerTopCard-Container, .KfeCollection-PurchaseBtn')) {
  1105. item.hidden = true;
  1106. }
  1107. })
  1108. }
  1111. // 区分问题文章
  1112. function addTypeTips() {
  1113. if (!menu_value('menu_typeTips')) return
  1114. let style = `font-weight: bold;font-size: 13px;padding: 1px 4px 0;border-radius: 2px;display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;margin: ${(location.pathname === '/search') ? '2' : '4'}px 4px 0 0;`
  1115. document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = `/* 区分问题文章 */
  1116. .AnswerItem .ContentItem-title a:not(.zhihu_e_toQuestion)::before {content:'问题';color: #f68b83;background-color: #f68b8333;${style}}
  1117. .TopstoryQuestionAskItem .ContentItem-title a:not(.zhihu_e_toQuestion)::before {content:'问题';color: #ff5a4e;background-color: #ff5a4e33;${style}}
  1118. .ZVideoItem .ContentItem-title a::before, .ZvideoItem .ContentItem-title a::before {content:'视频';color: #00BCD4;background-color: #00BCD433;${style}}
  1119. .PinItem .ContentItem-title a::before {content:'想法';color: #4CAF50;background-color: #4CAF5033;${style}}
  1120. .ArticleItem .ContentItem-title a::before {content:'文章';color: #2196F3;background-color: #2196F333;${style}}`;
  1121. }
  1124. // 直达问题按钮
  1125. function addToQuestion() {
  1126. if (!menu_value('menu_toQuestion')) return
  1128. // 一开始加载的信息流 + 添加按钮样式
  1129. if (location.pathname === '/search') {
  1130. document.lastChild.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = `a.zhihu_e_toQuestion {font-size: 13px !important;font-weight: normal !important;padding: 1px 6px 0 !important;border-radius: 2px !important;display: inline-block !important;vertical-align: top !important;height: 20.67px !important;line-height: 20.67px !important;margin-top: 2px !important;}`;
  1131. addSetInterval_('h2.ContentItem-title a:not(.zhihu_e_tips)');
  1132. } else {
  1133. document.lastChild.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = `a.zhihu_e_toQuestion {font-size: 13px !important;font-weight: normal !important;padding: 1px 6px 0 !important;border-radius: 2px !important;display: inline-block !important;vertical-align: top !important;margin-top: 4px !important;}`;
  1134. document.querySelectorAll('h2.ContentItem-title a:not(.zhihu_e_tips)').forEach(function(item){addTypeTips_(item);})
  1135. }
  1137. // 后续加载的信息流
  1138. const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {
  1139. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  1140. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  1141. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  1142. addTypeTips_(target.querySelector('h2.ContentItem-title a:not(.zhihu_e_tips)'));
  1143. }
  1144. }
  1145. });
  1146. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  1148. window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){
  1149. addSetInterval_('h2.ContentItem-title a:not(.zhihu_e_tips)');
  1150. })
  1152. function addTypeTips_(titleA) {
  1153. if (!titleA) return // 判断是否为真
  1154. if (titleA.parentElement.querySelector('a.zhihu_e_toQuestion')) return // 判断是否已添加
  1155. if (titleA.textContent.indexOf('?') != -1) { // 把问题末尾英文问好 [?] 的替换为中文问好 [?],这样按钮与标题之间的间距就刚刚好~
  1156. titleA.innerHTML = titleA.innerHTML.replace('?', "?")
