Discussions » Greasy Fork Feedback

Significatant Lagging on the code page if the code is too long

Posted: 30-07-2023
Edited: 30-07-2023

Example: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/411442-flow-youtube-chat/code

Suggest to change to high performance library "CodeMirror" (v5 or v6)


CodeMirror is designed for high performance coding syntax highlighting

Highlight.js version, supporting javascript, css, stylus, and less


Posted: 13-12-2023
Edited: 13-12-2023

Here is the preview of using Code Mirror


This has an annoying cursor with a highlight for no reason,

Posted: 13-12-2023
Edited: 13-12-2023

Highlight.js version, supporting javascript, css, stylus, and less


and this messing with a css making a same content take more space

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