  1157. }
  1158. if (/answer\/\d+/.test(titleA.href)) { // 如果是指向回答的问题(而非指向纯问题的链接)
  1159. titleA.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', `<a class="zhihu_e_toQuestion VoteButton" href="${titleA.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('meta[itemprop="url"]').content}" target="_blank">直达问题</a>`);
  1160. }
  1161. }
  1163. function addSetInterval_(A) {
  1164. let timer = setInterval(function(){
  1165. let aTag = document.querySelectorAll(A);
  1166. if (aTag.length > 0) {
  1167. clearInterval(timer);
  1168. aTag.forEach(function(item){addTypeTips_(item);})
  1169. }
  1170. });
  1171. }
  1172. }
  1175. // 展开问题描述
  1176. function questionRichTextMore() {
  1177. if (!menu_value('menu_questionRichTextMore')) return
  1178. let button = document.querySelector('button.QuestionRichText-more');
  1179. if (button) button.click()
  1180. }
  1183. // 净化标题消息
  1184. function cleanTitles() {
  1185. if (!menu_value('menu_cleanTitles')) return
  1187. // 方案一
  1188. const elTitle = document.head.querySelector('title');
  1189. const original = elTitle.textContent;
  1190. const observer = new MutationObserver(function() {
  1191. if (elTitle.textContent != original) { // 避免重复执行
  1192. elTitle.textContent = original;
  1193. }
  1194. });
  1195. observer.observe(elTitle, { childList: true });
  1197. // 方案二
  1198. // if (Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(document, 'title')) {
  1199. // const elTitle = document.head.querySelector('title');
  1200. // const original = elTitle.textContent;
  1201. // const observer = new MutationObserver(function() {
  1202. // if (elTitle.textContent != original) { // 避免重复执行
  1203. // elTitle.textContent = original;
  1204. // }
  1205. // });
  1206. // observer.observe(elTitle, { childList: true });
  1207. // } else {
  1208. // const title = document.title;
  1209. // Reflect.defineProperty(document, 'title', {
  1210. // set: () => {},
  1211. // get: () => title,
  1212. // });
  1213. // }
  1214. }
  1217. // 净化搜索热门
  1218. function cleanSearch() {
  1219. if (!menu_value('menu_cleanSearch')) return
  1221. const el = document.querySelector('.SearchBar-input > input');
  1222. const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
  1223. if (mutationsList[0].attributeName === 'placeholder' && mutationsList[0].target.placeholder != '') mutationsList[0].target.placeholder = '';
  1224. });
  1225. el.placeholder = '';
  1226. observer.observe(el, { attributes: true });
  1227. document.documentElement.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = '.AutoComplete-group > .SearchBar-label:not(.SearchBar-label--history), .AutoComplete-group > [id^="AutoComplete2-topSearch-"], .AutoComplete-group > [id^="AutoComplete3-topSearch-"] {display: none !important;}';
  1228. }
  1231. // 快捷关闭悬浮评论(监听点击事件,点击网页两侧空白处)
  1232. function closeFloatingComments() {
  1233. const closeFloatingCommentsModal = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  1234. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  1235. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  1236. if (target.nodeType != 1) return
  1237. let button = document.querySelector('button[aria-label="关闭"]');
  1238. if (button) {button.parentElement.parentElement.onclick = function(event){if (event.target.parentElement == this) {button.click();}}}
  1239. }
  1240. }
  1241. };
  1242. const observer = new MutationObserver(closeFloatingCommentsModal);
  1243. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  1244. }
  1247. // 监听 XMLHttpRequest 事件
  1248. /*function EventXMLHttpRequest() {
  1249. var _send = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send
  1250. function sendReplacement(data) {
  1251. addTypeTips();
  1252. return _send.apply(this, arguments);
  1253. }
  1254. window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = sendReplacement;
  1255. }*/
  1258. // 自定义 urlchange 事件(用来监听 URL 变化)
  1259. function addUrlChangeEvent() {
  1260. history.pushState = ( f => function pushState(){
  1261. var ret = f.apply(this, arguments);
  1262. window.dispatchEvent(new Event('pushstate'));
  1263. window.dispatchEvent(new Event('urlchange'));
  1264. return ret;
  1265. })(history.pushState);
  1267. history.replaceState = ( f => function replaceState(){
  1268. var ret = f.apply(this, arguments);
  1269. window.dispatchEvent(new Event('replacestate'));
  1270. window.dispatchEvent(new Event('urlchange'));
  1271. return ret;
  1272. })(history.replaceState);
  1274. window.addEventListener('popstate',()=>{
  1275. window.dispatchEvent(new Event('urlchange'))
  1276. });
  1277. }
  1280. function getXpath(xpath, contextNode, doc = document) {
  1281. contextNode = contextNode || doc;
  1282. try {
  1283. const result = doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
  1284. // 应该总是返回一个元素节点
  1285. return result.singleNodeValue && result.singleNodeValue.nodeType === 1 && result.singleNodeValue;
  1286. } catch (err) {
  1287. throw new Error(`无效 Xpath: ${xpath}`);
  1288. }
  1289. }
  1292. // 显示问题作者
  1293. function question_author() {
  1294. if (document.querySelector('.BrandQuestionSymbol, .QuestionAuthor')) return
  1295. let qJson = JSON.parse(document.querySelector('#js-initialData').textContent).initialState.entities.questions[/\d+/.exec(location.pathname)[0]].author,
  1296. html = `<div class="BrandQuestionSymbol"><a class="BrandQuestionSymbol-brandLink" href="/people/${qJson.urlToken}"><img role="presentation" src="${qJson.avatarUrl}" class="BrandQuestionSymbol-logo" alt=""><span class="BrandQuestionSymbol-name">${qJson.name}</span></a><div class="BrandQuestionSymbol-divider" style="margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 10px;"></div></div>`;
  1297. //html = `<div class="QuestionAuthor"><div class="AuthorInfo AuthorInfo--plain" itemprop="author" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Person"><div class="AuthorInfo"><span class="UserLink AuthorInfo-avatarWrapper"><div class="Popover"><div id="Popover18-toggle" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="Popover18-content"><a class="UserLink-link" data-za-detail-view-element_name="User" target="_blank" href="${qJson.urlToken}"><img class="Avatar AuthorInfo-avatar" width="24" height="24" src="${qJson.avatarUrl}"></a></div></div></span><div class="AuthorInfo-content"><div class="AuthorInfo-head"><span class="UserLink AuthorInfo-name"><div class="Popover"><div id="Popover19-toggle" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="Popover19-content"><a class="UserLink-link" data-za-detail-view-element_name="User" target="_blank" href="${qJson.urlToken}">${qJson.name}</a></div></div></span></div></div></div></div></div>`
  1298. document.querySelector('.QuestionHeader-topics').insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html);
  1299. //document.querySelector('.QuestionPage h1.QuestionHeader-title').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html);
  1300. }
  1303. // [完整显示时间 + 置顶显示时间] 功能修改自:https://greasyfork.org/scripts/402808(从 JQuery 改为原生 JavaScript,且精简、优化了代码)
  1304. // 完整显示时间 + 置顶显示时间
  1305. function topTime_(css, classs) {
  1306. document.querySelectorAll(css).forEach(function(_this) {
  1307. let t = _this.querySelector('.ContentItem-time'); if (!t) return
  1308. if (!(t.classList.contains('full')) && t.querySelector('span') && t.querySelector('span').textContent != null) {
  1309. // 完整显示时间
  1310. topTime_allTime(t)
  1311. // 发布时间置顶
  1312. topTime_publishTop(t, _this, classs)
  1313. }
  1314. });
  1315. }
  1318. // 完整显示时间 + 置顶显示时间 - 文章
  1319. function topTime_post() {
  1320. let t = document.querySelector('.ContentItem-time:not(.xiu-time)'); if (!t) return
  1321. // 完整显示时间
  1322. if (t.textContent.indexOf('编辑于') > -1 && !(t.classList.contains('xiu-time'))) {
  1323. let tt = t.textContent;
  1324. t.click();
  1325. t.textContent = (t.textContent + ' ,' + tt)
  1326. t.classList.add('xiu-time');
  1327. }
  1329. // 置顶显示时间
  1330. if (menu_value('menu_publishTop') && !(document.querySelector('.Post-Header > .ContentItem-time')) && !(document.querySelector('.ContentItem-meta > .ContentItem-time'))) {
  1331. let temp_time = t.cloneNode(true);
  1332. temp_time.style.padding = '0px';
  1333. document.querySelector('.Post-Header').insertAdjacentElement('beforeEnd', temp_time);
  1334. }
  1335. }
  1338. // 完整显示时间
  1339. function topTime_allTime(t) {
  1340. if (t.textContent.indexOf('发布于') > -1 && t.textContent.indexOf('编辑于') == -1) {
  1341. t.querySelector('span').textContent = (t.querySelector('span').dataset.tooltip);
  1342. t.classList.add('full');
  1343. } else if (t.textContent.indexOf('发布于') == -1 && t.textContent.indexOf('编辑于') > -1) {
  1344. t.querySelector('span').textContent = (t.querySelector('span').dataset.tooltip) + ' ,' + (t.querySelector('span').textContent);
  1345. t.classList.add('full');
  1346. }
  1347. }
  1350. // 置顶显示时间
  1351. function topTime_publishTop(t, _this, _class) {
  1352. if (!menu_value('menu_publishTop')) return
  1353. if (!t.parentNode.classList.contains(_class)) {
  1354. let temp_time = t.cloneNode(true);
  1355. temp_time.style.padding = '0px';
  1356. // 对于较短的回答,隐藏回答底部的时间
  1357. if (_this.offsetHeight < 600) t.style.display = 'none';
  1358. _this.querySelector('.' + _class).insertAdjacentElement('beforeEnd', temp_time);
  1359. }
  1360. }
  1363. // 问题创建时间
  1364. function question_time() {
  1365. if (!(document.querySelector('.QuestionPage .QuestionHeader-side .QuestionTime-xiu'))) {
  1366. document.querySelector('.QuestionPage .QuestionHeader-side').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', '<div class="QuestionTime-xiu" style="color: #9098ac; margin-top: 5px; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic;"><p>创建时间:' + getUTC8(new Date(document.querySelector('.QuestionPage > meta[itemprop=dateCreated]').content)) + '</p><p>最后编辑:' + getUTC8(new Date(document.querySelector('.QuestionPage > meta[itemprop=dateModified]').content)) + '</p></div>');
  1367. }
  1368. }
  1371. // UTC 标准时转 UTC+8 北京时间,修改自:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/402808(精简)
  1372. function getUTC8(t) {
  1373. return (t.getFullYear() + '-' + (((t.getMonth() + 1) < 10) ? ('0' + (t.getMonth() + 1)) : (t.getMonth() + 1)) + '-' + ((t.getDate() < 10) ? ('0' + t.getDate()) : t.getDate()) + '\xa0\xa0' + ((t.getHours() < 10) ? ('0' + t.getHours()) : t.getHours()) + ':' + ((t.getMinutes() < 10) ? ('0' + t.getMinutes()) : t.getMinutes()) + ':' + ((t.getSeconds() < 10) ? ('0' + t.getSeconds()) : t.getSeconds()));
  1374. }
  1377. // 默认高清原图(无水印)
  1378. function originalPic(){
  1379. document.querySelectorAll('img[data-original][data-original-token][data-lazy-status]:not([data-original-xiu]):not(.comment_sticker):not(.Avatar)').forEach(function(one){one.src = 'https://' + one.dataset.original.split('/')[2] + '/' + one.dataset.originalToken + '.webp'; one.dataset.originalXiu = 'true';});
  1380. }
  1383. // 默认站外直链,修改自:https://greasyfork.org/scripts/402808(从 JQuery 改为原生 JavaScript,且精简、优化了代码)
  1384. function directLink () {
  1385. document.querySelectorAll('a.external[href*="link.zhihu.com/?target="], a.LinkCard[href*="link.zhihu.com/?target="]:not(.MCNLinkCard):not(.ZVideoLinkCard):not(.ADLinkCardContainer)').forEach(function (_this) {_this.href = decodeURIComponent(_this.href.substring(_this.href.indexOf('link.zhihu.com/?target=') + 23));});
  1386. }
  1389. // 默认折叠邀请,修改自:https://greasyfork.org/scripts/402808(从 JQuery 改为原生 JavaScript,且精简、优化了代码)
  1390. function questionInvitation(){
  1391. let time = setInterval(function(){
  1392. let q = document.querySelector('.QuestionInvitation-content'); if (!q) return
  1393. clearInterval(time);
  1394. q.style.display = 'none';
  1395. document.querySelector('.QuestionInvitation-title').innerHTML = document.querySelector('.QuestionInvitation-title').innerText + '<span style="cursor: pointer; font-size: 14px; color: #919aae;"> 展开/折叠</span>'
  1396. // 点击事件(展开/折叠)
  1397. document.querySelector('.Topbar').onclick = function(){
  1398. let q = document.querySelector('.QuestionInvitation-content')
  1399. if (q.style.display == 'none') {
  1400. q.style.display = ''
  1401. } else {
  1402. q.style.display = 'none'
  1403. }
  1404. }
  1405. });
  1406. }
  1408. // 屏蔽热榜杂项
  1409. function blockHotOther() {
  1410. if (!menu_value('menu_blockTypeLiveHot')) return;
  1412. const isQuestionItem = (hotItem) => {
  1413. const linkItem = hotItem.querySelector('.HotItem-content a');
  1414. if (linkItem === null) return false;
  1415. return /\/question\/\d+/.test(linkItem.href);
  1416. }
  1418. const block = () => {
  1419. removeLiveItems();
  1420. fixItemRank();
  1421. };
  1423. // 移除非问题的内容
  1424. const removeLiveItems = () => {
  1425. const hotItems = document.querySelectorAll('.HotList-list .HotItem');
  1426. for (const item of hotItems) {
  1427. if (!isQuestionItem(item)) item.remove();
  1428. }
  1429. }
  1431. // 修复排行榜序号
  1432. const fixItemRank = () => {
  1433. const hotItems = document.querySelectorAll('.HotList-list .HotItem:not([hidden])');
  1434. hotItems.forEach((item, index) => {
  1435. const rank = item.querySelector('.HotItem-index .HotItem-rank');
  1436. if (rank !== null) rank.innerText = index + 1;
  1437. });
  1438. }
  1440. const blockLive_content = (mutationsList, observer) => {
  1441. for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
  1442. for (const target of mutation.addedNodes) {
  1443. if (target.classList.contains('.HotItem')) {
  1444. block();
  1445. }
  1446. }
  1447. }
  1448. }
  1450. const observer = new MutationObserver(blockLive_content);
  1451. observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  1453. // 初始移除
  1454. block();
  1455. }
  1458. (function() {
  1459. if (window.onurlchange === undefined) {addUrlChangeEvent();} // Tampermonkey v4.11 版本添加的 onurlchange 事件 grant,可以监控 pjax 等网页的 URL 变化
  1460. window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){ // 针对的是从单个回答页跳转到完整回答页时
  1461. if (location.pathname.indexOf('question') > -1 && location.pathname.indexOf('waiting') === -1 && location.pathname.indexOf('/answer/') === -1) { // 回答页 //
  1462. setTimeout(function(){
  1463. collapsedNowAnswer('.QuestionPage'); // 收起当前回答 + 快捷返回顶部
  1464. collapsedNowAnswer('.Question-main'); // 收起当前回答 + 快捷返回顶部
  1465. questionRichTextMore(); // 展开问题描述
  1466. blockUsers('question'); // 屏蔽指定用户
  1467. blockYanXuan(); // 屏蔽盐选内容
  1468. }, 300);
  1469. } else if (location.pathname == '/') { // 推荐
  1470. setTimeout(()=>{
  1471. blockUsers('index'); // 屏蔽指定用户
  1472. blockKeywords('index'); // 屏蔽指定关键词
  1473. blockType(); // 屏蔽指定类别(视频/文章等)
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